
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the value of the cell as a number.

For strings we throw an exception. For blank cells we return a 0. For formulas or error cells we return the precalculated value;


代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/optaplanner

protected double readDoubleCell(Cell cell) {
  return cell.getNumericCellValue();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

public boolean isValidValue(Cell cell, DataValidationContext context) {
    if (super.isValidValue(cell, context)) {
      // we know it is a number in the proper range, now check if it is an int
      final double value = cell.getNumericCellValue(); // can't get here without a valid numeric value
      return, (int) value) == 0;
    return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 * Returns a default format for a cell.
 * @param cell The cell
 * @return a default format
public Format getDefaultFormat(Cell cell) {
  return getDefaultFormat(cell.getNumericCellValue());
private Format getDefaultFormat(double cellValue) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 * Uses the cell value, which may be the cached formula result value.
 * We won't re-evaluate cells here.  This validation would be after the cell value was updated externally.
 * Excel allows invalid values through methods like copy/paste, and only validates them when the user 
 * interactively edits the cell.   
 * @return if the cell is a valid numeric cell for the validation or not
protected boolean isValidNumericCell(Cell cell, DataValidationContext context) {
  if ( ! isType(cell, CellType.NUMERIC)) return false;
  Double value = Double.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue());
  return isValidNumericValue(value, context);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 * Returns the formatted value of an Excel number as a <tt>String</tt>
 * based on the cell's <code>DataFormat</code>. Supported formats include
 * currency, percents, decimals, phone number, SSN, etc.:
 * "61.54%", "$100.00", "(800) 555-1234".
 * <p>
 * Format comes from either the highest priority conditional format rule with a
 * specified format, or from the cell style.
 * @param cell The cell
 * @param cfEvaluator if available, or null
 * @return a formatted number string
private String getFormattedNumberString(Cell cell, ConditionalFormattingEvaluator cfEvaluator) {
  if (cell == null) {
    return null;
  Format numberFormat = getFormat(cell, cfEvaluator);
  double d = cell.getNumericCellValue();
  if (numberFormat == null) {
    return String.valueOf(d);
  String formatted = numberFormat.format(Double.valueOf(d));
  return formatted.replaceFirst("E(\\d)", "E+$1"); // to match Excel's E-notation


for(Cell cell : row) {
  if(cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
   System.out.println("Formula is " + cell.getCellFormula());
   switch(cell.getCachedFormulaResultType()) {
     case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
       System.out.println("Last evaluated as: " + cell.getNumericCellValue());
     case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
       System.out.println("Last evaluated as \"" + cell.getRichStringCellValue() + "\"");

代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/optaplanner

protected long readLongCell(Cell cell) {
  double d = cell.getNumericCellValue();
  long l = (long) d;
  if (d - (double) l != 0.0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The keyCell (" + cell.getRow().getRowNum() + ","
        + cell.getColumnIndex() + ") with value (" + d + ") is expected to be a long.");
  return l;

代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/optaplanner

protected double readDoubleParameter(Row row, String key) {
    Cell keyCell = row.getCell(0);
    if (!key.equals(keyCell.getStringCellValue())) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The keyCell (" + keyCell.getRow().getRowNum() + ","
          + keyCell.getColumnIndex() + ") with value (" + keyCell.getStringCellValue()
          + ") is expected to have the key (" + key + ")");
    Cell valueCell = row.getCell(1);
    return valueCell.getNumericCellValue();

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle

public Object getValue() {
 try {
  switch ( getType() ) {
   case BOOLEAN:
    return Boolean.valueOf( cell.getBooleanCellValue() );
   case DATE:
    // Timezone conversion needed since POI doesn't support this apparently
    long time = cell.getDateCellValue().getTime();
    long tzOffset = TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset( time );
    return new Date( time + tzOffset );
   case NUMBER:
    return Double.valueOf( cell.getNumericCellValue() );
   case LABEL:
    return cell.getStringCellValue();
   case EMPTY:
    return null;
 } catch ( Exception e ) {
  throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to get value of cell ("
   + cell.getColumnIndex() + ", " + cell.getRowIndex() + ")", e );



代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 * Return a Format for the given cell if one exists, otherwise try to
 * create one. This method will return <code>null</code> if the any of the
 * following is true:
 * <ul>
 * <li>the cell's style is null</li>
 * <li>the style's data format string is null or empty</li>
 * <li>the format string cannot be recognized as either a number or date</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param cell The cell to retrieve a Format for
 * @return A Format for the format String
private Format getFormat(Cell cell, ConditionalFormattingEvaluator cfEvaluator) {
  if (cell == null) return null;
  ExcelNumberFormat numFmt = ExcelNumberFormat.from(cell, cfEvaluator);
  if ( numFmt == null) {
    return null;
  int formatIndex = numFmt.getIdx();
  String formatStr = numFmt.getFormat();
  if(formatStr == null || formatStr.trim().length() == 0) {
    return null;
  return getFormat(cell.getNumericCellValue(), formatIndex, formatStr);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 *  Check if a cell contains a date
 *  Since dates are stored internally in Excel as double values
 *  we infer it is a date if it is formatted as such.
 *  Format is determined from applicable conditional formatting, if
 *  any, or cell style.
 * @param cell 
 * @param cfEvaluator if available, or null
 * @return true if it looks like a date
 *  @see #isADateFormat(int, String)
 *  @see #isInternalDateFormat(int)
public static boolean isCellDateFormatted(Cell cell, ConditionalFormattingEvaluator cfEvaluator) {
  if (cell == null) return false;
  boolean bDate = false;
  double d = cell.getNumericCellValue();
  if ( DateUtil.isValidExcelDate(d) ) {
    ExcelNumberFormat nf = ExcelNumberFormat.from(cell, cfEvaluator);
    if(nf==null) return false;
    bDate = isADateFormat(nf);
  return bDate;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 * Create and return a Format based on the format string from a  cell's
 * style. If the pattern cannot be parsed, return a default pattern.
 * @param cell The Excel cell
 * @return A Format representing the excel format. May return null.
public Format createFormat(Cell cell) {
  int formatIndex = cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormat();
  String formatStr = cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString();
  return createFormat(cell.getNumericCellValue(), formatIndex, formatStr);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 *  Check if a cell contains a date, checking only for internal
 *   excel date formats.
 *  As Excel stores a great many of its dates in "non-internal"
 *   date formats, you will not normally want to use this method.
 *  @see #isADateFormat(int,String)
 *  @see #isInternalDateFormat(int)
public static boolean isCellInternalDateFormatted(Cell cell) {
  if (cell == null) return false;
  boolean bDate = false;
  double d = cell.getNumericCellValue();
  if ( DateUtil.isValidExcelDate(d) ) {
    CellStyle style = cell.getCellStyle();
    int i = style.getDataFormat();
    bDate = isInternalDateFormat(i);
  return bDate;

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获取数字类型的单元格值
 * @param cell 单元格
 * @return 单元格值,可能为Long、Double、Date
private static Object getNumericValue(Cell cell) {
  final double value = cell.getNumericCellValue();
  final CellStyle style = cell.getCellStyle();
  if (null == style) {
    return value;
  final short formatIndex = style.getDataFormat();
  // 判断是否为日期
  if (isDateType(cell, formatIndex)) {
    return;// 使用Hutool的DateTime包装
  final String format = style.getDataFormatString();
  // 普通数字
  if (null != format && format.indexOf(StrUtil.C_DOT) < 0) {
    final long longPart = (long) value;
    if (longPart == value) {
      // 对于无小数部分的数字类型,转为Long
      return longPart;
  return value;

代码示例来源:origin: looly/hutool

 * 获取数字类型的单元格值
 * @param cell 单元格
 * @return 单元格值,可能为Long、Double、Date
private static Object getNumericValue(Cell cell) {
  final double value = cell.getNumericCellValue();
  final CellStyle style = cell.getCellStyle();
  if (null == style) {
    return value;
  final short formatIndex = style.getDataFormat();
  // 判断是否为日期
  if (isDateType(cell, formatIndex)) {
    return;// 使用Hutool的DateTime包装
  final String format = style.getDataFormatString();
  // 普通数字
  if (null != format && format.indexOf(StrUtil.C_DOT) < 0) {
    final long longPart = (long) value;
    if (longPart == value) {
      // 对于无小数部分的数字类型,转为Long
      return longPart;
  return value;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 * Returns the formatted value of an Excel date as a <tt>String</tt> based
 * on the cell's <code>DataFormat</code>. i.e. "Thursday, January 02, 2003"
 * , "01/02/2003" , "02-Jan" , etc.
 * <p>
 * If any conditional format rules apply, the highest priority with a number format is used.
 * If no rules contain a number format, or no rules apply, the cell's style format is used.
 * If the style does not have a format, the default date format is applied.
 * @param cell to format
 * @param cfEvaluator ConditionalFormattingEvaluator (if available)
 * @return Formatted value
private String getFormattedDateString(Cell cell, ConditionalFormattingEvaluator cfEvaluator) {
  if (cell == null) {
    return null;
  Format dateFormat = getFormat(cell, cfEvaluator);
  if(dateFormat instanceof ExcelStyleDateFormatter) {
    // Hint about the raw excel value
  Date d = cell.getDateCellValue();
  return performDateFormatting(d, dateFormat);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

private ValueAndFormat getCellValue(Cell cell) {
  if (cell != null) {
    final String format = cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString();
    CellType type = cell.getCellType();
    if (type == CellType.FORMULA) {
      type = cell.getCachedFormulaResultType();
    switch (type) {
      case NUMERIC:
        return new ValueAndFormat(Double.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue()), format, decimalTextFormat);
      case STRING:
      case BOOLEAN:
        return new ValueAndFormat(cell.getStringCellValue(), format);
  return new ValueAndFormat("", "");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml

private void handleNonStringCell(StringBuilder text, Cell cell, DataFormatter formatter) {
  CellType type = cell.getCellType();
  if (type == CellType.FORMULA) {
    type = cell.getCachedFormulaResultType();
  if (type == CellType.NUMERIC) {
    CellStyle cs = cell.getCellStyle();
    if (cs != null && cs.getDataFormatString() != null) {
      String contents = formatter.formatRawCellContents(
          cell.getNumericCellValue(), cs.getDataFormat(), cs.getDataFormatString());
      checkMaxTextSize(text, contents);
  // No supported styling applies to this cell
  String contents = ((XSSFCell)cell).getRawValue();
  if (contents != null) {
    checkMaxTextSize(text, contents);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

return evaluateFormulaCellValue(cell);
  return new CellValue(cell.getNumericCellValue());
case STRING:
  return new CellValue(cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString());
