
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-18 转载在 其他  



[英]Configuration is a interface encapsulating a configuration node used to retrieve configuration values.

This is a "read only" interface preventing applications from modifying their own configurations. Once it is created, the information never changes.

Data Model

The data model is a subset of XML's; a single-rooted hierarchical tree where each node can contain multiple attributes, and leaf nodes can also contain a value. Reflecting this, Configurations are usually built from an XML file by the DefaultConfigurationBuilder class, or directly by a SAX parser using a SAXConfigurationHandler or NamespacedSAXConfigurationHandler event handler.

Namespace support

Since version 4.1, each Configuration node has a namespace associated with it, in the form of a string, accessible through #getNamespace. If no namespace is present, getNamespace will return blank (""). See DefaultConfigurationBuilder for details on how XML namespaces are mapped to Configuration namespaces.


As an example, consider two Configurations (with and without namespaces) built from this XML:

<my-system version="1.3" xmlns:doc=""> 
<doc:desc>This is a highly fictitious config file</doc:desc> 
<widget name="fooWidget" initOrder="1" threadsafe="true"/> 

If namespace support is enabled (eg through DefaultConfigurationBuilder#DefaultConfigurationBuilder(boolean) new DefaultConfigurationBuilder(true)), then the xmlns:doc element will not translate into a Configuration attribute, and the doc:desc element will become a Configuration node with name "desc" and namespace "". The widget element will have namespace "".

If namespace support is disabled (the default for DefaultConfigurationBuilder), the above XML will translate directly to Configuration nodes. The my-system node will have an attribute named "xmlns:doc", and a child called "doc:desc".

Assuming the Configuration object is named conf, here is how the data could be retrieved:
CodeNo namespacesWith namespacesconf. #getName()my-systemconf. #getAttributeNames().length21conf. #getChildren()().length2conf. #getAttributeAsFloat(String)("version")1.3conf. #getChild(String)("widget"). #getAttribute(String)("name")fooWidgetconf. #getChild(String)("widget") . #getAttributeAsBoolean(String)("threadsafe")``true``conf. #getChild(String)("widget"). #getLocation()file:///home/jeff/tmp/java/avalon/src/java/new.xconf:4:60conf. #getChild(String)("desc"). #getName()desc (see #getChild(String))descconf. #getChild(String)("doc:desc"). #getName()doc:descdoc:desc (see #getChild(String))conf. #getChild(String)("desc"). #getValue()()ConfigurationExceptionThis is a highly fictitious config fileconf. #getChild(String)("doc:desc"). #getValue()()This is a highly fictitious config fileConfigurationExceptionconf. #getChild(String)("desc"). #getNamespace()"

Type-safe utility methods are provided for retrieving attribute and element values as String, int, long, float and boolean.


Currently, the configuration tree can only be traversed one node at a time, eg., through #getChild(String) or #getChildren(). In a future release, it may be possible to access child nodes with an XPath-like syntax.

Checking for the existence of an attribute can be done as follows:

String value = conf.getAttribute( "myAttribute", null ); 
if ( null == value ) 
// Do the processing applicable if the attribute isn't present. 

作为一个例子,考虑两个[$$ 5 ] s(有和没有命名空间)从这个XML构建的:

<my-system version="1.3" xmlns:doc=""> 
<doc:desc>This is a highly fictitious config file</doc:desc> 
<widget name="fooWidget" initOrder="1" threadsafe="true"/> 

如果启用了名称空间支持(例如通过DefaultConfigurationBuilder#DefaultConfigurationBuilder(布尔值)new DefaultConfigurationBuilder(true)),则xmlns:doc元素将不会转换为配置属性,doc:desc元素将成为名为“desc”和名称空间的Configuration节点“。widget元素将具有命名空间“”。
CodeNo名称空间具有名称空间conf. #getName()我的系统conf. #getAttributeNames().length21conf. #getChildren()().length2conf. #getAttributeAsFloat(String)("version")1.3conf. #getChild(String)("widget"). #getAttribute(String)("name")fooWidget[$19$]true``conf. #getChild(String)("widget"). #getLocation()file:///home/jeff/tmp/java/avalon/src/java/new.xconf:4:60这是一个高度虚构的配置文件配置异常conf. #getChild(String)("desc"). #getNamespace()"

String value = conf.getAttribute( "myAttribute", null ); 
if ( null == value ) 
// Do the processing applicable if the attribute isn't present. 


代码示例来源:origin: plutext/docx4j

if (cfg.getChild("use-cache", false) != null) {
  try {
  } catch (ConfigurationException mfue) {
    LogUtil.handleException(log, mfue, true);
if (cfg.getChild("font-base", false) != null) {
  try {
  } catch (MalformedURLException mfue) {
    LogUtil.handleException(log, mfue, true);
Configuration fontsCfg = cfg.getChild("fonts", false);
if (fontsCfg != null) {
  Configuration substitutionsCfg = fontsCfg.getChild("substitutions", false);
  if (substitutionsCfg != null) {
    FontSubstitutionsConfigurator fontSubstitutionsConfigurator
  Configuration referencedFontsCfg = fontsCfg.getChild("referenced-fonts", false);
  if (referencedFontsCfg != null) {
    createReferencedFontsMatcher(referencedFontsCfg, strict, fontManager);

代码示例来源:origin: plutext/docx4j

private static void createReferencedFontsMatcher(Configuration referencedFontsCfg,
    boolean strict, FontManager fontManager) throws FOPException {
  List matcherList = new java.util.ArrayList();
  Configuration[] matches = referencedFontsCfg.getChildren("match");
  for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
    try {
      matcherList.add(new FontFamilyRegExFontTripletMatcher(
    } catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
      LogUtil.handleException(log, ce, strict);
  FontTriplet.Matcher orMatcher = new OrFontTripletMatcher(
          new FontTriplet.Matcher[matcherList.size()]));

代码示例来源:origin: plutext/docx4j

   * Configures a font substitution catalog
   * @param substitutions font substitutions
   * @throws FOPException if something's wrong with the config data
  public void configure(FontSubstitutions substitutions) throws FOPException {
    Configuration[] substitutionCfgs = cfg.getChildren("substitution");
    for (int i = 0; i < substitutionCfgs.length; i++) {
      Configuration fromCfg = substitutionCfgs[i].getChild("from", false);
      if (fromCfg == null) {
        throw new FOPException("'substitution' element without child 'from' element");
      Configuration toCfg = substitutionCfgs[i].getChild("to", false);
      if (fromCfg == null) {
        throw new FOPException("'substitution' element without child 'to' element");
      FontQualifier fromQualifier = getQualfierFromConfiguration(fromCfg);
      FontQualifier toQualifier = getQualfierFromConfiguration(toCfg);
      FontSubstitution substitution = new FontSubstitution(fromQualifier, toQualifier);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fulcrum/fulcrum-factory

public void configure(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException 
  final Configuration[] loaders = conf.getChildren(CLASS_LOADER);
  if (loaders != null) 
    loaderNames = new String[loaders.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < loaders.length; i++) 
      loaderNames[i] = loaders[i].getValue();
  final Configuration factories = conf.getChild(OBJECT_FACTORY, false);
  if (factories != null) 
    // Store the factory to the table as a string and
    // instantiate it by using the service when needed.
    Configuration[] nameVal = factories.getChildren();
    for (Configuration entry : nameVal)
      objectFactoryClasses.put(entry.getName(), entry.getValue());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fulcrum/fulcrum-yaafi

 * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable#configure(org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration)
public void configure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException {
  this.maxArgLength = configuration.getChild("maxArgLength").getValueAsInteger(MAX_ARG_LENGTH);
  this.toStringBuilderClassName = configuration.getChild("toStringBuilderClass")
  this.monitorAllExceptions = configuration.getChild("monitorAllExceptions").getValueAsBoolean(true);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.cocoon/cocoon-sitemap-impl

public ProcessingNode buildNode(Configuration config) throws Exception {
  String actionSetName = config.getAttribute("name");
  Configuration[] childrenConfig = config.getChildren();
  for (int i = 0; i < childrenConfig.length; i++) {
    Configuration childConfig = childrenConfig[i];
    String name = childConfig.getName();
      actions[i] = childConfig.getAttribute("action", null);
    } else {
      String msg = "Unknown element " + name + " in action-set at " + childConfig.getLocation();
      throw new ConfigurationException(msg);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-ftpd

 * Configure user manager - third step.
public void configure(Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException {
  mConfig = config;
  Configuration adminConf = mConfig.getChild("ftp-admin-name", false);
  mstAdminName = "admin";
  if(adminConf != null) {
    mstAdminName = adminConf.getValue(mstAdminName);
  mBaseDirectory = config.getChild("base-directory").getValue(null);
  if(mBaseDirectory == null)
    throw new ConfigurationException("Missing configuration element 'base-directory'");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fulcrum/fulcrum-yaafi

 * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable#configure(Configuration)
public void configure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException {
  this.reportTimeout = configuration.getChild("reportTimeout").getValueAsLong(0);
  // parse the performance monitor class name
  this.performanceMonitorClassName = configuration.getChild("performanceMonitorClassName")
  // parse the report file name
  String reportFileName = configuration.getChild("reportFile").getValue("./javasimon.html");
  this.reportFile = this.makeAbsoluteFile(reportFileName);
  // determine when to create the next report
  this.nextReportTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() + this.reportTimeout;
  // do we create a report on disposal
  this.reportOnExit = configuration.getChild("reportOnExit").getValueAsBoolean(false);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fulcrum/fulcrum-security-api

 * Avalon component lifecycle method
public void configure(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException
  algorithm = conf.getChild("algorithm").getValue();
  cipher = conf.getChild("cipher").getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fulcrum/fulcrum-yaafi

this.reconfigurationDelay = configuration.getChild(RECONFIGURATION_DELAY_KEY)
this.disposalDelay = configuration.getChild(DISPOSAL_DELAY_KEY).getValueAsInteger(DISPOSAL_DELAY_DEFAULT);
this.hasDynamicProxies = configuration.getChild(DYNAMICPROXY_ENABLED_KEY).getValueAsBoolean(false);
Configuration currComponentRoles = configuration.getChild(COMPONENT_ROLE_KEYS);
Configuration currComponentConfiguration = configuration.getChild(COMPONENT_CONFIG_KEY);
this.componentConfigurationPropertiesResolverConfig = configuration.getChild(COMPONENT_CONFIG_PROPERTIES_KEY);
Configuration currParameters = configuration.getChild(COMPONENT_PARAMETERS_KEY);

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-ftpd

 * Configure user manager - third step.
public void configure(Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException {
  mConfig = config;
  // get server address
  Configuration tmpConf = mConfig.getChild("allow-ip", false);
  mbAllowIp = false;
  if(tmpConf != null) {
    mbAllowIp = tmpConf.getValueAsBoolean(mbAllowIp);
  mBaseDirectory = config.getChild("base-directory").getValue(null);
  if(mBaseDirectory == null)
    throw new ConfigurationException("Missing configuration element 'base-directory'");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.cocoon/cocoon-sitemap-impl

 * Configures the database access helper.
 * Takes all elements nested in component declaration and stores
 * them as key-value pairs in <code>settings</code>. Nested
 * configuration option are not catered for. This way global
 * configuration options can be used.
 * For nested configurations override this function.
 * */
public void configure(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException {
  Configuration[] parameters = conf.getChildren();
  this.settings = new HashMap(parameters.length);
  for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
    String key = parameters[i].getName();
    String val = parameters[i].getValue("");
    this.settings.put (key, val);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fulcrum/fulcrum-yaafi

 * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable#configure(org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration)
public void configure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException {
  Configuration[] interceptorConfigList = configuration.getChild("interceptors").getChildren("interceptor");
  this.defaultInterceptorList = new String[interceptorConfigList.length];
  for (int i = 0; i < interceptorConfigList.length; i++) {
    this.defaultInterceptorList[i] = interceptorConfigList[i].getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fulcrum/fulcrum-yaafi

 * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable#configure(org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration)
public void configure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException {
  // limit to minimum interval of 1 second
  this.interval = Math.max(configuration.getAttributeAsInteger("interval", 5000), 1000);
  this.getLogger().debug("Monitoring the resources every " + this.interval + " ms");
  if (configuration.getChild("entry", false) != null) {
    Configuration shutdownConfig = configuration.getChild("entry");
    String shutdownEntryLocation = shutdownConfig.getChild("location").getValue();
    this.shutdownEntry = new ShutdownEntry(this.getLogger(), this.applicationDir, shutdownEntryLocation,
    this.getLogger().debug("Using a shutdown entry : " + shutdownEntryLocation);
  } else {
    this.shutdownEntry = null;
    this.getLogger().debug("No shutdown entry defined");

代码示例来源:origin: com.cloudhopper.proxool/proxool

 * Check that all top level elements are named proxool and hand them to
 * {@link XMLConfigurator}.
 * @param configuration the configuration handed over by the Avalon Framework.
 * @throws ConfigurationException if the configuration fails.
public void configure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException {
  final XMLConfigurator xmlConfigurator = new XMLConfigurator();
  this.closeOnDispose = configuration.getAttributeAsBoolean(CLOSE_ON_DISPOSE_ATTRIBUTE, true);
  final Configuration[] children = configuration.getChildren();
  for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
    if (!children[i].getName().equals(ProxoolConstants.PROXOOL)) {
      throw new ConfigurationException("Found element named " + children[i].getName() + ". Only "
          + ProxoolConstants.PROXOOL + " top level elements are alowed.");
  try {
    reportProperties(xmlConfigurator, configuration.getChildren());
  } catch (SAXException e) {
    throw new ConfigurationException("", e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.scheduler/cornerstone-scheduler-api

throws ConfigurationException
final String type = conf.getAttribute( "type" );
    conf.getChild( "offset", true ).getValueAsInteger( 0 );
  final int period =
    conf.getChild( "period", true ).getValueAsInteger( -1 );
    conf.getChild( "minute" ).getValueAsInteger( -1 );
  final int hour =
    conf.getChild( "hour" ).getValueAsInteger( -1 );
  final int day =
    conf.getChild( "day" ).getValueAsInteger( -1 );
  final int month =
    conf.getChild( "month" ).getValueAsInteger( -1 );
  final int year =
    conf.getChild( "year" ).getValueAsInteger( -1 );
  final boolean dayOfWeek =
    conf.getChild( "day" ).getAttributeAsBoolean( "week", false );
  throw new ConfigurationException( "Unknown trigger type" );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.cocoon/cocoon-sitemap-impl

 * Configure the tree processor:
 * &lt;processor file="{Location of the sitemap}"
 *               check-reload="{true|false}"
 *               config="{Location of sitemap tree processor config}&gt;
 *   &lt;reload delay="10"/&gt;
 * &lt;/processor&gt;
 * Only the file attribute is required; everything else is optional.
 * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable#configure(org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration)
public void configure(Configuration config)
throws ConfigurationException {
  this.checkReload = config.getAttributeAsBoolean("check-reload",
  // Reload check delay. Default is 1 second.
  this.lastModifiedDelay = config.getChild("reload").getAttributeAsLong("delay", this.settings.getReloadDelay("sitemap"));
  String fileName = config.getAttribute("file", "sitemap.xmap");
  try {
    this.source = new DelayedRefreshSourceWrapper(this.resolver.resolveURI(fileName), lastModifiedDelay);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot resolve " + fileName, e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.excalibur.containerkit/excalibur-logger

final Configuration configChild = conf.getChild( "address", false );
if( null == configChild )
  throw new ConfigurationException( "target address not specified in the config" );
  address = InetAddress.getByName( configChild.getAttribute( "hostname" ) );
  throw new ConfigurationException( "Host specified in datagram target adress is unknown!", uhex );
int port = configChild.getAttributeAsInteger( "port" );
final Formatter formatter = getFormatter( conf.getChild( "format", false ) );
  throw new ConfigurationException( "Failed to create target!", ioex );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.cocoon/cocoon-core

 * Configure the component.
 * @param configuration the configuration
public void configure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException { = configuration.getChild(ConfigurationKeys.ROOT_DIRECTORY).getValue("");
  String cacheRole = configuration.getChild(ConfigurationKeys.STORE_ROLE).getValue(Store.TRANSIENT_STORE);
  try {
    this.cache = (Store) this.manager.lookup(cacheRole);
  } catch (ServiceException e) {
    throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to lookup store '" + cacheRole + "'");
  this.interval = configuration.getChild(ConfigurationKeys.RELOAD_INTERVAL).getValueAsLong(60000L);
  if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
    getLogger().debug("Bundle directory '" + + "'");
    getLogger().debug("Store role '" + cacheRole + "'");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.cocoon/cocoon-sitemap-impl

 * The category name is the value of the "category-name" child, or if not
 * present, the name of the configuration element.
public void configure(Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException {
  super.configure(config); = config.getChild("category-name").getValue(config.getAttribute("name"));
