[英]The workflow object model exposed by this API is read only. Properties of the model can only be changed through implementations of this interface, this ensures a consistant approach to grouped edits (transactions) and undo / redo support within the UI. It also potentially allows for capture of editing provenance where a workflow is repurposed or created from an aggregate of several others.
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.core/workflowmodel-impl
protected void doEditAction(ProcessorImpl processor) throws EditException {
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2/workflowmodel-api
* Attempts to call the doEdit method of all child edits. If any of those
* children throws an EditException any successful edits are rolled back and
* the exception is rethrown as the cause of a new EditException from the
* CompoundEdit
public synchronized Object doEdit() throws EditException {
if (isApplied()) {
throw new EditException("Cannot apply an edit more than once!");
List<Edit<?>> doneEdits = new ArrayList<Edit<?>>();
try {
for (Edit<?> edit : childEdits) {
// Insert the done edit at position 0 in the list so we can
// iterate over the list in the normal order if we need to
// rollback, this ensures that the most recent edit is first.
doneEdits.add(0, edit);
applied = true;
} catch (EditException ee) {
for (Edit<?> undoMe : doneEdits) {
applied = false;
throw new EditException("Failed child of compound edit", ee);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.activities/biomoby-activity-ui
protected void undoEditAction(DataflowImpl dataflow) {
if (linkEdit!=null && linkEdit.isApplied())
if (compoundEdit!=null && compoundEdit.isApplied())
if (upstreamObjectEdit!=null && upstreamObjectEdit.isApplied()) {
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2/workflowmodel-impl
protected void undoEditAction(ProcessorImpl processor) {
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.workbench/edits-impl
public void notify(Observable<EditManagerEvent> sender,
EditManagerEvent message) throws Exception {
if (message instanceof DataflowEditEvent) {
DataflowEditEvent dataflowEdit = (DataflowEditEvent) message;
assertTrue("Edit was not applied on edit event", dataflowEdit
} else if (message instanceof DataFlowUndoEvent) {
DataFlowUndoEvent dataflowUndo = (DataFlowUndoEvent) message;
assertFalse("Edit was applied on undo event", dataflowUndo
} else if (message instanceof DataFlowRedoEvent) {
DataFlowRedoEvent dataflowEdit = (DataFlowRedoEvent) message;
assertTrue("Edit was not applied on edit event", dataflowEdit
} else {
fail("Unknown event: " + message);
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.ui-components/workflow-view
Object subject = edit.getSubject();
if (subject instanceof Dataflow) {
DataflowSelectionModel selectionModel = DataflowSelectionManager
(Dataflow) edit.getSubject());
Object objectOfEdit = null;
if (edit instanceof AddProcessorEdit) {
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.core/workflowmodel-impl
protected void undoEditAction(ProcessorImpl processor) {
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.workbench/edits-impl
public void addProcessor() throws Exception {
EditManager editManager = EditManager.getInstance();
Edits edits = editManager.getEdits();
Edit<Dataflow> edit = edits.getAddProcessorEdit(dataflow, processor);
assertFalse("Edit was already applied", edit.isApplied());
assertTrue("Did already add processor", dataflow.getProcessors()
editManager.doDataflowEdit(dataflow, edit);
assertTrue("Edit was not applied", edit.isApplied());
assertEquals("Did not add processor", processor, dataflow
// Should have received the edit event
assertEquals("Incorrect number of events", 1,
EditManagerEvent event = editManagerObserver.events.get(0);
assertTrue("Event was not a DataflowEditEvent",
event instanceof DataflowEditEvent);
DataflowEditEvent dataEditEvent = (DataflowEditEvent) event;
assertEquals("Event did not have correct dataflow", dataflow,
assertEquals("Event did not have correct edit", edit, dataEditEvent
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.ui-api/contextual-views-api
private void considerEdit(EditManagerEvent message, Edit edit) {
// boolean result = false;
if (edit instanceof CompoundEdit) {
for (Edit subEdit : ((CompoundEdit) edit).getChildEdits()) {
considerEdit(message, subEdit);
} else {
Object subject = edit.getSubject();
if (subject == owningProcessor) {
// panel.reevaluate();
setTitle(getRelativeName(owningDataflow, activity));
} else if (subject == owningDataflow) {
if (!owningDataflow.getProcessors().contains(owningProcessor)) {
} else if (subject == activity) {
if (message instanceof DataFlowUndoEvent) {
logger.info("undo of activity edit found");
} else if (message instanceof DataFlowRedoEvent) {
logger.info("redo of activity edit found");
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2/workflowmodel-impl
protected void doEditAction(ProcessorImpl processor) throws EditException {
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.core/workflowmodel-api
* Attempts to call the doEdit method of all child edits. If any of those
* children throws an EditException any successful edits are rolled back and
* the exception is rethrown as the cause of a new EditException from the
* CompoundEdit
public synchronized Object doEdit() throws EditException {
if (isApplied()) {
throw new EditException("Cannot apply an edit more than once!");
List<Edit<?>> doneEdits = new ArrayList<Edit<?>>();
try {
for (Edit<?> edit : childEdits) {
// Insert the done edit at position 0 in the list so we can
// iterate over the list in the normal order if we need to
// rollback, this ensures that the most recent edit is first.
doneEdits.add(0, edit);
applied = true;
} catch (EditException ee) {
for (Edit<?> undoMe : doneEdits) {
applied = false;
throw new EditException("Failed child of compound edit", ee);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.ui-activities/biomoby-activity-ui
protected void undoEditAction(DataflowImpl dataflow) {
if (linkEdit!=null && linkEdit.isApplied())
if (compoundEdit!=null && compoundEdit.isApplied())
if (upstreamObjectEdit!=null && upstreamObjectEdit.isApplied()) {
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2/workflowmodel-api
* Rolls back all child edits in reverse order
public synchronized void undo() {
for (int i = (childEdits.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
// Undo child edits in reverse order
applied = false;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.workbench/edits-impl
public void undoAddProcessor() throws Exception {
EditManager editManager = EditManager.getInstance();
Edits edits = editManager.getEdits();
Edit<Dataflow> edit = edits.getAddProcessorEdit(dataflow, processor);
editManager.doDataflowEdit(dataflow, edit);
assertFalse("Did not add processor", dataflow.getProcessors().isEmpty());
assertTrue("Did not undo add processor", dataflow.getProcessors()
// Should have received the undo event
assertEquals("Incorrect number of events", 2,
EditManagerEvent event = editManagerObserver.events.get(1);
assertTrue("Event was not a DataflowEditEvent",
event instanceof DataFlowUndoEvent);
DataFlowUndoEvent dataEditEvent = (DataFlowUndoEvent) event;
assertEquals("Event did not have correct dataflow", dataflow,
assertEquals("Event did not have correct edit", edit, dataEditEvent
assertFalse("Edit was still applied", edit.isApplied());
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.core/workflowmodel-impl
protected void undoEditAction(ProcessorImpl processor) {
try {
new EditsImpl().getAddProcessorOutputPortEdit(processor, port).doEdit();
} catch (EditException e) {
logger.error("There was an error adding an input port to a Processor whilst undoing a remove");
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2/maelstrom-api
* Attempts to call the doEdit method of all child edits. If any of those
* children throws an EditException any successful edits are rolled back and
* the exception is rethrown as the cause of a new EditException from the
* CompoundEdit
public synchronized Object doEdit() throws EditException {
if (isApplied()) {
throw new EditException("Cannot apply an edit more than once!");
List<Edit<?>> doneEdits = new ArrayList<Edit<?>>();
try {
for (Edit<?> edit : childEdits) {
// Insert the done edit at position 0 in the list so we can
// iterate over the list in the normal order if we need to
// rollback, this ensures that the most recent edit is first.
doneEdits.add(0, edit);
applied = true;
} catch (EditException ee) {
for (Edit<?> undoMe : doneEdits) {
applied = false;
throw new EditException("Failed child of compound edit", ee);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.activities/biomoby-activity-ui
protected void undoEditAction(DataflowImpl subjectImpl) {
if (linkEdit != null && linkEdit.isApplied())
if (compoundEdit != null && compoundEdit.isApplied())
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2/workflowmodel-impl
protected void undoEditAction(MergeImpl mergeImpl) {
if (connectOutLinkEdit!=null) connectOutLinkEdit.undo();
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2/workflowmodel-impl
protected void undoEditAction(ProcessorImpl processor) {
try {
new EditsImpl().getAddProcessorInputPortEdit(processor, port).doEdit();
} catch (EditException e) {
logger.error("There was an error adding an input port to a Processor whilst undoing a remove");
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2/maelstrom-impl
* Check that the outgoing link to the sink port is retained when undoing a second merged input.
public void undoSecond() throws Exception {
Edit<Merge> theEdit = new ConnectMergedDatalinkEdit(merge,sourcePort,sinkPort);
ProcessorImpl p3=new ProcessorImpl();
ProcessorOutputPortImpl sourcePort2=new ProcessorOutputPortImpl(p3,"source_port2",0,0);
Edit<Merge> theEdit2 = new ConnectMergedDatalinkEdit(merge,sourcePort2,sinkPort);