代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <p>The <code>SVGTextElement</code> interface corresponds to the <code><text></code> elements.</p> */
public class SVGTextElement extends SVGTextPositioningElement {
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGTextElement prototype;
public SVGTextElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedTransformList transform;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <p>The <code><strong>Crypto</strong></code> interface represents basic cryptography features available in the current context. It allows access to a cryptographically strong random number generator and to cryptographic primitives.</p> <p>An object with this interface is available on Web context via the <code>Window.crypto</code> property.</p> */
public class Crypto extends Object {
Returns a <code>SubtleCrypto</code> object providing access to common cryptographic primitives, like hashing, signing, encryption or decryption. */
public SubtleCrypto subtle;
public static Crypto prototype;
public Crypto(){}
native public ArrayBufferView getRandomValues(ArrayBufferView array);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class SVGFEFloodElement extends SVGElement {
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGFEFloodElement prototype;
public SVGFEFloodElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedLength height;
public SVGAnimatedString result;
public SVGAnimatedLength width;
public SVGAnimatedLength x;
public SVGAnimatedLength y;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class SVGFEMergeElement extends SVGElement {
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGFEMergeElement prototype;
public SVGFEMergeElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedLength height;
public SVGAnimatedString result;
public SVGAnimatedLength width;
public SVGAnimatedLength x;
public SVGAnimatedLength y;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <p>The <code>SVGTitleElement</code> interface corresponds to the <code><title></code> element.</p> */
public class SVGTitleElement extends SVGElement {
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGTitleElement prototype;
public SVGTitleElement(){}
public Object className;
public CSSStyleDeclaration style;
public String xmllang;
public String xmlspace;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <p>The <code>SVGDescElement</code> interface corresponds to the <code><desc></code> element.</p> */
public class SVGDescElement extends SVGElement {
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGDescElement prototype;
public SVGDescElement(){}
public Object className;
public CSSStyleDeclaration style;
public String xmllang;
public String xmlspace;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class SVGFEComponentTransferElement extends SVGElement {
public SVGAnimatedString in1;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGFEComponentTransferElement prototype;
public SVGFEComponentTransferElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedLength height;
public SVGAnimatedString result;
public SVGAnimatedLength width;
public SVGAnimatedLength x;
public SVGAnimatedLength y;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class HTMLFontElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves the current typeface family.
public String face;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static HTMLFontElement prototype;
public HTMLFontElement(){}
public String color;
public double size;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class SVGFETileElement extends SVGElement {
public SVGAnimatedString in1;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGFETileElement prototype;
public SVGFETileElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedLength height;
public SVGAnimatedString result;
public SVGAnimatedLength width;
public SVGAnimatedLength x;
public SVGAnimatedLength y;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <p>The <code>SVGStopElement</code> interface corresponds to the <code><stop></code> element.</p> */
public class SVGStopElement extends SVGElement {
Corresponds to attribute <code>offset</code> on the given <code><stop></code> element. */
public SVGAnimatedNumber offset;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGStopElement prototype;
public SVGStopElement(){}
public Object className;
public CSSStyleDeclaration style;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <p>The <strong><span><code>DocumentFragment</code></span></strong> interface represents a minimal document object that has no parent. It is used as a light-weight version of <code>Document</code> to store well-formed or potentially non-well-formed fragments of XML.</p> <p>Various other methods can take a document fragment as an argument (e.g., any <code>Node</code> interface methods such as <code>Node.appendChild</code> and <code>Node.insertBefore</code>), in which case the children of the fragment are appended or inserted, not the fragment itself.</p> <p>This interface is also of great use with Web components: <code><template></code> elements contains a <code>DocumentFragment</code> in their <code>HTMLTemplateElement.content</code> property.</p> <p>An empty <code>DocumentFragment</code> can be created using the <code>document.createDocumentFragment</code> method or the constructor.</p> */
public class DocumentFragment extends Node {
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static DocumentFragment prototype;
public DocumentFragment(){}
Returns the first <code>Element</code> node within the <code>DocumentFragment</code>, in document order, that matches the specified selectors. */
native public Element querySelector(String selectors);
Returns a <code>NodeList</code> of all the <code>Element</code> nodes within the <code>DocumentFragment</code> that match the specified selectors. */
native public NodeListOf<Element> querySelectorAll(String selectors);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <p>The <code>SVGScriptElement</code> interface corresponds to the SVG <code><script></code> element.</p> */
public class SVGScriptElement extends SVGElement {
Corresponds to attribute <code>type</code> on the given element. A <code>DOMException</code> is raised with code <code>NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR</code> on an attempt to change the value of a read only attribut. */
public String type;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGScriptElement prototype;
public SVGScriptElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedBoolean externalResourcesRequired;
public SVGAnimatedString href;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <p>The <code>SVGSymbolElement</code> interface corresponds to the <code><symbol></code> element.</p> */
public class SVGSymbolElement extends SVGElement {
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGSymbolElement prototype;
public SVGSymbolElement(){}
public Object className;
public CSSStyleDeclaration style;
public String xmllang;
public String xmlspace;
public SVGAnimatedBoolean externalResourcesRequired;
public SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio;
public SVGAnimatedRect viewBox;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class SVGFEOffsetElement extends SVGElement {
public SVGAnimatedNumber dx;
public SVGAnimatedNumber dy;
public SVGAnimatedString in1;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGFEOffsetElement prototype;
public SVGFEOffsetElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedLength height;
public SVGAnimatedString result;
public SVGAnimatedLength width;
public SVGAnimatedLength x;
public SVGAnimatedLength y;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class SVGFEGaussianBlurElement extends SVGElement {
public SVGAnimatedString in1;
public SVGAnimatedNumber stdDeviationX;
public SVGAnimatedNumber stdDeviationY;
native public void setStdDeviation(double stdDeviationX, double stdDeviationY);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGFEGaussianBlurElement prototype;
public SVGFEGaussianBlurElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedLength height;
public SVGAnimatedString result;
public SVGAnimatedLength width;
public SVGAnimatedLength x;
public SVGAnimatedLength y;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement extends SVGElement {
public SVGAnimatedNumber diffuseConstant;
public SVGAnimatedString in1;
public SVGAnimatedNumber kernelUnitLengthX;
public SVGAnimatedNumber kernelUnitLengthY;
public SVGAnimatedNumber surfaceScale;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement prototype;
public SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedLength height;
public SVGAnimatedString result;
public SVGAnimatedLength width;
public SVGAnimatedLength x;
public SVGAnimatedLength y;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class SVGFEImageElement extends SVGElement {
public SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGFEImageElement prototype;
public SVGFEImageElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedLength height;
public SVGAnimatedString result;
public SVGAnimatedLength width;
public SVGAnimatedLength x;
public SVGAnimatedLength y;
public String xmllang;
public String xmlspace;
public SVGAnimatedString href;
public SVGAnimatedBoolean externalResourcesRequired;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <p>The <code>SVGDefsElement</code> interface corresponds to the <code><defs></code> element.</p> */
public class SVGDefsElement extends SVGElement {
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGDefsElement prototype;
public SVGDefsElement(){}
public Object className;
public CSSStyleDeclaration style;
public SVGAnimatedTransformList transform;
public SVGStringList requiredExtensions;
public SVGStringList requiredFeatures;
public SVGStringList systemLanguage;
native public Boolean hasExtension(String extension);
public String xmllang;
public String xmlspace;
public SVGAnimatedBoolean externalResourcesRequired;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
public class SVGTextPathElement extends SVGTextContentElement {
public SVGAnimatedEnumeration method;
public SVGAnimatedEnumeration spacing;
public SVGAnimatedLength startOffset;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static SVGTextPathElement prototype;
public SVGTextPathElement(){}
public SVGAnimatedString href;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsweet.candies/jsweet-core
/** <div> <p><strong>Obsolete</strong><br></br>This feature is obsolete. Although it may still work in some browsers, its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time. Try to avoid using it.</p> </div> <p>The <strong><code>HTMLBaseFontElement</code></strong> interface provides special properties (beyond the regular <code>HTMLElement</code> interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <code><basefont></code> elements.</p> <p>The <code><basefont></code> element has been deprecated in HTML4 and removed in HTML5. This latest specification requires that this element implements <code>HTMLUnknownElement</code> rather than <code>HTMLBaseFontElement</code>.</p> */
public class HTMLBaseFontElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves the current typeface family.
public String face;
* Sets or retrieves the font size of the object.
public double size;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, Boolean useCapture);
public static HTMLBaseFontElement prototype;
public HTMLBaseFontElement(){}
Is a <code>DOMString</code> representing the text color using either a named color or a color specified in the hexadecimal <code>#RRGGBB</code> format. */
public String color;
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener, Boolean useCapture);
native public void addEventListener(String type, EventListenerObject listener);