
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the DE-9IM IntersectionMatrix for the two Geometrys.


代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public static boolean relatePattern(Geometry arg0, Geometry arg1, String arg2) {
  if (arg0 == null || arg1 == null || arg2 == null) return false;
  Geometry _this = arg0;
  return _this.relate(arg1, arg2);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public IntersectionMatrix relate(Geometry g) {
  return geometry.relate(g);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public boolean relate(Geometry g, String intersectionPattern) {
  return geometry.relate(g, intersectionPattern);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public static String relate(Geometry arg0, Geometry arg1) {
  if (arg0 == null || arg1 == null) return null;
  Geometry _this = arg0;
  return _this.relate(arg1).toString();

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

  title = "Relate Matrix String",
  description =
      "Returns the DE-9IM intersection matrix string for the spatial relationship between the input geometries. The matrix string is in the form [II][IB][IE][BI][BB][BE][EI][EB][EE] where I=interior, B=boundary, and E=exterior. Matrix symbols are 2, 1, 0 or F."
@DescribeResult(description = "Intersection matrix string")
public static String relate(
    @DescribeParameter(name = "a", description = "First input geometry") Geometry a,
    @DescribeParameter(name = "b", description = "Second input geometry") Geometry b) {
  return a.relate(b).toString();

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

  title = "Relate Test",
  description =
      "Tests if the spatial relationship between two geometries matches the given DE-9IM intersection matrix pattern. The pattern is given in the form [II][IB][IE][BI][BB][BE][EI][EB][EE] where I=interior, B=boundary, and E=exterior. Pattern symbols can be 2, 1, 0, F or *."
@DescribeResult(description = "True if the inputs have the given relationship")
public static boolean relatePattern(
    @DescribeParameter(name = "a", description = "First input geometry") Geometry a,
    @DescribeParameter(name = "b", description = "First input geometry") Geometry b,
    @DescribeParameter(name = "Relate pattern", description = "Intersection matrix pattern")
        String pattern) {
  return a.relate(b, pattern);

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/spatial4j

protected SpatialRelation relate(Geometry oGeom) {
 if (oGeom instanceof org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point) {
  if (preparedGeometry != null)
   return preparedGeometry.disjoint(oGeom) ? SpatialRelation.DISJOINT : SpatialRelation.CONTAINS;
  return geom.disjoint(oGeom) ? SpatialRelation.DISJOINT : SpatialRelation.CONTAINS;
 if (preparedGeometry == null)
  return intersectionMatrixToSpatialRelation(geom.relate(oGeom));
 else if (preparedGeometry.covers(oGeom))
  return SpatialRelation.CONTAINS;
 else if (preparedGeometry.coveredBy(oGeom))
  return SpatialRelation.WITHIN;
 else if (preparedGeometry.intersects(oGeom))
  return SpatialRelation.INTERSECTS;
 return SpatialRelation.DISJOINT;

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/jts

IntersectionMatrix relate(Geometry a, Geometry b) {
 return a.relate(b);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

if (g1.relate(g2, "1********") != expected) {

代码示例来源:origin: orbisgis/h2gis

 * @param a Geometry Geometry.
 * @param b Geometry instance
 * @return 9-character String representation of the 2 geometries IntersectionMatrix
public static String relate(Geometry a,Geometry b) {
  if(a==null || b==null) {
    return null;
  return a.relate(b).toString();

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/jts

public static String relate(Geometry a, Geometry b) {
 return a.relate(b).toString();
public static boolean intersects(Geometry a, Geometry b) {    return a.intersects(b);    }

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/jts

(new FailureChecker() { void operation() {
}  }).check(IllegalArgumentException.class);

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/jts

void runRelate() {
  Geometry[] geom = getGeometries();
  if (geom[0] == null || geom[1] == null) {

代码示例来源:origin: jdeolive/geodb

public static boolean ST_Relate(byte[] wkb1, byte[] wkb2, String intersectionPattern) {
  Geometry geometry1 = gFromWKB(wkb1);
  Geometry geometry2 = gFromWKB(wkb1);
  if (geometry1 != null && geometry2 != null) {
    return geometry1.relate(geometry2, intersectionPattern);
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.opengeo/geodb

public static boolean ST_Relate(byte[] wkb1, byte[] wkb2, String intersectionPattern) {
  Geometry geometry1 = gFromWKB(wkb1);
  Geometry geometry2 = gFromWKB(wkb1);
  if (geometry1 != null && geometry2 != null) {
    return geometry1.relate(geometry2, intersectionPattern);
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

SimpleFeature f2 =;
Geometry g2 = (Geometry) f2.getDefaultGeometry();
if (g1.relate(g2, de9im) != expected) {

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/jts

 * Default implementation.
public boolean containsProperly(Geometry g)
  // since raw relate is used, provide some optimizations
 // short-circuit test
 if (! baseGeom.getEnvelopeInternal().contains(g.getEnvelopeInternal()))
  return false;
 // otherwise, compute using relate mask
 return baseGeom.relate(g, "T**FF*FF*");

代码示例来源:origin: org.opengeo/geodb

public static String ST_Relate(byte[] wkb1, byte[] wkb2) {
  Geometry geometry1 = gFromWKB(wkb1);
  Geometry geometry2 = gFromWKB(wkb1);
  if (geometry1 != null && geometry2 != null) {
    IntersectionMatrix result = geometry1.relate(geometry2);
    return result.toString();
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: jdeolive/geodb

public static String ST_Relate(byte[] wkb1, byte[] wkb2) {
  Geometry geometry1 = gFromWKB(wkb1);
  Geometry geometry2 = gFromWKB(wkb1);
  if (geometry1 != null && geometry2 != null) {
    IntersectionMatrix result = geometry1.relate(geometry2);
    return result.toString();
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/jts

public void doPredicates(Geometry a, Geometry b) throws Exception
 assertTrue( a.contains(b) == a.relate(b).isContains() );
 assertTrue( a.crosses(b) == a.relate(b).isCrosses(a.getDimension(), b.getDimension()) );
 assertTrue( a.disjoint(b) == a.relate(b).isDisjoint() );
 assertTrue( a.equals(b) == a.relate(b).isEquals(a.getDimension(), b.getDimension()) );
 assertTrue( a.intersects(b) == a.relate(b).isIntersects() );
 assertTrue( a.overlaps(b) == a.relate(b).isOverlaps(a.getDimension(), b.getDimension()) );
 assertTrue( a.touches(b) == a.relate(b).isTouches(a.getDimension(), b.getDimension()) );
 assertTrue( a.within(b) == a.relate(b).isWithin() );
