
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

 * Changes state of the message to {@link MsgStateEnum#WAITING} - only if the message hasn't been already processed.
 * @param msg the message
void setStateWaiting(@Header(MSG_HEADER) Message msg);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

 * Changes state of the message to {@link MsgStateEnum#PARTLY_FAILED} but without increasing error count.
 * @param msg the message
void setStatePartlyFailedWithoutError(@Header(MSG_HEADER) Message msg);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

 * Inserts new failed confirmation.
 * @param msg the message
 * @return creates {@link ExternalCall}
ExternalCall insertFailedConfirmation(@Header(AsynchConstants.MSG_HEADER) Message msg);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

 * Changes state of the message to {@link MsgStateEnum#POSTPONED}.
 * @param msg the message
void setStatePostponed(@Header(MSG_HEADER) Message msg);

代码示例来源:origin: OpenWiseSolutions/openhub-framework

 * Confirms that the message was fully processed.
 * The message must have a final {@link Message#getState() state},
 * that is either {@link MsgStateEnum#OK} or {@link MsgStateEnum#FAILED}.
 * @param msg the message
void confirm(@Header(AsynchConstants.MSG_HEADER) Message msg);

代码示例来源:origin: funktionio/funktion-connectors

 * The method used as funktion
 * @param body  the message body
 * @param name  the header with the key name
 * @return the response from the funktion
public Object cheese(String body, @Header("name") String name) {
  return "Hello " + name + ". I got payload `" + body + "` and I am on host: " + System.getenv("HOSTNAME");

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction

public String checkStatus(@Header("id") String id) throws Exception {
    if ("123".equals(id)) {
      return "Processing";
    return "Complete";

代码示例来源:origin: org.ojbc.bundles.shared/ojb-fedquery-common

 * This method will remove a reply to address enty from the map based on a message ID
 * @param messageID

public void removeReplyToAddress(@Header(value = "federatedQueryRequestGUID")String messageID)

代码示例来源:origin: org.ojbc.bundles.intermediaries/subscription-notification-service-intermediary-common

 * Search for subscriptions by the person who owns them.
 * @param subscriptionOwner the federation-wide unique identifier for the person that owns the subscriptions
 * @return the list of matching subscription objects
public List<Subscription> searchForSubscriptionsBySubscriptionOwner(@Header("saml_FederationID") String subscriptionOwner) {
  String sqlQuery = BASE_QUERY_STRING + " and s.subscriptionOwner=? and =1";
  List<Subscription> subscriptions = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sqlQuery, new Object[] {
  }, resultSetExtractor);
  return subscriptions;

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public void removeItem(@Header("sessionId") String sessionId, @Header("itemId") String itemId) {"removeItem {} {}", sessionId, itemId);
  Set<CartDto> dtos = content.get(sessionId);
  if (dtos != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public String combine(@Header("ERP") String erp, @Header("CRM") String crm, @Header("SHIPPING") String shipping) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Customer overview");
    sb.append("\nERP: " + erp);
    sb.append("\nCRM: " + crm);
    sb.append("\nSHIPPING: " + shipping);
    return sb.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction

public String combine(@Header("ERP") String erp, @Header("CRM") String crm, @Header("SHIPPING") String shipping) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Customer overview");
    sb.append("\nERP: " + erp);
    sb.append("\nCRM: " + crm);
    sb.append("\nSHIPPING: " + shipping);
    return sb.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public Set<CartDto> getItems(@Header("sessionId") String sessionId) {"getItems {}", sessionId);
    Set<CartDto> answer = content.get(sessionId);
    if (answer == null) {
      answer = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
    return answer;

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public Set<CartDto> getItems(@Header("sessionId") String sessionId) {"getItems {}", sessionId);
    Set<CartDto> answer = content.get(sessionId);
    if (answer == null) {
      answer = Collections.emptySet();
    return answer;

代码示例来源:origin: org.ojbc.bundles.shared/ojb-fedquery-common

 * This method will set the 'WSAddressingReplyTo' Camel header by using the messageID as the key.
 * @param exchange
 * @param messageID
public void getReplyToAddress(Exchange exchange, @Header(value = "federatedQueryRequestGUID")String messageID)
  exchange.getIn().setHeader("WSAddressingReplyTo", replyToMap.get(messageID));

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public void insertAuditLog(String order, @Header("JMSRedelivered") boolean redelivery) throws Exception {
  // using old-school JdbcTemplate to perform a SQL operation from Java code with spring-jdbc
  JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
  String orderId = "" + ++counter;
  String orderValue = order;
  String orderRedelivery = "" + redelivery;
  jdbc.execute(String.format("insert into bookaudit (order_id, order_book, order_redelivery) values ('%s', '%s', '%s')",
      orderId, orderValue, orderRedelivery));

代码示例来源:origin: at.researchstudio.sat/won-node

public void hint(
    @Header("needURI")final String needURI,
    @Header("otherNeedURI") final String  otherNeedURI,
    @Header("score")final String score,
    @Header("originator")final String originator,
    @Header("content") final String content,
    @Header("wonMessage") final String wonMessage)
   throws Exception {
 delegate.hint(URI.create(needURI), URI.create(otherNeedURI),
     Double.valueOf(score), URI.create(originator),
     RdfUtils.toModel(content), WonMessageDecoder.decode(Lang.TRIG, wonMessage));

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public void removeItem(@Header("sessionId") String sessionId, @Header("itemId") String itemId) {"removeItem {} {}", sessionId, itemId);
  Set<CartDto> dtos = content.get(sessionId);
  if (dtos != null) {
    dtos.removeIf(i -> i.getItemId() == itemId);

代码示例来源:origin: at.researchstudio.sat/won-matcher

public void needActivated(@Header("wonNodeURI") final String wonNodeURI,
             @Header("needURI") final String needURI) {
 logger.debug("need activated message received: {}", needURI);
 delegate.onNeedActivated(URI.create(wonNodeURI), URI.create(needURI));
public void needDeactivated(@Header("wonNodeURI") final String wonNodeURI,

代码示例来源:origin: at.researchstudio.sat/won-matcher

public void needDeactivated(@Header("wonNodeURI") final String wonNodeURI,
              @Header("needURI") final String needURI) {
 logger.debug("need deactivated message received: {}", needURI);
 delegate.onNeedDeactivated(URI.create(wonNodeURI), URI.create(needURI));
