[英]Creates a Canvas with the specified display unit size.
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
private Canvas createCanvas(int width, int height, Drawer drawer) {
Canvas canvas = game.graphics.createCanvas(width, height);
return canvas;
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
* Resizes the canvas that is displayed by this layer.
* <p>Note: this throws away the old canvas and creates a new blank canvas with the desired size.
* Thus this should immediately be followed by a {@link #begin}/{@link #end} pair which updates
* the contents of the new canvas. Until then, it will display the old image data.
public void resize (float width, float height) {
if (canvas != null) canvas.close();
canvas = gfx.createCanvas(width, height);
代码示例来源:origin: io.playn/playn-core
/** See {@link #createCanvas(float,float)}. */
public Canvas createCanvas (IDimension size) {
return createCanvas(size.width(), size.height());
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
/** See {@link #createCanvas(float,float)}. */
public Canvas createCanvas (IDimension size) {
return createCanvas(size.width(), size.height());
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
protected void updateDisplay() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (notifications.isEmpty()) {
buf.append("No notifications. Pause and resume the game to generate some.");
} else {
for (String note : notifications)
TextLayout layout = game.graphics.layoutText(buf.toString(), new TextFormat());
Canvas canvas = game.graphics.createCanvas(layout.size);
canvas.setFillColor(0xFF000000).fillText(layout, 0, 0);
代码示例来源:origin: io.playn/playn-core
Texture colorTex () {
if (colorTex == null) {
Canvas canvas = createCanvas(1, 1);
canvas.setFillColor(0xFFFFFFFF).fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
colorTex = canvas.toTexture(Texture.Config.UNMANAGED);
return colorTex;
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
Texture colorTex () {
if (colorTex == null) {
Canvas canvas = createCanvas(1, 1);
canvas.setFillColor(0xFFFFFFFF).fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
colorTex = canvas.toTexture(Texture.Config.UNMANAGED);
return colorTex;
代码示例来源:origin: threerings/tripleplay
/** Creates a canvas large enough to accommodate this styled text, and renders it therein. The
* canvas will include a one pixel border beyond the size of the styled text which is needed
* to accommodate antialiasing. */
public Canvas toCanvas () {
float pad = 1/_gfx.scale().factor;
Canvas canvas = _gfx.createCanvas(width()+2*pad, height()+2*pad);
render(canvas, pad, pad);
return canvas;
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
protected Texture makeLabel(String label) {
TextLayout layout = game.graphics.layoutText(label, new TextFormat());
Canvas canvas = game.graphics.createCanvas(layout.size);
canvas.setFillColor(0xFF000000).fillText(layout, 0, 0);
return canvas.toTexture();
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
* Creates a canvas image large enough to accommodate this text block and renders the lines into
* it. The image will include padding around the edge to ensure that antialiasing has a bit of
* extra space to do its work.
public Canvas toCanvas(Graphics gfx, Align align, int fillColor) {
float pad = 1/gfx.scale().factor;
Canvas canvas = gfx.createCanvas(bounds.width()+2*pad, bounds.height()+2*pad);
fill(canvas, align, pad, pad);
return canvas;
代码示例来源:origin: io.playn/playn-core
* Creates a canvas image large enough to accommodate this text block and renders the lines into
* it. The image will include padding around the edge to ensure that antialiasing has a bit of
* extra space to do its work.
public Canvas toCanvas(Graphics gfx, Align align, int fillColor) {
float pad = 1/gfx.scale().factor;
Canvas canvas = gfx.createCanvas(bounds.width()+2*pad, bounds.height()+2*pad);
fill(canvas, align, pad, pad);
return canvas;
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
public DebugDrawBox2D(Platform plat, float width, float height) {
super(new OBBViewportTransform());
this.plat = plat;
strokeWidth = 1.0f;
strokeAlpha = 255;
fillAlpha = 150;
canvas = plat.graphics().createCanvas(width, height);
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
private void addTestCanvas(String descrip, int width, int height, String imagePath,
ImageDrawer drawer) {
Canvas target = game.graphics.createCanvas(width, height);
ImageLayer layer = new ImageLayer().setSize(width, height);
game.assets.getImage(imagePath).state.onSuccess(image -> {
drawer.draw(target, image);
addTestLayer(descrip, width, height, layer);
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
protected void addInfo (Canvas canvas, float cx, float y) {
TextFormat infoFormat = new TextFormat(new Font("Helvetica", 12));
TextLayout ilayout = game.graphics.layoutText(canvas.width + "x" + canvas.height, infoFormat);
Canvas iimage = game.graphics.createCanvas(ilayout.size);
iimage.setFillColor(0xFF000000).fillText(ilayout, 0, 0);
game.rootLayer.addAt(new ImageLayer(iimage.toTexture()), cx - iimage.width/2, y);
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
protected ImageLayer createLabel(String text, GroupLayer parent,
int fg, int bg, float x, float y, float padding) {
TextLayout layout = game.graphics.layoutText(text, baseFormat);
float twidth = layout.size.width() + padding * 2;
float theight = layout.size.height() + padding * 2;
Canvas canvas = game.graphics.createCanvas(twidth, theight);
if (bg != 0) canvas.setFillColor(bg).fillRect(0, 0, twidth, theight);
canvas.setFillColor(fg).fillText(layout, padding, padding);
ImageLayer imageLayer = new ImageLayer(canvas.toTexture());
parent.addAt(imageLayer, x, y);
return imageLayer;
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
public Texture formatText (TextFormat format, String text, boolean border) {
TextLayout layout = game.graphics.layoutText(text, format);
float margin = border ? 10 : 0;
float width = layout.size.width()+2*margin, height = layout.size.height()+2*margin;
Canvas canvas = game.graphics.createCanvas(width, height);
if (border) canvas.setFillColor(0xFFCCCCCC).fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
canvas.setFillColor(0xFF000000).fillText(layout, margin, margin);
if (border) canvas.setStrokeColor(0xFF000000).strokeRect(0, 0, width-1, height-1);
return canvas.toTexture();
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
@Override public void init() {
int[] depths = { 0, -1, 1, 3, 2, -4, -3, 4, -2 };
int[] fills = { 0xFF99CCFF, 0xFFFFFF33, 0xFF9933FF, 0xFF999999, 0xFFFF0033,
0xFF00CC00, 0xFFFF9900, 0xFF0066FF, 0x0FFCC6666 };
int width = 200, height = 200;
for (int ii = 0; ii < depths.length; ii++) {
int depth = depths[ii];
Canvas canvas = game.graphics.createCanvas(width, height);
canvas.setFillColor(fills[ii]).fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
canvas.setFillColor(0xFF000000).drawText(depth + "/" + ii, 5, 15);
ImageLayer layer = new ImageLayer(canvas.toTexture());
layer.setDepth(depth).setTranslation(225-50*depth, 125+25*depth);
代码示例来源:origin: threerings/tripleplay
protected Instance instantiate (final IDimension size) {
Canvas canvas = _gfx.createCanvas(size);
if (_borderWidth > 0) {
0, 0, size.width(), size.height(), _radius);
// scale the inner radius based on the ratio of the inner height to the full height;
// this improves the uniformity of the border substantially
float iwidth = size.width() - 2*_borderWidth, iheight = size.height() - 2*_borderWidth;
float iradius = _borderRadius * (iheight / size.height());
_borderWidth, _borderWidth, iwidth, iheight, iradius);
} else {
canvas.setFillColor(_bgColor).fillRoundRect(0, 0, size.width(), size.height(), _radius);
ImageLayer layer = new ImageLayer(canvas.toTexture());
return new LayerInstance(size, layer);
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
@Override public void init() {
String text = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";
TextFormat format = new TextFormat(new Font("Helvetica", 18));
TextBlock block = new TextBlock(game.graphics.layoutText(text, format, new TextWrap(100)));
float x = 5;
for (float scale : new float[] { 1f, 2f, 3f }) {
float swidth = block.bounds.width() * scale, sheight = block.bounds.height() * scale;
Canvas canvas = game.graphics.createCanvas(swidth, sheight);
canvas.setStrokeColor(0xFFFFCCCC).strokeRect(0, 0, swidth-0.5f, sheight-0.5f);
canvas.scale(scale, scale);
block.fill(canvas, TextBlock.Align.RIGHT, 0, 0);
game.rootLayer.addAt(new ImageLayer(canvas.toTexture()), x, 5);
addInfo(canvas, x + swidth/2, sheight + 10);
x += swidth + 5;
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
protected Texture makeTextImage() {
TextFormat format = new TextFormat(new Font(font.value(), style.value(), 24));
float wrapWidth = wrap.value() == 0 ?
Float.MAX_VALUE : game.graphics.viewSize.width()*wrap.value()/100;
TextBlock block = new TextBlock(
game.graphics.layoutText(sample, format, new TextWrap(wrapWidth)));
float awidth = adjustWidth(block.bounds.width()), aheight = adjustHeight(block.bounds.height());
float pad = 1/game.graphics.scale().factor;
Canvas canvas = game.graphics.createCanvas(awidth+2*pad, aheight+2*pad);
canvas.translate(pad, pad);
canvas.setStrokeColor(0xFFFFCCCC).strokeRect(0, 0, awidth, aheight);
render(canvas, block, align.value(), lineBounds.value());
return canvas.toTexture();