
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Execute the stored procedure. Subclasses should define a strongly typed
 * execute method (with a meaningful name) that invokes this method, populating
 * the input map and extracting typed values from the output map. Subclass
 * execute methods will often take domain objects as arguments and return values.
 * Alternatively, they can return void.
 * @param inParams map of input parameters, keyed by name as in parameter
 * declarations. Output parameters need not (but can) be included in this map.
 * It is legal for map entries to be {@code null}, and this will produce the
 * correct behavior using a NULL argument to the stored procedure.
 * @return map of output params, keyed by name as in parameter declarations.
 * Output parameters will appear here, with their values after the
 * stored procedure has been called.
public Map<String, Object> execute(Map<String, ?> inParams) throws DataAccessException {
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(newCallableStatementCreator(inParams), getDeclaredParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Delegate method to perform the actual call processing.
private Map<String, Object> executeCallInternal(Map<String, ?> args) {
  CallableStatementCreator csc = getCallableStatementFactory().newCallableStatementCreator(args);
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("The following parameters are used for call " + getCallString() + " with " + args);
    int i = 1;
    for (SqlParameter param : getCallParameters()) {
      logger.debug(i + ": " +  param.getName() + ", SQL type "+ param.getSqlType() + ", type name " +
          param.getTypeName() + ", parameter class [" + param.getClass().getName() + "]");
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(csc, getCallParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Execute the stored procedure. Subclasses should define a strongly typed
 * execute method (with a meaningful name) that invokes this method, passing in
 * a ParameterMapper that will populate the input map.  This allows mapping database
 * specific features since the ParameterMapper has access to the Connection object.
 * The execute method is also responsible for extracting typed values from the output map.
 * Subclass execute methods will often take domain objects as arguments and return values.
 * Alternatively, they can return void.
 * @param inParamMapper map of input parameters, keyed by name as in parameter
 * declarations. Output parameters need not (but can) be included in this map.
 * It is legal for map entries to be {@code null}, and this will produce the correct
 * behavior using a NULL argument to the stored procedure.
 * @return map of output params, keyed by name as in parameter declarations.
 * Output parameters will appear here, with their values after the
 * stored procedure has been called.
public Map<String, Object> execute(ParameterMapper inParamMapper) throws DataAccessException {
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(newCallableStatementCreator(inParamMapper), getDeclaredParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Execute the stored procedure with the provided parameter values. This is
 * a convenience method where the order of the passed in parameter values
 * must match the order that the parameters where declared in.
 * @param inParams variable number of input parameters. Output parameters should
 * not be included in this map. It is legal for values to be {@code null}, and this
 * will produce the correct behavior using a NULL argument to the stored procedure.
 * @return map of output params, keyed by name as in parameter declarations.
 * Output parameters will appear here, with their values after the stored procedure
 * has been called.
public Map<String, Object> execute(Object... inParams) {
  Map<String, Object> paramsToUse = new HashMap<>();
  int i = 0;
  for (SqlParameter sqlParameter : getDeclaredParameters()) {
    if (sqlParameter.isInputValueProvided() && i < inParams.length) {
      paramsToUse.put(sqlParameter.getName(), inParams[i++]);
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(newCallableStatementCreator(paramsToUse), getDeclaredParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testCaseInsensitiveResultsMap() throws Exception {
  assertTrue("default should have been NOT case insensitive",
  assertTrue("now it should have been set to case insensitive",
  Map<String, Object> out =
      conn -> conn.prepareCall("my query"), Collections.singletonList(new SqlOutParameter("a", 12)));
  assertThat(out, instanceOf(LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap.class));
  assertNotNull("we should have gotten the result with upper case", out.get("A"));
  assertNotNull("we should have gotten the result with lower case", out.get("a"));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testExecuteClosed() throws Exception {
  SqlParameter param = new SqlReturnResultSet("", (RowCallbackHandler) rs -> {
    throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException("");
  try { -> conn.prepareCall("my query"), Collections.singletonList(param));
  finally {

代码示例来源:origin: io.bufferslayer/bufferslayer-spring-jdbc

public Map<String, Object> call(CallableStatementCreator csc,
  List<SqlParameter> declaredParameters) throws DataAccessException {
 return, declaredParameters);

代码示例来源:origin: cloudfoundry-incubator/multiapps-controller

private void callRemove(String tokenKey, List<SqlParameter> paramList, String procedureSecurestoreDelete) { CallableStatementCreator() {
    public CallableStatement createCallableStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
      CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(procedureSecurestoreDelete);
      callableStatement.setString(1, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE);
      callableStatement.setBoolean(2, FOR_XS_APPLICATIONUSER);
      callableStatement.setString(3, tokenKey);
      return callableStatement;
  }, paramList);

代码示例来源:origin: io.bufferslayer/buffer-spring-jdbc

public Map<String, Object> call(CallableStatementCreator csc,
  List<SqlParameter> declaredParameters) throws DataAccessException {
 return, declaredParameters);

代码示例来源:origin: cloudfoundry-incubator/multiapps-controller

private void callInsert(String tokenKey, List<SqlParameter> paramList, byte[] compressedBytes, String procedureSecurestoreInsert) { CallableStatementCreator() {
    public CallableStatement createCallableStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
      CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(procedureSecurestoreInsert);
      callableStatement.setString(1, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE);
      callableStatement.setBoolean(2, FOR_XS_APPLICATIONUSER);
      callableStatement.setString(3, tokenKey);
      callableStatement.setBytes(4, compressedBytes);
      return callableStatement;
  }, paramList);

代码示例来源:origin: cloudfoundry-incubator/multiapps-controller

private Map<String, Object> callRetrieve(String tokenKey, List<SqlParameter> paramList, final String procedureSecurestoreRetrieve) {
  return CallableStatementCreator() {
    public CallableStatement createCallableStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
      CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall(procedureSecurestoreRetrieve);
      callableStatement.setString(1, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE);
      callableStatement.setBoolean(2, FOR_XS_APPLICATIONUSER);
      callableStatement.setString(3, tokenKey);
      callableStatement.registerOutParameter(4, Types.VARBINARY);
      return callableStatement;
  }, paramList);

代码示例来源:origin: openstreetmap/osmosis

 * Performs post-change database updates.
public void complete() {
      new CallableStatementCreator() {
        public CallableStatement createCallableStatement(Connection con) throws SQLException {
          return con.prepareCall("{call osmosisUpdate()}");
      }, new ArrayList<SqlParameter>());
  // Clear all action records.

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/org.springframework.jdbc

 * Execute the stored procedure. Subclasses should define a strongly typed
 * execute method (with a meaningful name) that invokes this method, populating
 * the input map and extracting typed values from the output map. Subclass
 * execute methods will often take domain objects as arguments and return values.
 * Alternatively, they can return void.
 * @param inParams map of input parameters, keyed by name as in parameter
 * declarations. Output parameters need not (but can) be included in this map.
 * It is legal for map entries to be {@code null}, and this will produce the
 * correct behavior using a NULL argument to the stored procedure.
 * @return map of output params, keyed by name as in parameter declarations.
 * Output parameters will appear here, with their values after the
 * stored procedure has been called.
public Map<String, Object> execute(Map<String, ?> inParams) throws DataAccessException {
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(newCallableStatementCreator(inParams), getDeclaredParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * Delegate method to perform the actual call processing.
private Map<String, Object> executeCallInternal(Map<String, ?> args) {
  CallableStatementCreator csc = getCallableStatementFactory().newCallableStatementCreator(args);
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("The following parameters are used for call " + getCallString() + " with " + args);
    int i = 1;
    for (SqlParameter param : getCallParameters()) {
      logger.debug(i + ": " +  param.getName() + ", SQL type "+ param.getSqlType() + ", type name " +
          param.getTypeName() + ", parameter class [" + param.getClass().getName() + "]");
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(csc, getCallParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * Execute the stored procedure. Subclasses should define a strongly typed
 * execute method (with a meaningful name) that invokes this method, populating
 * the input map and extracting typed values from the output map. Subclass
 * execute methods will often take domain objects as arguments and return values.
 * Alternatively, they can return void.
 * @param inParams map of input parameters, keyed by name as in parameter
 * declarations. Output parameters need not (but can) be included in this map.
 * It is legal for map entries to be {@code null}, and this will produce the
 * correct behavior using a NULL argument to the stored procedure.
 * @return map of output params, keyed by name as in parameter declarations.
 * Output parameters will appear here, with their values after the
 * stored procedure has been called.
public Map<String, Object> execute(Map<String, ?> inParams) throws DataAccessException {
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(newCallableStatementCreator(inParams), getDeclaredParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/org.springframework.jdbc

 * Method to perform the actual call processing
private Map<String, Object> executeCallInternal(Map<String, ?> params) {
  CallableStatementCreator csc = getCallableStatementFactory().newCallableStatementCreator(params);
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("The following parameters are used for call " + getCallString() + " with: " + params);
    int i = 1;
    for (SqlParameter p : getCallParameters()) {
      logger.debug(i++ + ": " +  p.getName() + " SQL Type "+ p.getSqlType() + " Type Name " + p.getTypeName() + " " + p.getClass().getName());
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(csc, getCallParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/org.springframework.jdbc

 * Execute the stored procedure. Subclasses should define a strongly typed
 * execute method (with a meaningful name) that invokes this method, passing in
 * a ParameterMapper that will populate the input map.  This allows mapping database
 * specific features since the ParameterMapper has access to the Connection object.
 * The execute method is also responsible for extracting typed values from the output map.
 * Subclass execute methods will often take domain objects as arguments and return values.
 * Alternatively, they can return void.
 * @param inParamMapper map of input parameters, keyed by name as in parameter
 * declarations. Output parameters need not (but can) be included in this map.
 * It is legal for map entries to be {@code null}, and this will produce the correct
 * behavior using a NULL argument to the stored procedure.
 * @return map of output params, keyed by name as in parameter declarations.
 * Output parameters will appear here, with their values after the
 * stored procedure has been called.
public Map<String, Object> execute(ParameterMapper inParamMapper) throws DataAccessException {
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(newCallableStatementCreator(inParamMapper), getDeclaredParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * Execute the stored procedure with the provided parameter values. This is
 * a convenience method where the order of the passed in parameter values
 * must match the order that the parameters where declared in.
 * @param inParams variable number of input parameters. Output parameters should
 * not be included in this map. It is legal for values to be {@code null}, and this
 * will produce the correct behavior using a NULL argument to the stored procedure.
 * @return map of output params, keyed by name as in parameter declarations.
 * Output parameters will appear here, with their values after the stored procedure
 * has been called.
public Map<String, Object> execute(Object... inParams) {
  Map<String, Object> paramsToUse = new HashMap<>();
  int i = 0;
  for (SqlParameter sqlParameter : getDeclaredParameters()) {
    if (sqlParameter.isInputValueProvided() && i < inParams.length) {
      paramsToUse.put(sqlParameter.getName(), inParams[i++]);
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(newCallableStatementCreator(paramsToUse), getDeclaredParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/org.springframework.jdbc

 * Execute the stored procedure with the provided parameter values. This is
 * a convenience method where the order of the passed in parameter values
 * must match the order that the parameters where declared in.
 * @param inParams variable number of input parameters. Output parameters should
 * not be included in this map.
 * It is legal for values to be {@code null}, and this will produce the
 * correct behavior using a NULL argument to the stored procedure.
 * @return map of output params, keyed by name as in parameter declarations.
 * Output parameters will appear here, with their values after the
 * stored procedure has been called.
public Map<String, Object> execute(Object... inParams) {
  Map<String, Object> paramsToUse = new HashMap<String, Object>();
  int i = 0;
  for (SqlParameter sqlParameter : getDeclaredParameters()) {
    if (sqlParameter.isInputValueProvided()) {
      if (i < inParams.length) {
        paramsToUse.put(sqlParameter.getName(), inParams[i++]);
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(newCallableStatementCreator(paramsToUse), getDeclaredParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * Execute the stored procedure. Subclasses should define a strongly typed
 * execute method (with a meaningful name) that invokes this method, passing in
 * a ParameterMapper that will populate the input map.  This allows mapping database
 * specific features since the ParameterMapper has access to the Connection object.
 * The execute method is also responsible for extracting typed values from the output map.
 * Subclass execute methods will often take domain objects as arguments and return values.
 * Alternatively, they can return void.
 * @param inParamMapper map of input parameters, keyed by name as in parameter
 * declarations. Output parameters need not (but can) be included in this map.
 * It is legal for map entries to be {@code null}, and this will produce the correct
 * behavior using a NULL argument to the stored procedure.
 * @return map of output params, keyed by name as in parameter declarations.
 * Output parameters will appear here, with their values after the
 * stored procedure has been called.
public Map<String, Object> execute(ParameterMapper inParamMapper) throws DataAccessException {
  return getJdbcTemplate().call(newCallableStatementCreator(inParamMapper), getDeclaredParameters());
