代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-awt
return super.getStream(page);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.izpack/izpack-panel
protected InputStream getStream(URL urlObj)
throws IOException
{ //get original stream contents:
final InputStream inStm = super.getStream(urlObj);
final ByteArrayOutputStream btArrOutStm =
new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int b; //copy contents to output stream:
final byte[] buff = new byte[2048];
while ((b = inStm.read(buff, 0, buff.length)) > 0)
btArrOutStm.write(buff, 0, b);
//convert to string and parse variables:
final String parsedStr =
//return input stream to parsed string:
return new ByteArrayInputStream(
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide
* Fetches a stream for the given URL, which is about to
* be loaded by the <code>setPage</code> method.
* This method is expected to have the the side effect of
* establishing the content type, and therefore setting the
* appropriate <code>EditorKit</code> to use for loading the stream.
* <p>
* If debugger is not running returns super implementation.
* <p>
* If debugger runs it will set content type to text/html.
* Forwarding is not supported is that case.
* <p>Control using sysprop org.openide.awt.SwingBrowserImpl.do-not-block-awt=true.
* @param page the URL of the page
protected InputStream getStream (URL page) throws IOException {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater (SwingBrowserImpl.this);
// XXX debugger ought to set this temporarily
if (Boolean.getBoolean("org.openide.awt.SwingBrowserImpl.do-not-block-awt")) {
// try to set contentType quickly and return (don't block AWT Thread)
setContentType ("text/html"); // NOI18N
return new FilteredInputStream (page.openConnection(),
} else {
return super.getStream (page);
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide
* Fetches a stream for the given URL, which is about to
* be loaded by the <code>setPage</code> method.
* This method is expected to have the the side effect of
* establishing the content type, and therefore setting the
* appropriate <code>EditorKit</code> to use for loading the stream.
* <p>
* If debugger is not running returns super implementation.
* <p>
* If debugger runs it will set content type to text/html.
* Forwarding is not supported is that case.
* <p>Control using sysprop org.openide.awt.SwingBrowserImpl.do-not-block-awt=true.
* @param page the URL of the page
protected InputStream getStream (URL page) throws IOException {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater (SwingBrowserImpl.this);
// XXX debugger ought to set this temporarily
if (Boolean.getBoolean("org.openide.awt.SwingBrowserImpl.do-not-block-awt")) {
// try to set contentType quickly and return (don't block AWT Thread)
setContentType ("text/html"); // NOI18N
return new FilteredInputStream (page.openConnection(),
} else {
return super.getStream (page);