
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Method similar to #findValue, but that will return a "missing node" instead of null if no field is found. Missing node is a specific kind of node for which #isMissingNodereturns true; and all value access methods return empty or missing value.


代码示例来源:origin: com.atlassian.jira/jira-core

public ReadOnlyJsonNode findPath(final String fieldName)
  return wrap(delegate.findPath(fieldName));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry

public JsonNode getCounters(JsonNode root) {
 JsonNode counters = root.findPath("counters");
 return counters;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry

public JsonNode getGauges(JsonNode root) {
 JsonNode gauges = root.findPath("gauges");
 return gauges;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry

public JsonNode getHistograms(JsonNode root) {
 JsonNode histograms = root.findPath("histograms");
 return histograms;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry

public JsonNode getMeters(JsonNode root) {
 JsonNode meters = root.findPath("meters");
 return meters;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry

public JsonNode getTimers(JsonNode root) {
 JsonNode timers = root.findPath("timers");
 return timers;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry

public JsonNode getValue(JsonNode node) {
 return node.findPath("value");

代码示例来源:origin: kermitt2/entity-fishing

List<WeightedTerm> terms = new ArrayList<WeightedTerm>();
JsonNode idNode = jsonRoot.findPath("publication_id");
if ((idNode != null) && (!idNode.isMissingNode())) {
  String docid = idNode.getTextValue();
  String outputPath = path + File.separator + docid + ".json";
  JsonNode id = jsonRoot.findPath("_id");
  JsonNode inventionTitle = jsonRoot.findPath("invention_title");
  JsonNode keywordsNode = jsonRoot.findPath("keywords");
      double weight = 0.0;
      JsonNode idNode2 = termNode.findPath("keyword");
      if ((idNode2 != null) && (!idNode2.isMissingNode())) {
        keyword = idNode2.getTextValue();
      idNode2 = termNode.findPath("weight");
      if ((idNode2 != null) && (!idNode2.isMissingNode())) {
        weight = idNode2.getDoubleValue();

代码示例来源:origin: kermitt2/entity-fishing

JsonNode idNode = jsonRoot.findPath("publication_id");
if ((idNode != null) && (!idNode.isMissingNode())) {
  String docid = idNode.getTextValue();
  JsonNode id = jsonRoot.findPath("_id");
  JsonNode inventionTitle = jsonRoot.findPath("invention_title");
  JsonNode keywordsNode = jsonRoot.findPath("keywords");
  JsonNode textNode = jsonRoot.findPath("text"); 
  JsonNode abstractNode = jsonRoot.findPath("abstract"); 
  JsonNode claimsNode = jsonRoot.findPath("claims"); 
  JsonNode descriptionNode = jsonRoot.findPath("description"); 
      JsonNode idNode2 = termNode.findPath("keyword");
      if ((idNode2 != null) && (!idNode2.isMissingNode())) {
        keyword = idNode2.getTextValue();
      idNode2 = termNode.findPath("weight");
      if ((idNode2 != null) && (!idNode2.isMissingNode())) {
        weight = idNode2.getDoubleValue();
      idNode2 = termNode.findPath("status");
      if ((idNode2 != null) && (!idNode2.isMissingNode())) {
        String status = idNode2.getTextValue();
        JsonNode entityNodes = termNode.findPath("entities");
        if ( (entityNodes != null) && (entityNodes.isArray()) ) {
            JsonNode wikiNode = entityNode.findPath("wikipediaExternalRef");

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry

public boolean isHA() {
 JsonNode gauges = getGauges(root);
 JsonNode obj = getValue(gauges.findPath(sentryService + ".is_ha"));
 return obj.getValueAsBoolean();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry

public boolean isActive() {
  JsonNode gauges = getGauges(root);
  JsonNode obj = getValue(gauges.findPath(sentryService + ".is_active"));
  return obj.getBooleanValue();
