[英]Get the JsonValue at the position referenced by this JsonPointer.
代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly
case COPY:
from = getPointer(operation, "from");
return pointer.add(target, from.getValue(target));
case MOVE:
return pointer.add(from.remove(target), from.getValue(target));
case TEST:
if (! getValue(operation).equals(pointer.getValue(target))) {
throw new JsonException(JsonMessages.PATCH_TEST_FAILED(operation.getString("path"), getValue(operation).toString()));
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish/javax.json
case COPY:
from = getPointer(operation, "from");
return pointer.add(target, from.getValue(target));
case MOVE:
return pointer.add(from.remove(target), from.getValue(target));
case TEST:
if (! getValue(operation).equals(pointer.getValue(target))) {
throw new JsonException(JsonMessages.PATCH_TEST_FAILED(operation.getString("path"), getValue(operation).toString()));
代码示例来源:origin: javax/javaee-web-api
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: org.talend.sdk.component/component-runtime-manager
private Object extractValue(final JsonObject payload) {
if (!pointer.containsValue(payload)) {
return null;
return ofNullable(pointer.getValue(payload)).map(this::mapValue).orElse(null);
代码示例来源:origin: javax.json/javax.json-api
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: jboss/jboss-javaee-specs
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: jakarta.json/jakarta.json-api
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/jsonp
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/jsonp
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.eap/wildfly-client-all
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/jsonp
* Get the value referenced by the provided JSON Pointer in the JsonStructure.
* @param jsonPointer the JSON Pointer
* @return the {@code JsonValue} at the referenced location
* @throws JsonException if the JSON Pointer is malformed, or if it references
* a non-existing member or value.
* @since 1.1
default public JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return Json.createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: org.talend.sdk.component/component-server-proxy
public Optional<String> findEnclosedFormId(final String type, final String lang, final JsonObject payload) {
return doEnrich(type, lang,
patch -> ofNullable(patch.getTypePointer())
.map(it -> it.getValue(payload))
.filter(it -> it.getValueType() == STRING)
.map(it -> JsonString.class.cast(it).getString())
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException(
"No form identifier available, check your server configuration.")));
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-json_1.1_spec
default JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return JsonProvider.provider().createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/meecrowave
default JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return JsonProvider.provider().createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.meecrowave/meecrowave-specs-api
default JsonValue getValue(String jsonPointer) {
return JsonProvider.provider().createPointer(jsonPointer).getValue(this);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish/jakarta.json
case COPY:
from = getPointer(operation, "from");
return pointer.add(target, from.getValue(target));
case MOVE:
return pointer.add(from.remove(target), from.getValue(target));
case TEST:
if (! getValue(operation).equals(pointer.getValue(target))) {
throw new JsonException(JsonMessages.PATCH_TEST_FAILED(operation.getString("path"), getValue(operation).toString()));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.eap/wildfly-client-all
case COPY:
from = getPointer(operation, "from");
return pointer.add(target, from.getValue(target));
case MOVE:
return pointer.add(from.remove(target), from.getValue(target));
case TEST:
if (! getValue(operation).equals(pointer.getValue(target))) {
throw new JsonException(JsonMessages.PATCH_TEST_FAILED(operation.getString("path"), getValue(operation).toString()));
代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded
case COPY:
from = getPointer(operation, "from");
return pointer.add(target, from.getValue(target));
case MOVE:
return pointer.add(from.remove(target), from.getValue(target));
case TEST:
if (! getValue(operation).equals(pointer.getValue(target))) {
throw new JsonException(JsonMessages.PATCH_TEST_FAILED(operation.getString("path"), getValue(operation).toString()));