
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Return whether the uploaded file is empty, that is, either no file has been chosen in the multipart form or the chosen file has no content.


代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Bind all multipart files contained in the given request, if any
 * (in case of a multipart request). To be called by subclasses.
 * <p>Multipart files will only be added to the property values if they
 * are not empty or if we're configured to bind empty multipart files too.
 * @param multipartFiles a Map of field name String to MultipartFile object
 * @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
 * @see org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile
 * @see #setBindEmptyMultipartFiles
protected void bindMultipart(Map<String, List<MultipartFile>> multipartFiles, MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
  multipartFiles.forEach((key, values) -> {
    if (values.size() == 1) {
      MultipartFile value = values.get(0);
      if (isBindEmptyMultipartFiles() || !value.isEmpty()) {
        mpvs.add(key, value);
    else {
      mpvs.add(key, values);

代码示例来源:origin: ityouknow/spring-boot-examples

@PostMapping("/upload") // //new annotation since 4.3
public String singleFileUpload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file,
                RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("message", "Please select a file to upload");
    return "redirect:uploadStatus";
  try {
    // Get the file and save it somewhere
    byte[] bytes = file.getBytes();
    Path path = Paths.get(UPLOADED_FOLDER + file.getOriginalFilename());
    Files.write(path, bytes);
        "You successfully uploaded '" + file.getOriginalFilename() + "'");
  } catch (IOException e) {
  return "redirect:/uploadStatus";

代码示例来源:origin: forezp/SpringBootLearning

public void store(MultipartFile file) {
  try {
    if (file.isEmpty()) {
      throw new StorageException("Failed to store empty file " + file.getOriginalFilename());
    Files.copy(file.getInputStream(), this.rootLocation.resolve(file.getOriginalFilename()));
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new StorageException("Failed to store file " + file.getOriginalFilename(), e);

代码示例来源:origin: hs-web/hsweb-framework

@PostMapping(value = "/upload-static")
@ApiOperation(value = "上传静态文件", notes = "上传后响应结果的result字段为文件的访问地址")
@Authorize(action = "static", description = "上传静态文件")
public ResponseMessage<String> uploadStatic(@RequestPart("file") MultipartFile file) throws IOException {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return ResponseMessage.ok();
  return ResponseMessage.ok(fileService.saveStaticFile(file.getInputStream(), file.getOriginalFilename()));

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: roncoo/spring-boot-demo

@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("roncooFile") MultipartFile file) {
  if (file.isEmpty()) {
    return "文件为空";

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/spring-web

 * Bind all multipart files contained in the given request, if any
 * (in case of a multipart request). To be called by subclasses.
 * <p>Multipart files will only be added to the property values if they
 * are not empty or if we're configured to bind empty multipart files too.
 * @param multipartFiles a Map of field name String to MultipartFile object
 * @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified)
 * @see org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile
 * @see #setBindEmptyMultipartFiles
protected void bindMultipart(Map<String, List<MultipartFile>> multipartFiles, MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
  multipartFiles.forEach((key, values) -> {
    if (values.size() == 1) {
      MultipartFile value = values.get(0);
      if (isBindEmptyMultipartFiles() || !value.isEmpty()) {
        mpvs.add(key, value);
    else {
      mpvs.add(key, values);

代码示例来源:origin: ctripcorp/apollo

@RequestParam Integer namespaceId,
 @RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
if (file.isEmpty()) {
 throw new BadRequestException("The file is empty.");

代码示例来源:origin: kaaproject/kaa

 * Gets the file content.
 * @param file the file
 * @return the file content
 * @throws KaaAdminServiceException the kaa admin service exception
protected byte[] getFileContent(MultipartFile file) throws KaaAdminServiceException {
 if (!file.isEmpty()) {
  LOG.debug("Uploading file with name '{}'", file.getOriginalFilename());
  try {
   return file.getBytes();
  } catch (IOException ex) {
   throw Utils.handleException(ex);
 } else {
  LOG.error("No file found in post request!");
  throw new KaaAdminServiceException(
    "No file found in post request!",

代码示例来源:origin: hs-web/hsweb-framework

Authentication authentication = Authentication.current().orElse(null);
String creator = authentication == null ? null : authentication.getUser().getId();
if (file.isEmpty()) {
  return ResponseMessage.ok();
