
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-server

@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
     text =
       " Could not find topology \"{0}\" mapped to port \"{1}\" configured in gateway-config.xml. "
         + "This invalid topology mapping will be ignored by the gateway. "
         + "Gateway restart will be required if in the future \"{0}\" topology is added.")
void topologyPortMappingCannotFindTopology(final String topology, final int port);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-i18n

private static final MessageLevel getLevel( final Method method ) {
 MessageLevel level;
 Message anno = method.getAnnotation( Message.class );
 if( anno == null ) {
  level = MessageLevel.INFO;
 } else {
  level = anno.level();
 return level;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-i18n

private final String getCode( final Method method ) {
 String code = null;
 Message anno = method.getAnnotation( Message.class );
 if( anno != null ) {
  int num = anno.code();
  if( Message.DEFAULT_CODE != num ) {
   MessageFormat messageFormat = new MessageFormat(codes, Locale.ROOT );
   code = messageFormat.format(new Object[]{num});
 return code;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/knox

private String getCode( final Method method ) {
 String code = null;
 Message anno = method.getAnnotation( Message.class );
 if( anno != null ) {
  int num = anno.code();
  if( Message.DEFAULT_CODE != num ) {
   MessageFormat messageFormat = new MessageFormat(codes, Locale.ROOT );
   code = messageFormat.format(new Object[]{num});
 return code;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/knox

@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
     text =
       " Could not find topology \"{0}\" mapped to port \"{1}\" configured in gateway-config.xml. "
         + "This invalid topology mapping will be ignored by the gateway. "
         + "Gateway restart will be required if in the future \"{0}\" topology is added.")
void topologyPortMappingCannotFindTopology(String topology, int port);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/knox

private static MessageLevel getLevel( final Method method ) {
 MessageLevel level;
 Message anno = method.getAnnotation( Message.class );
 if( anno == null ) {
  level = MessageLevel.INFO;
 } else {
  level = anno.level();
 return level;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-service-knoxsso

@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "The original URL: {0} for redirecting back after authentication is " +
   "not valid according to the configured whitelist: {1}. See documentation for KnoxSSO Whitelisting.")
 void whiteListMatchFail(String original, String whitelist);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/knox

@Message(level = MessageLevel.WARN,
       text = "The declared nameservice {0} is not defined in the HDFS configuration.")
  void undefinedHDFSNameService(String nameservice);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/knox

@Message(level = MessageLevel.DEBUG,
     text = "Updating request target from {0} to {1}")
void topologyPortMappingUpdateRequest(String oldTarget,
  String newTarget);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/knox

@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO, text =
   "No private key passphrase alias found. Defaulting to master. Exception encountered: {0}")
 void noPrivateKeyPasshraseProvisioned(Exception e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/knox

@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR, text = "The original URL: {0} for redirecting back after authentication is " +
   "not valid according to the configured whitelist: {1}. See documentation for KnoxSSO Whitelisting.")
 void whiteListMatchFail(String original, String whitelist);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/knox

@Message(level = MessageLevel.INFO,
     text = "Updating request context from {0} to {1}")
void topologyPortMappingAddContext(String oldTarget,
  String newTarget);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-spi

@Message( level=MessageLevel.ERROR,
      text = "Unable to reliably determine the Knox domain for the default whitelist. Defaulting to allow requests only to {0}. Please consider explicitly configuring the whitelist via the gateway.dispatch.whitelist property in gateway-site" )
void unableToDetermineKnoxDomainForDefaultWhitelist(final String permittedHostName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-spi

@Message( level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
     text = "The dispatch to {0} was disallowed because it fails the dispatch whitelist validation. See documentation for dispatch whitelisting." )
void dispatchDisallowed(String uri);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-spi

@Message( level = MessageLevel.INFO,
     text = "Applying a derived dispatch whitelist because none is configured in gateway-site: {0}" )
void derivedDispatchWhitelist(final String derivedWhitelist);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-server

@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
    text = "No valid URLs were discovered for {0} in the {1} cluster.")
void failedToDiscoverClusterServiceURLs(final String serviceName, final String clusterName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-server

@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
    text = "Failed to resolve the referenced provider configuration {0}.")
void failedToResolveProviderConfigRef(final String providerConfigRef);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-server

@Message( level = MessageLevel.WARN, text = "Failed to validate topology {0} error {1}. Please "
  + "consider using descriptors instead of topologies" )
void failedToValidateTopology( String name, String cause );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-server

@Message(level = MessageLevel.INFO,
     text = "Topology port mapping feature enabled: {0}")
void gatewayTopologyPortMappingEnabled(final boolean enabled);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.knox/gateway-server

@Message(level = MessageLevel.ERROR,
     text = "Error adding remote listener for path {0}, cause: {1} ")
void errorAddingRemoteListener(final String path, final String cause);
