
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner

point = (Point) geom;
} else if (geom instanceof Polygon) {
  point = ((Polygon) geom).getCentroid();
} else if (geom instanceof MultiPolygon) {
  point = ((MultiPolygon) geom).getCentroid();

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-render

public Point getCentroid() {
  return polygon.getCentroid();

代码示例来源:origin: kiselev-dv/gazetteer

Point centroid = GeoJsonWriter.getPolygonGeometry(coords).getCentroid();

代码示例来源:origin: osmlab/atlas

 * This will return the centroid of a given polygon. It can handle complex polygons including
 * multiple polygons. This will not necessarily return a location that is contained within the
 * original polygon. For example if you have two concentric circles forming a donut shape, one
 * smaller one contained within the bigger one. The centroid of that polygon will be at the
 * center technically outside of the polygon. This is a very different concept to a
 * representative point.
 * @return a Location object that is the centroid of the polygon
public Location center()
  final Point point = JTS_POLYGON_CONVERTER.convert(this).getCentroid();
  return new JtsLocationConverter().backwardConvert(point.getCoordinate());

代码示例来源:origin: kiselev-dv/gazetteer

private static void stripe(Polygon p, List<Polygon> result) {
  Polygon bbox = (Polygon) p.getEnvelope();
  Point centroid = bbox.getCentroid();
  double snapX = fileNameKeyGenerator.roundX(centroid);
  double minX = p.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinX();
  double maxX = p.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxX();
  if(snapX > minX && snapX < maxX) {
    List<Polygon> splitPolygon = GeometryUtils.splitPolygon(p, 
        factory.createLineString(new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(snapX, 89.0), new Coordinate(snapX, -89.0)}));
    for(Polygon cp : splitPolygon) {
      stripe(cp, result);
  else {

代码示例来源:origin: jhpoelen/eol-globi-data

static protected LatLng calculateCentroidOfBBox(double left, double top, double right, double bottom) {
  LatLng latLng;
  if (left == right && top == bottom) {
    latLng = new LatLng(top, left);
  } else {
    Coordinate[] points = {GeoUtil.getCoordinate(top, left), GeoUtil.getCoordinate(top, right),
        GeoUtil.getCoordinate(bottom, right), GeoUtil.getCoordinate(bottom, left), GeoUtil.getCoordinate(top, left)};
    GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory();
    Polygon polygon = geometryFactory.createPolygon(points);
    Point centroid = polygon.getCentroid();
    latLng = new LatLng(centroid.getCoordinate().y, centroid.getCoordinate().x);
  return latLng;

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt2-render

centroid = geom.getCentroid(); // this where you would do the

代码示例来源:origin: org.geotools/gt-render

centroid = geom.getCentroid();
} catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.geoserver.extension/wps-core

Point p = gf.createPoint(centre);
