
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: naman14/Timber

void getScrobbleInfo(@Field("api_sig") String apisig, @Field("format") String format, @FieldMap Map<String, String> fields, Callback<ScrobbleInfo> callback);

代码示例来源:origin: naman14/Timber

void getUserLoginInfo(@Field("method") String method, @Field("format") String format, @Field("api_key") String apikey, @Field("api_sig") String apisig, @Field("username") String username, @Field("password") String password, Callback<UserLoginInfo> callback);

代码示例来源:origin: spinnaker/kayenta

 CanaryJudgeResult judge(@Body RemoteJudgeRequest body);

代码示例来源:origin: yigit/dev-summit-architecture-demo

  Call<NewPostResponse> sendPost(@Query("text") String text, @Query("client_id") String clientId,
      // ultra secure API sending user id :p
      @Query("user_id") long userId);

代码示例来源:origin: spinnaker/kayenta

 Response post(@Path("ownerApp") String ownerApp,
        @Path("configType") String configType,
        @Path("configName") String configName,
        @Body RequestBody config);

代码示例来源:origin: spinnaker/kayenta

  * Executes a signal flow program.
  * @param accessToken     The SignalFx API Access token associated with the organization that you are querying.
  * @param startEpochMilli (Optional) start timestamp in milliseconds since epoch
  * @param endEpochMilli   (Optional) stop timestamp in milliseconds since epoch
  * @param resolution      (Optional) the minimum desired data resolution, in milliseconds
  * @param maxDelay        (Optional) desired maximum data delay, in milliseconds between 0 (for automatic maximum delay) and 900000
  * @param immediate       (Optional) whether to adjust the stop timestamp so that the computation doesn't wait for future data to be available
  * @param program         The signal flow program to execute
  * @return The list of channel messages from the signal flow output
 SignalFlowExecutionResult executeSignalFlowProgram(@Header("X-SF-TOKEN") String accessToken,
                           @Query("start") long startEpochMilli,
                           @Query("stop") long endEpochMilli,
                           @Query("resolution") long resolution,
                           @Query("maxDelay") long maxDelay,
                           @Query("immediate") boolean immediate,
                           @Body String program);


 * Use to update all users.
 * @return The number of non-anonymous users synced.
long sync();

代码示例来源:origin: org.kurento/kurento-repository-client

 * Creates a new repository item with the provided metadata, ready for media recording.
 * @param metadata
 *          a map of values. Can be empty but <strong>not null</strong>.
 * @return a {@link RepositoryItemRecorder} containing the item's id and an URL through which
 *         Kurento Media Server can record media sent by the client
RepositoryItemRecorder createRepositoryItem(@Body Map<String, String> metadata);

代码示例来源:origin: org.kurento/kurento-repository-client

 * Searches for repository items by each pair of attributes and their expected values.
 * @param searchValues
 *          pairs of attributes and their values
 * @return a {@link Set}&lt;{@link String}&gt; with identifiers of the repository items that were
 *         found
Set<String> simpleFindItems(@Body Map<String, String> searchValues);


 * Use to update a subset of users. An empty list will update the anonymous/unrestricted user.
 * @param roles Users with any role listed should be updated.
 * @return The number of non-anonymous users synced.
long sync(@Body List<String> roles);

代码示例来源:origin: tomahawk-player/tomahawk-android

HatchetPlaylistEntries postRelationship(
    @Header("Authorization") String accesstoken,
    @Body TypedInput rawBody

代码示例来源:origin: tomahawk-player/tomahawk-android

Response postPlaybackLogEntries(
    @Header("Authorization") String accesstoken,
    @Body TypedInput rawBody

代码示例来源:origin: tomahawk-player/tomahawk-android

HatchetPlaylistEntries postPlaylistsPlaylistEntries(
    @Header("Authorization") String accesstoken,
    @Body TypedInput rawBody


 * @param userId The user being logged in
 * @param ignored ignored.
 * @return ignored.
Response loginUser(@Path("userId") String userId, @Body String ignored /* retrofit requires this */);

代码示例来源:origin: tomahawk-player/tomahawk-android

HatchetAuthResponse getBearerAccessToken(
    @Field("refresh_token") String refresh_token,
    @Field("grant_type") String grant_type

代码示例来源:origin: NightscoutFoundation/xDrip

Call<String> authenticatePublisherAccount(@Query("sessionId") String sessionId,
                        @Query("serialNumber") String serialNumber,
                        @Body Map<String, String> body);
// maybe needs ?sessionId={YourSessionId}&serialNumber={YourdexcomSerialNumber}

代码示例来源:origin: NightscoutFoundation/xDrip

@Headers({"Content-Length: 0"})
Call<ResponseBody> deleteContact(@Query("sessionId") String sessionId,
                 @Query("contactId") String contactId);
// needs ?sessionId={YourSessionId}&contactId={foll`owersContactId}


DaemonTask<Halconfig, String> generateDeployment(
  @Path("deploymentName") String deploymentName,
  @Query("validate") boolean validate,
  @Body String _ignore);

代码示例来源:origin: com.hp.autonomy.hod/java-hod-client

 * Extract content from a CSV file into a JSON format using HP Haven on Demand using a token proxy
 * @param token The authentication token
 * @param file The bytes of a file containing the data to be extracted.
 * @return {@link List} of JSON objects stored as a {@link LinkedHashMap} with column names as keys and cell values as values.
Response extractFromFile(@Header("token") AuthenticationToken<?, ?> token, @Part("file") TypedOutput file) throws HodErrorException;


DaemonTask<Halconfig, Object> cleanDeployment(
  @Path("deploymentName") String deploymentName,
  @Query("validate") boolean validate,
  @Body String _ignore);
