
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "List the currently active config of Neo4j." )
@Procedure( name = "dbms.listConfig", mode = DBMS )
public Stream<ConfigResult> listConfig( @Name( value = "searchString", defaultValue = "" ) String searchString )
  Config config = graph.getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency( Config.class );
  String lowerCasedSearchString = searchString.toLowerCase();
  return config.getConfigValues().values().stream()
      .filter( c -> !c.internal() )
      .filter( c -> lowerCasedSearchString ) )
      .map( ConfigResult::new )
      .sorted( Comparator.comparing( c -> ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public Stream<CompilationMessage> visitExecutable( ExecutableElement method, Void ignored )
  Procedure procedure = method.getAnnotation( Procedure.class );
  if ( procedure == null )
    return Stream.of( new PerformsWriteMisuseError( method, "@%s usage error: missing @%s annotation on method",
        PerformsWrites.class.getSimpleName(), Procedure.class.getSimpleName() ) );
  if ( procedure.mode() != Mode.DEFAULT )
    return Stream.of( new PerformsWriteMisuseError( method,
        "@%s usage error: cannot use mode other than Mode.DEFAULT",
        PerformsWrites.class.getSimpleName() ) );
  return Stream.empty();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

@Description(",loadDynamicProperties=false,loadIndexes=false) - quickly loads all nodes and rels into memory by skipping one page at a time")
public Stream<WarmupResult> run(@Name(value = "loadProperties", defaultValue = "false") boolean loadProperties, @Name(value = "loadDynamicProperties", defaultValue = "false") boolean loadDynamicProperties, @Name(value = "loadIndexes", defaultValue = "false") boolean loadIndexes) throws IOException {
  PageCache pageCache = db.getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency(PageCache.class);
      .filter(pF -> {
        String name = pF.file().getName();
        if (isSchema(pF.file()) && !loadIndexes) return false;
        return true;
      .map((pagedFile -> {
        File file = pagedFile.file();
        boolean index = isSchema(file);
      })).collect(Collectors.toMap(r -> r.file, r -> r));

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

.filter( m -> m.isAnnotationPresent( Procedure.class ) )
    .collect( Collectors.toList() );
for ( Method method : procedureMethods )
  String valueName = method.getAnnotation( Procedure.class ).value();
  String definedName = method.getAnnotation( Procedure.class ).name();
  QualifiedName procName = extractName( procDefinition, method, valueName, definedName );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "Query the given fulltext index. Returns the matching nodes and their lucene query score, ordered by score." )
@Procedure( name = "db.index.fulltext.queryNodes", mode = READ )
public Stream<NodeOutput> queryFulltextForNodes( @Name( "indexName" ) String name, @Name( "queryString" ) String query )
    throws ParseException, IndexNotFoundKernelException, IOException
  IndexReference indexReference = getValidIndexReference( name );
  awaitOnline( indexReference );
  EntityType entityType = indexReference.schema().entityType();
  if ( entityType != EntityType.NODE )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The '" + name + "' index (" + indexReference + ") is an index on " + entityType +
        ", so it cannot be queried for nodes." );
  ScoreEntityIterator resultIterator = accessor.query( tx, name, query );
      .map( result -> NodeOutput.forExistingEntityOrNull( db, result ) )
      .filter( Objects::nonNull );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

@Description("[label], [key]) YIELD label, key, value, count - quickly returns all distinct values and counts for a given key")
public Stream<PropertyValueCount> distinctCount(@Name(value = "label", defaultValue = "") String labelName, @Name(value = "key", defaultValue = "") String keyName) throws SchemaRuleNotFoundException, IndexNotFoundKernelException, IOException {
  Iterable<IndexDefinition> labels = (labelName.isEmpty()) ? db.schema().getIndexes() : db.schema().getIndexes(Label.label(labelName));
  return, false).filter(i -> keyName.isEmpty() || isKeyIndexed(i, keyName)).flatMap(
      index -> {
        Iterable<String> keys = keyName.isEmpty() ? index.getPropertyKeys() : Collections.singletonList(keyName);
        return, false).flatMap(key -> {
          String label = index.getLabel().name();
          return distinctTermsCount(label, key).
              entrySet().stream().map(e -> new PropertyValueCount(label, key, e.getKey(), e.getValue()));

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "List the available analyzers that the fulltext indexes can be configured with." )
@Procedure( name = "db.index.fulltext.listAvailableAnalyzers", mode = READ )
public Stream<AvailableAnalyzer> listAvailableAnalyzers()
  Stream<AnalyzerProvider> stream = accessor.listAvailableAnalyzers();
  return stream.flatMap( provider ->
    String description = provider.description();
    Spliterator<String> spliterator = provider.getKeys().spliterator();
    return spliterator, false ).map( name -> new AvailableAnalyzer( name, description ) );
  } );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "List all procedures in the DBMS." )
@Procedure( name = "dbms.procedures", mode = DBMS )
public Stream<ProcedureResult> listProcedures()
  return graph.getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency( Procedures.class ).getAllProcedures().stream()
      .sorted( Comparator.comparing( a -> ) )
      .map( ProcedureResult::new );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "List all constraints in the database." )
@Procedure( name = "db.constraints", mode = READ )
public Stream<ConstraintResult> listConstraints()
  SchemaRead schemaRead = tx.schemaRead();
  TokenNameLookup tokens = new SilentTokenNameLookup( tx.tokenRead() );
  return asList( schemaRead.constraintsGetAll() )
      .map( constraint -> constraint.prettyPrint( tokens ) )
      .map( ConstraintResult::new );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "List all native users." )
@Procedure( name = "", mode = DBMS )
public Stream<UserResult> listUsers()
  Set<String> usernames = userManager.getAllUsernames();
  if ( usernames.isEmpty() )
    return showCurrentUser();
    return this::userResultForName );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-enterprise-kernel

@Description( "Provides attached transaction metadata." )
@Procedure( name = "dbms.getTXMetaData", mode = DBMS )
public Stream<MetadataResult> getTXMetaData()
  try ( Statement statement = getCurrentTx().acquireStatement() )
    return Stream.of( statement.queryRegistration().getMetaData() ).map( MetadataResult::new );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "Check if a relationship explicit index exists" )
@Procedure( name = "db.index.explicit.existsForRelationships", mode = READ, deprecatedBy = EXPLICIT_INDEX_DEPRECATION )
public Stream<BooleanResult> relationshipManualIndexExists( @Name( "indexName" ) String explicitIndexName )
  return Stream.of( new BooleanResult( graphDatabaseAPI.index().existsForRelationships( explicitIndexName ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  public Stream<MyOutputRecord> echoWithInvalidType( @Name( "name" ) UnmappableRecord in )
    return Stream.of( new MyOutputRecord( "echo" ));

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

public Stream<DegreeStats.Result> degrees(@Name(value = "types", defaultValue = "") String types) {
  List<DegreeStats> stats = prepareStats(types);
  MultiThreadedGlobalGraphOperations.forAllNodes(db, Pools.DEFAULT, BATCHSIZE,
      (ktx,nodeCursor)-> stats.forEach((s) -> s.computeDegree(nodeCursor, ktx.cursors()))

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "Retrieve all available statistical data about the current database, in an anonymized form." )
@Procedure( name = "db.stats.retrieveAllAnonymized", mode = Mode.READ )
public Stream<RetrieveResult> retrieveAllAnonymized( @Name( value = "graphToken" ) String graphToken,
                           @Name( value = "config", defaultValue = "" ) Map<String, Object> config )
    throws IndexNotFoundKernelException, TransactionFailureException, InvalidArgumentsException
  Map<String, Object> metaData = new HashMap<>();
  metaData.put( "graphToken", graphToken );
  metaData.put( "retrieveTime", );
  TokensSection.putTokenCounts( metaData, dataCollector.kernel );
  Stream<RetrieveResult> meta = Stream.of( new RetrieveResult( "META", metaData ) );
  return Stream.of( meta,
           GraphCountsSection.retrieve( dataCollector.kernel, Anonymizer.IDS ),
           QueriesSection.retrieve( dataCollector.queryCollector.doGetData(),
                        new IdAnonymizer( transaction.tokenRead() ),
                        RetrieveConfig.of( config ).maxInvocations )
    ).flatMap( x -> x );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "Visualize the schema of the data. Replaces db.schema." )
@Procedure( name = "db.schema.visualization", mode = READ )
public Stream<SchemaProcedure.GraphResult> schemaVisualization()
  return Stream.of( new SchemaProcedure( graphDatabaseAPI, tx ).buildSchemaGraph() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "Clears all query caches." )
@Procedure( name = "dbms.clearQueryCaches", mode = DBMS )
public Stream<StringResult> clearAllQueryCaches()
  QueryExecutionEngine queryExecutionEngine = graph.getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency( QueryExecutionEngine.class );
  long numberOfClearedQueries = queryExecutionEngine.clearQueryCaches() - 1; // this query itself does not count
  String result = numberOfClearedQueries == 0 ? "Query cache already empty."
                        : "Query caches successfully cleared of " + numberOfClearedQueries + " queries."; "Called dbms.clearQueryCaches(): " + result );
  return Stream.of( new StringResult( result ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Description( "Search nodes in explicit automatic index. Replaces `START n=node:node_auto_index('key:foo*')`" )
@Procedure( name = "", mode = READ, deprecatedBy = EXPLICIT_INDEX_DEPRECATION )
public Stream<WeightedNodeResult> nodeAutoIndexSearch( @Name( "query" ) Object query )
  try ( Statement ignore = tx.acquireStatement() )
    NodeExplicitIndexCursor cursor = tx.cursors().allocateNodeExplicitIndexCursor();
    tx.indexRead().nodeExplicitIndexQuery( cursor, "node_auto_index", query );
    return toWeightedNodeResultStream( cursor );
  catch ( KernelException e )
    // auto index will not exist if no nodes have been added that match the auto-index rules
    return Stream.empty();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  public Stream<MyOutputRecord> defaultValues( @Name( "a" ) String a,
      @Name( value = "b", defaultValue = "42" ) long b, @Name( "c" ) Object c )
    return Stream.empty();

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-enterprise-kernel

@Description( "Attaches a map of data to the transaction. The data will be printed when listing queries, and " +
       "inserted into the query log." )
@Procedure( name = "dbms.setTXMetaData", mode = DBMS )
public void setTXMetaData( @Name( value = "data" ) Map<String,Object> data )
  int totalCharSize = data.entrySet().stream()
      .mapToInt( e -> e.getKey().length() + e.getValue().toString().length() )
  if ( totalCharSize >= HARD_CHAR_LIMIT )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        format( "Invalid transaction meta-data, expected the total number of chars for " +
            "keys and values to be less than %d, got %d", HARD_CHAR_LIMIT, totalCharSize ) );
  try ( Statement statement = getCurrentTx().acquireStatement() )
    statement.queryRegistration().setMetaData( data );
