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代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

public List<Double> unshiftPoint(Point point) {
 return point.coordinates();

代码示例来源:origin: com.mapbox.mapboxsdk/mapbox-sdk-geojson

public List<Double> unshiftPoint(Point point) {
 return point.coordinates();

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

 * This returns a double value ranging from -90 to 90 representing the y or northing position of
 * this point. ideally, this value would be restricted to 6 decimal places to correctly follow the
 * GeoJson spec.
 * @return a double value ranging from -90 to 90 representing the y or northing position of this
 *   point
 * @since 3.0.0
public double latitude() {
 return coordinates().get(1);

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

 * This returns a double value ranging from -180 to 180 representing the x or easting position of
 * this point. ideally, this value would be restricted to 6 decimal places to correctly follow the
 * GeoJson spec.
 * @return a double value ranging from -180 to 180 representing the x or easting position of this
 *   point
 * @since 3.0.0
public double longitude() {
 return coordinates().get(0);

代码示例来源:origin: com.mapbox.mapboxsdk/mapbox-sdk-geojson

 * This returns a double value ranging from -180 to 180 representing the x or easting position of
 * this point. ideally, this value would be restricted to 6 decimal places to correctly follow the
 * GeoJson spec.
 * @return a double value ranging from -180 to 180 representing the x or easting position of this
 *   point
 * @since 3.0.0
public double longitude() {
 return coordinates().get(0);

代码示例来源:origin: com.mapbox.mapboxsdk/mapbox-sdk-geojson

 * This returns a double value ranging from -90 to 90 representing the y or northing position of
 * this point. ideally, this value would be restricted to 6 decimal places to correctly follow the
 * GeoJson spec.
 * @return a double value ranging from -90 to 90 representing the y or northing position of this
 *   point
 * @since 3.0.0
public double latitude() {
 return coordinates().get(1);

代码示例来源:origin: com.mapbox.mapboxsdk/mapbox-sdk-geojson

 * Optionally, the coordinate spec in GeoJson allows for altitude values to be placed inside the
 * coordinate array. {@link #hasAltitude()} can be used to determine if this value was set during
 * initialization of this Point instance. This double value should only be used to represent
 * either the elevation or altitude value at this particular point.
 * @return a double value ranging from negative to positive infinity
 * @since 3.0.0
public double altitude() {
 if (coordinates().size() < 3) {
  return Double.NaN;
 return coordinates().get(2);

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

 * Optionally, the coordinate spec in GeoJson allows for altitude values to be placed inside the
 * coordinate array. {@link #hasAltitude()} can be used to determine if this value was set during
 * initialization of this Point instance. This double value should only be used to represent
 * either the elevation or altitude value at this particular point.
 * @return a double value ranging from negative to positive infinity
 * @since 3.0.0
public double altitude() {
 if (coordinates().size() < 3) {
  return Double.NaN;
 return coordinates().get(2);

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

public void testLineAlongStopLongerThanLength() throws IOException, TurfException {
 Feature line1 = Feature.fromJson(loadJsonFixture(LINE_SLICE_ALONG_LINE_ONE));
 LineString lineStringLine1 = (LineString) line1.geometry();
 double start = 500;
 double stop = 800000;
 Point start_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringLine1, start, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 List<Point> lineCoordinates = lineStringLine1.coordinates();
 LineString sliced = TurfMisc.lineSliceAlong(line1, start, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 assertEquals(sliced.coordinates().get(sliced.coordinates().size() - 1).coordinates(),
  lineCoordinates.get(lineCoordinates.size() - 1).coordinates());

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

public void testLineSliceAlongRoute2() throws IOException, TurfException {
 Feature route2 = Feature.fromJson(loadJsonFixture(LINE_SLICE_ALONG_ROUTE_TWO));
 LineString lineStringRoute2 = (LineString)route2.geometry();
 double start = 25;
 double stop = 50;
 Point start_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringRoute2, start, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 Point end_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringRoute2, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 LineString sliced = TurfMisc.lineSliceAlong(route2, start, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 assertEquals(sliced.coordinates().get(sliced.coordinates().size() - 1).coordinates(),

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

public void testLineSliceAlongLine1() throws IOException, TurfException {
 Feature line1 = Feature.fromJson(loadJsonFixture(LINE_SLICE_ALONG_LINE_ONE));
 LineString lineStringLine1 = (LineString) line1.geometry();
 double start = 500;
 double stop = 750;
 Point start_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringLine1, start, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 Point end_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringLine1, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 LineString sliced = TurfMisc.lineSliceAlong(line1, start, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 assertEquals(sliced.coordinates().get(sliced.coordinates().size() - 1).coordinates(),

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

 public void testLineSliceAlongOvershootLine1() throws IOException, TurfException {
 Feature line1 = Feature.fromJson(loadJsonFixture(LINE_SLICE_ALONG_LINE_ONE));
 LineString lineStringLine1 = (LineString) line1.geometry();
 double start = 500;
 double stop = 1500;
 Point start_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringLine1, start, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 Point end_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringLine1, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 LineString sliced = TurfMisc.lineSliceAlong(line1, start, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 assertEquals(sliced.coordinates().get(sliced.coordinates().size() - 1).coordinates(),

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

public void testLineSliceAlongRoute1() throws IOException, TurfException {
 Feature route1 = Feature.fromJson(loadJsonFixture(LINE_SLICE_ALONG_ROUTE_ONE));
 LineString lineStringRoute1 = (LineString)route1.geometry();
 double start = 500;
 double stop = 750;
 Point start_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringRoute1, start, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 Point end_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringRoute1, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 LineString sliced = TurfMisc.lineSliceAlong(route1, start, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
 assertEquals(sliced.coordinates().get(sliced.coordinates().size() - 1).coordinates(),

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

 public void testShortLine() throws IOException, TurfException {

  // Distance between points is about 186 miles
  LineString lineStringLine1 = LineString.fromLngLats(Arrays.asList(
   Point.fromLngLat(113.99414062499999, 22.350075806124867),
   Point.fromLngLat(116.76269531249999, 23.241346102386135)));

  double start = 50;
  double stop =  100;

  Point start_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringLine1, start, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
  Point end_point = TurfMeasurement.along(lineStringLine1, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);
  LineString sliced = TurfMisc.lineSliceAlong(lineStringLine1, start, stop, TurfConstants.UNIT_MILES);

  assertEquals(sliced.coordinates().get(sliced.coordinates().size() - 1).coordinates(),

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

public void fromJson() throws IOException {
 final String json = loadJsonFixture(SAMPLE_POINT);
 Point geo = Point.fromJson(json);
 assertEquals(geo.type(), "Point");
 assertEquals(geo.longitude(), 100.0, DELTA);
 assertEquals(geo.latitude(), 0.0, DELTA);
 assertEquals(geo.altitude(), Double.NaN, DELTA);
 assertEquals(geo.coordinates().get(0), 100.0, DELTA);
 assertEquals(geo.coordinates().get(1), 0.0, DELTA);
 assertEquals(geo.coordinates().size(), 2);

代码示例来源:origin: mapbox/mapbox-java

public void passingInSingleFeature_doesHandleCorrectly() throws Exception {
 Point geometry = Point.fromLngLat(1.0, 2.0);
 Feature feature = Feature.fromGeometry(geometry);
 FeatureCollection geo = FeatureCollection.fromFeature(feature);
 assertEquals(1, geo.features().size());
 assertEquals(2.0, ((Point) geo.features().get(0).geometry()).coordinates().get(1), DELTA);
