[英]Sets the coordinates of this point to the supplied values.
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
p.set(p.x, p.y + offset);
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
Point mappoint = googleMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(new LatLng(latitude, longitude));
mappoint.set(mappoint.x, mappoint.y-30);
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
size.set(width, height);
touch.set(width / 2, height / 2);
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
public void onProvideShadowMetrics(Point shadowSize,
Point shadowTouchPoint) {
super.onProvideShadowMetrics(shadowSize, shadowTouchPoint);
shadowTouchPoint.set(touchPointXCoord, touchPointYCoord);
代码示例来源:origin: com.samskivert/pythagoras
* Constructs a point at the specified coordinates.
public Point (float x, float y) {
set(x, y);
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
public void onProvideShadowMetrics(Point shadowSize, Point shadowTouchPoint) {
final View view = mView.get();
if (view != null) {
shadowSize.set(view.getWidth(), view.getHeight());
shadowTouchPoint.set(shadowSize.x / 2, shadowSize.y / 2);
} else {
Log.e(View.VIEW_LOG_TAG, "Asked for drag thumb metrics but no view");
代码示例来源:origin: threerings/playn
public static Point localPos (Position ev, Point dest) {
dest.set(ev.localX(), ev.localY());
return dest;
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
private Point queryCursorPosition () {
xpos.rewind(); ypos.rewind();
glfwGetCursorPos(window, xpos, ypos);
cpos.set((float)xpos.get(), (float)ypos.get());
return cpos;
代码示例来源:origin: com.samskivert/pythagoras
/** Inverse transforms a point as specified, storing the result in the point provided.
* @return a reference to the result point, for chaining. */
public static Point inverseTransform (float x, float y, float sx, float sy, float rotation,
float tx, float ty, Point result) {
x -= tx; y -= ty; // untranslate
float sinnega = FloatMath.sin(-rotation), cosnega = FloatMath.cos(-rotation);
float nx = (x * cosnega - y * sinnega); // unrotate
float ny = (x * sinnega + y * cosnega);
return result.set(nx / sx, ny / sy); // unscale
代码示例来源:origin: com.samskivert/pythagoras
* Constructs a point with coordinates equal to the supplied point.
public Point (XY p) {
set(p.x(), p.y());
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
private void dispatchSolo (Event event) {
Layer hitLayer = LayerUtil.getHitLayer(root, scratch.set(event.x, event.y));
if (hitLayer != null) new Interaction(hitLayer, bubble, true).dispatch(event);
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
@Override public void onEmit (Event event) {
// start a new interaction on START, if we don't already have one
if (currentIact == null && event.kind.isStart) {
Layer hitLayer = LayerUtil.getHitLayer(root, scratch.set(event.x, event.y));
if (hitLayer != null) currentIact = new Interaction(hitLayer, bubble);
// dispatch the event to the interaction
if (currentIact != null) currentIact.dispatch(event);
// if this is END or CANCEL, clear out the current interaction
if (event.kind.isEnd) currentIact = null;
代码示例来源:origin: com.samskivert/pythagoras
@Override // from Transform
public Point inverseTransform (IPoint p, Point into) {
float x = p.x() - tx, y = p.y() - ty;
float det = m00 * m11 - m01 * m10;
if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
// determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
throw new NoninvertibleTransformException(this.toString());
float rdet = 1 / det;
return into.set((x * m11 - y * m10) * rdet,
(y * m00 - x * m01) * rdet);
代码示例来源:origin: playn/playn
* Converts the supplied point from coordinates relative to its parent
* to coordinates relative to the specified layer. The results are stored
* into {@code into}, which is returned for convenience.
public static Point parentToLayer(Layer layer, XY point, Point into) {
layer.transform().inverseTransform(into.set(point), into);
into.x += layer.originX();
into.y += layer.originY();
return into;
代码示例来源:origin: com.samskivert/pythagoras
@Override // from IPoint
public Point rotate (float angle, Point result) {
float x = x(), y = y();
float sina = FloatMath.sin(angle), cosa = FloatMath.cos(angle);
return result.set(x*cosa - y*sina, x*sina + y*cosa);
代码示例来源:origin: threerings/playn
public Point inverseTransform(IPoint p, Point into) {
float m00 = m00(), m01 = m01(), m10 = m10(), m11 = m11();
float x = p.x() - tx(), y = p.y() - ty();
float det = m00 * m11 - m01 * m10;
if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
// determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
throw new NoninvertibleTransformException(this.toString());
float rdet = 1 / det;
return into.set((x * m11 - y * m10) * rdet, (y * m00 - x * m01) * rdet);
代码示例来源:origin: threerings/playn
public Point transform(IPoint p, Point into) {
float x = p.x(), y = p.y();
return into.set(m00() * x + m10() * y + tx(), m01() * x + m11() * y + ty());
代码示例来源:origin: com.samskivert/pythagoras
@Override // from interface IArc
public Point startPoint (Point target) {
float a = FloatMath.toRadians(angleStart());
return target.set(x() + (1f + FloatMath.cos(a)) * width() / 2f,
y() + (1f - FloatMath.sin(a)) * height() / 2f);
代码示例来源:origin: com.samskivert/pythagoras
* Computes the point inside the bounds of the rectangle that's closest to the given point,
* writing the result into {@code out}.
* @return {@code out} for call chaining convenience.
public static Point closestInteriorPoint (IRectangle r, IPoint p, Point out) {
out.set(MathUtil.clamp(p.x(), r.minX(), r.maxX()),
MathUtil.clamp(p.y(), r.minY(), r.maxY()));
return out;
代码示例来源:origin: com.samskivert/pythagoras
@Override // from interface IArc
public Point endPoint (Point target) {
float a = FloatMath.toRadians(angleStart() + angleExtent());
return target.set(x() + (1f + FloatMath.cos(a)) * width() / 2f,
y() + (1f - FloatMath.sin(a)) * height() / 2f);