[英]This class provides an implementation-independent abstract representation of a query
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
private Query internalGetQuery() {
Query q = new Query();
QueryClass qc1 = new QueryClass(clazz);
q.setConstraint(new ContainsConstraint(new QueryCollectionReference(o, fieldName),
ConstraintOp.CONTAINS, qc1));
return q;
代码示例来源:origin: org.intermine/intermine-objectstore
* Converts a constraint from a query into a List of Constraint objects.
* @param query a Query object to list Constraints for
* @return a List of Constraint objects
public static List<Constraint> createList(Query query) {
List<Constraint> retval = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
if (query != null) {
addToList(retval, query.getConstraint());
return retval;
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
* Processes an AST node that describes a GROUP BY clause.
* @param ast an AST node to process
* @param modelPackage the package for unqualified class names
* @param iterator an iterator through the list of parameters of the IqlQuery
private static void processGroupClause(AST ast, Query q, String modelPackage,
Iterator<?> iterator) {
do {
q.addToGroupBy(processNewQueryNode(ast, q, modelPackage, iterator));
ast = ast.getNextSibling();
} while (ast != null);
代码示例来源:origin: org.intermine/intermine-objectstore
* Returns a list of aliases, where each alias corresponds to each element of the SELECT list
* of the Query object. This is effectively a list of column headings for the results object.
* @param query the Query object
* @return a List of Strings, each of which is the alias of the column
public static List<String> getColumnAliases(Query query) {
List<String> columnAliases = new ArrayList<String>();
for (QuerySelectable node : query.getSelect()) {
String alias = query.getAliases().get(node);
return columnAliases;
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
public final void setUp() throws Exception {
query = new Query();
assertNotNull("Problem creating Query instance", query);
// set up three queries for testing .equals() and .hashCode()
QueryClass qc1 = new QueryClass(Company.class);
QueryField qf1 = new QueryField(qc1, "name");
QueryField qf2 = new QueryField(qc1, "vatNumber");
QueryFunction f1 = new QueryFunction(); // count(*)
QueryValue qv1 = new QueryValue("CompanyA");
SimpleConstraint sc1 = new SimpleConstraint(qf1, ConstraintOp.NOT_EQUALS, qv1);
clearQuery = new Query();
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
public void testAddConstraintEmpty() throws Exception {
Query q = new Query();
QueryClass qc = new QueryClass(Employee.class);
SimpleConstraint sc = new SimpleConstraint(new QueryField(qc, "name"),
ConstraintOp.EQUALS, new QueryValue("Bob"));
QueryHelper.addAndConstraint(q, new ConstraintSet(ConstraintOp.AND));
assertEquals(1, ((ConstraintSet) q.getConstraint()).getConstraints().size());
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
public void testAddConstraintToNull() throws Exception {
Query q = new Query();
QueryClass qc = new QueryClass(Employee.class);
Constraint sc = new SimpleConstraint(new QueryField(qc, "name"),
ConstraintOp.EQUALS, new QueryValue("Bob"));
ConstraintSet cs = new ConstraintSet(ConstraintOp.AND);
QueryHelper.addAndConstraint(q, cs);
assertEquals(cs, q.getConstraint());
代码示例来源:origin: org.intermine/intermine-objectstore
* Constructor for a SingletonResults object
* @param q the Query that produces this Results
* @param os the ObjectStore that can be used to get results rows from
* @param sequence an object representing the state of the ObjectStore, which should be quoted
* back to the ObjectStore when requests are made
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if q does not return a single column
public SingletonResults(Query q, ObjectStore os, Map<Object, Integer> sequence) {
super(q, os, sequence);
// Test that this Query returns a single column of type QueryClass
if (q.getSelect().size() != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query must return a single column");
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
public void testClearSelect() {
assertEquals(0, clearQuery.getSelect().size());
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
* Constructor for a SingletonResults object
* @param q the Query that produces this Results
* @param os the ObjectStore that can be used to get results rows from
* @param sequence an object representing the state of the ObjectStore, which should be quoted
* back to the ObjectStore when requests are made
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if q does not return a single column
public SingletonResults(Query q, ObjectStore os, Map<Object, Integer> sequence) {
super(q, os, sequence);
// Test that this Query returns a single column of type QueryClass
if (q.getSelect().size() != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query must return a single column");
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
* Returns a list of aliases, where each alias corresponds to each element of the SELECT list
* of the Query object. This is effectively a list of column headings for the results object.
* @param query the Query object
* @return a List of Strings, each of which is the alias of the column
public static List<String> getColumnAliases(Query query) {
List<String> columnAliases = new ArrayList<String>();
for (QuerySelectable node : query.getSelect()) {
String alias = query.getAliases().get(node);
return columnAliases;
代码示例来源:origin: org.intermine/intermine-objectstore
private Results getFieldSummary(ClassDescriptor cld, String fieldName, ObjectStore os) {
Query q = new Query();
QueryClass qc = new QueryClass(cld.getType());
q.addToSelect(new QueryField(qc, fieldName));
Results results = os.execute(q);
return results;
代码示例来源:origin: org.intermine/intermine-api
* Converts a SELECT list from a normal query into a representation of the columns returned
* in this converted list.
* @return a List of QuerySelectables corresponding to the columns returned in this list
public List<QuerySelectable> getFlatSelect() {
ArrayList<QuerySelectable> retval = new ArrayList<QuerySelectable>();
addFlatSelect(retval, query.getSelect(), null, null);
return retval;
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
* Converts a constraint from a query into a List of Constraint objects.
* @param query a Query object to list Constraints for
* @return a List of Constraint objects
public static List<Constraint> createList(Query query) {
List<Constraint> retval = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
if (query != null) {
addToList(retval, query.getConstraint());
return retval;
代码示例来源:origin: org.intermine/intermine-objectstore
* Processes an AST node that describes a GROUP BY clause.
* @param ast an AST node to process
* @param modelPackage the package for unqualified class names
* @param iterator an iterator through the list of parameters of the IqlQuery
private static void processGroupClause(AST ast, Query q, String modelPackage,
Iterator<?> iterator) {
do {
q.addToGroupBy(processNewQueryNode(ast, q, modelPackage, iterator));
ast = ast.getNextSibling();
} while (ast != null);
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
public static Query notSubqueryExistsConstraint() throws Exception {
Query q1 = new Query();
q1.addToSelect(new QueryValue("hello"));
Query q2 = new Query();
QueryClass qc = new QueryClass(Company.class);
q1.setConstraint(new SubqueryExistsConstraint(ConstraintOp.DOES_NOT_EXIST, q2));
return q1;
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
* Converts a SELECT list from a normal query into a representation of the columns returned
* in this converted list.
* @return a List of QuerySelectables corresponding to the columns returned in this list
public List<QuerySelectable> getFlatSelect() {
ArrayList<QuerySelectable> retval = new ArrayList<QuerySelectable>();
addFlatSelect(retval, query.getSelect(), null, null);
return retval;
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
public void testCreateListAnd() throws Exception {
IqlQuery fq = new IqlQuery("select a from Company as a where a.vatNumber = 5 and a.name = 'hello'", "org.intermine.model.testmodel");
q = IqlQueryParser.parse(fq);
List expected = new ArrayList();
Iterator conIter = ((ConstraintSet) q.getConstraint()).getConstraints().iterator();
while (conIter.hasNext()) {
expected.add((Constraint) conIter.next());
List got = ConstraintHelper.createList(q);
assertEquals(expected, got);
代码示例来源:origin: intermine/intermine
public static Query subqueryExistsConstraintNeg() throws Exception {
Query q1 = new Query();
q1.addToSelect(new QueryValue("hello"));
Query q2 = new Query();
QueryClass qc = new QueryClass(Bank.class);
q1.setConstraint(new SubqueryExistsConstraint(ConstraintOp.EXISTS, q2));
return q1;
代码示例来源:origin: org.intermine/intermine-objectstore
* Returns a list of Class objects, where each object corresponds to the type of each element
* of the SELECT list of the Query object. This is effectively a list of column types for the
* results object.
* @param query the Query object
* @return a List of Class objects
public static List<Class<?>> getColumnTypes(Query query) {
List<Class<?>> columnTypes = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
for (QuerySelectable node : query.getSelect()) {
Class<?> type = node.getType();
return columnTypes;