代码示例来源:origin: kbastani/spring-cloud-event-sourcing-example
@Query("MATCH (product:Product),\n" +
"\t(product)<-[:PRODUCT_TYPE]-(inventory:Inventory)\n" +
"WHERE product.productId in {productIds} AND NOT (inventory)<-[:CONTAINS_PRODUCT]-()\n" +
"RETURN inventory")
List<Inventory> getAvailableInventoryForProductList(@Param("productIds") String[] productIds);
代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j
public String getCountQueryString() {
return queryAnnotation != null ? queryAnnotation.countQuery() : null;
代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j
public String getQuery() {
return queryAnnotation.value();
代码示例来源:origin: kbastani/spring-cloud-event-sourcing-example
@Query("MATCH (product:Product),\n" +
"\t(product)<-[:PRODUCT_TYPE]-(inventory:Inventory)\n" +
"WHERE product.productId = {productId} AND NOT (inventory)<-[:CONTAINS_PRODUCT]-()\n" +
"RETURN inventory")
List<Inventory> getAvailableInventoryForProduct(@Param("productId") String productId);
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.data/spring-data-neo4j
public String getCountQueryString() {
return queryAnnotation != null ? queryAnnotation.countQuery() : null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.data/spring-data-neo4j
public String getQuery() {
return queryAnnotation.value();
代码示例来源:origin: kbastani/spring-cloud-event-sourcing-example
@Query("MATCH (product:Product),\n" +
"\t(product)<-[:PRODUCT_TYPE]-(inventory:Inventory),\n" +
" (inventory)-[:STOCKED_IN]->(:Warehouse { name: \"{warehouseName}\" })\n" +
"WHERE product.productId = {productId} AND NOT (inventory)<-[:CONTAINS_PRODUCT]-()\n" +
"RETURN inventory")
List<Inventory> getAvailableInventoryForProductAndWarehouse(@Param("productId") String productId,
@Param("warehouseName") String warehouseName);
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-neo4j-graph-impl
@Query(value =
"START sourceContent=node({0}) MATCH sourceContent - [r:similarityRelation] - targetContent "
+ "WHERE r.strength > {1} AND r.type = {2} "
+ "RETURN r",
countQuery =
"START sourceContent=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH sourceContent - [r:similarityRelation] - targetContent "
+ "WHERE r.strength > {1} AND r.type = {2} "
+ "RETURN count(targetContent)")
public Page<SimilarityRelation> getSimilarContents(ContentNode sourceNode, Double minimumStrength, String similarityType, Pageable pageable);
代码示例来源:origin: kbastani/spring-boot-graph-processing-example
@Query("MATCH (user:User) WHERE has(user.pagerank) AND NOT has(user.screenName)\n" +
"WITH user\n" +
"ORDER BY user.pagerank DESC\n" +
"LIMIT 1\n" +
"RETURN user")
User findRankedUserToCrawl();
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-neo4j-graph-impl
@Query("START personNode=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH personNode <- [r:identityRelation] - identity "
+ "WHERE {1} in r.versions "
+ "WITH DISTINCT identity "
+ "OPTIONAL MATCH identity - [r:identityRelation] -> (p:personType) "
+ "WHERE NOT has(r.versions) "
+ "WITH DISTINCT identity, count(r) as count "
+ "WHERE count = 0 "
+ "MATCH identity <- [cr:contentContributionRelation] - content "
+ "WHERE content.status <> 'HIDDEN' "
+ "RETURN content.type as type, COUNT(DISTINCT content) as count")
List<Map<String, Object>> countAuthorContributionsByType(PersonNode node, String version);
代码示例来源:origin: opencredo/neo4j-in-action
@Query( value =
"MATCH (`user`)-[:`referredBy`]->(`user_referredBy`) " +
"WHERE `user_referredBy`.`name` =~ {0} " +
"RETURN `user`")
Iterable<User> simulateFindByReferredByNameLikeWhenUsingLabelBasedStrategy(String name);
代码示例来源:origin: opencredo/neo4j-in-action
@Query( value =
"MATCH (`user`:`User`) " +
"WHERE `user`.`name` = {0} " +
"RETURN `user`")
Iterable<User> simulateFindByNameWhenUsingLabelBasedStrategy(String name);
代码示例来源:origin: kbastani/spring-boot-graph-processing-example
* Initialize the user.lastPageRank value to the current user.pagerank
@Query("MATCH (user:User) WHERE has(user.pagerank) AND has(user.screenName) AND NOT has(user.lastPageRank)\n" +
"WITH collect(user) as users\n" +
"FOREACH(x in users | \n" +
"SET x.lastPageRank = toFloat(x.pagerank))")
void setLastPageRank();
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-neo4j-graph-impl
@Query("START contentNode=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH contentNode - [:contentContributionRelation] -> (idNode:identityType) "
+ "MATCH idNode - [idRel:identityRelation] -> (person:personType) "
+ "WHERE NOT has(idRel.versions) OR {1} in idRel.versions "
Iterable<PersonNode> findContentPersons(ContentNode node, String version);
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-neo4j-graph-impl
@Query(value =
"START sourceContent=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH sourceContent - [r:similarityRelation] -> targetContent "
+ "WHERE r.type = {1} " +
countQuery =
"START sourceContent=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH sourceContent - [r:similarityRelation] -> targetContent "
+ "WHERE r.type = {1} "
+ "RETURN count(targetContent)")
public Page<SimilarityRelation> getSimilarContents(ContentNode sourceNode, String similarityType, Pageable pageable);
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-neo4j-graph-impl
@Query(value =
"START sourceContent=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH sourceContent - [r:similarityRelation] - targetContent "
+ "WHERE r.strength > {1}"
+ "RETURN r",
countQuery =
"START sourceContent=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH sourceContent - [r:similarityRelation] - targetContent "
+ "WHERE r.strength > {1}"
+ "RETURN count(targetContent)")
public Page<SimilarityRelation> getSimilarContents(ContentNode sourceNode, Double minimumStrength, Pageable pageable);
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-neo4j-graph-impl
@Query(value = "MATCH (cited:contentType) <- [c:citationRelation] - (target:citationType)"
+ " <- [ref:referenceRelation] - (source:contentType)"
+ " WHERE {0} in c.types"
+ " WITH cited, count(distinct source) as count"
+ " RETURN count, cited.id as id",
countQuery="MATCH (cited:contentType) <- [c:citationRelation] - (target:citationType)"
+ " <- [ref:referenceRelation] - (source:contentType)"
+ " WHERE {0} in c.types"
+ " WITH cited, count(distinct source) as count"
+ " RETURN count(cited)",
elementClass = Citation.class)
public Page<Citation> getMostCitedPublications(String citationType, Pageable pageable);
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-neo4j-graph-impl
@Query("START sourcePerson=node({0}) " +
"MATCH sourcePerson -[toIdentity:identityRelation] - identity " +
"MATCH identity -[toPerson:identityRelation] - targetPerson " +
"WHERE {1} IN toPerson.versions " +
"RETURN targetPerson LIMIT 1")
PersonNode findCurrentPerson(PersonNode sourceNode, String requiredVersion);
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-neo4j-graph-impl
@Query("START userNode=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH userNode <- [r:identityRelation] - identity "
+ "WHERE NOT has(r.versions) "
+ "MATCH identity <- [cr:contentContributionRelation] - content "
+ "WHERE content.status <> 'HIDDEN'"
+ "RETURN content.type as type, COUNT(DISTINCT content) as count")
List<Map<String, Object>> countUserContributionsByType(UserNode node);
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-neo4j-graph-impl
@Query(value =
"START sourceContent=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH sourceContent - [r:similarityRelation] - targetContent "
+ "RETURN r",
countQuery =
"START sourceContent=node({0}) "
+ "MATCH sourceContent - [r:similarityRelation] - targetContent "
+ "RETURN count(targetContent)")
public Page<SimilarityRelation> getSimilarContents(ContentNode sourceNode, Pageable pageable);