[英]Object relational query for finding a List, Set, Map or single entity bean.
Example: Create the query using the API.
List orderList =
Example: The same query using the query language
String oql =
Example: Using a named query called "with.cust.and.details"
Query query = ebeanServer.createNamedQuery(Order.class,"with.cust.and.details");
Ebean has built in support for "AutoTune". This is a mechanism where a query can be automatically tuned based on profiling information that is collected.
This is effectively the same as automatically using select() and fetch() to build a query that will fetch all the data required by the application and no more.
It is expected that AutoTune will be the default approach for many queries in a system. It is possibly not as useful where the result of a query is sent to a remote client or where there is some requirement for "Read Consistency" guarantees.
Partial Objects
The find and fetch clauses support specifying a list of properties to fetch. This results in objects that are "partially populated". If you try to get a property that was not populated a "lazy loading" query will automatically fire and load the rest of the properties of the bean (This is very similar behaviour as a reference object being "lazy loaded").
Partial objects can be saved just like fully populated objects. If you do this you should remember to include the "Version" property in the initial fetch. If you do not include a version property then optimistic concurrency checking will occur but only include the fetched properties. Refer to "ALL Properties/Columns" mode of Optimistic Concurrency checking.
[ select [ ( * | {fetch properties} ) ] ]
[ fetch {path} [ ( * | {fetch properties} ) ] ]
[ where {predicates} ]
[ order by {order by properties} ]
[ limit {max rows} [ offset {first row} ] ]
SELECT [ ( * | {fetch properties} ) ]
With the select you can specify a list of properties to fetch.
FETCH{path} [ ( * | {fetch properties} ) ]
With the fetch you specify the associated property to fetch and populate. The path is a OneToOne, ManyToOne, OneToMany or ManyToMany property.
For fetch of a path we can optionally specify a list of properties to fetch. If you do not specify a list of properties ALL the properties for that bean type are fetched.
WHERE{list of predicates}
The list of predicates which are joined by AND OR NOT ( and ). They can include named (or positioned) bind parameters. These parameters will need to be bound by Query#setParameter(String,Object).
ORDER BY{order by properties}
The list of properties to order the result. You can include ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending) in the order by clause.
LIMIT{max rows} [ OFFSET {first row} ]
The limit offset specifies the max rows and first row to fetch. The offset is optional.
Find orders fetching its id, shipDate and status properties. Note that the id property is always fetched even if it is not included in the list of fetch properties.
select (shipDate, status)
Find orders with a named bind variable (that will need to be bound via Query#setParameter(String,Object)).
where customer.name like :custLike
Find orders and also fetch the customer with a named bind parameter. This will fetch and populate both the order and customer objects.
fetch customer
Find orders and also fetch the customer, customer shippingAddress, order details and related product. Note that customer and product objects will be "Partial Objects" with only some of their properties populated. The customer objects will have their id, name and shipping address populated. The product objects (associated with each order detail) will have their id, sku and name populated.
fetch customer (name)
List orderList =
String oql =
Query query = ebeanServer.createNamedQuery(Order.class,"with.cust.and.details");
[ select [ ( * | {fetch properties} ) ] ]
[ fetch {path} [ ( * | {fetch properties} ) ] ]
[ where {predicates} ]
[ order by {order by properties} ]
[ limit {max rows} [ offset {first row} ] ]
选择[(*|{fetch properties}]
FETCH{path}[(*|{FETCH properties}]
要对结果排序的属性列表。可以在order by子句中包含ASC(升序)和DESC(降序)。
限制{max rows}[偏移量{first row}]
select (shipDate, status)
where customer.name like :custLike
fetch customer
fetch customer (name)
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
public int findCount() {
return query.findCount();
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
public List<T> findList() {
return query.findList();
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
public T findOne() {
return query.findOne();
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
* We need to create and execute a query to get the foreign key values as
* the delete cascades to them (foreign keys).
private Query<?> deleteRequiresQuery(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propImportDelete, DeleteMode deleteMode) {
Query<?> q = server.createQuery(desc.getBeanType());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(30);
for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> aPropImportDelete : propImportDelete) {
if (deleteMode.isHard() && desc.isSoftDelete()) {
// hard delete so we want this query to include logically deleted rows (if any)
return q;
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
* Fetch the destination beans that will be published to.
void fetchDestinationBeans(List<T> sourceBeans, boolean asDraft) {
List<Object> ids = getBeanIds(desc, sourceBeans);
Query<T> destQuery = server.find(desc.getBeanType()).where().idIn(ids).query();
if (asDraft) {
this.destBeans = server.findMap(destQuery, transaction);
代码示例来源:origin: io.github.hexagonframework.data/spring-data-ebean
public <S extends T> Page<S> findAll(Example<S> example, Pageable pageable) {
PagedList<S> pagedList = queryByExample(example)
.setFirstRow((int) pageable.getOffset())
return Converters.convertToSpringDataPage(pagedList, pageable.getSort());
代码示例来源:origin: icode/ameba
Object model;
if (includeDeleted) {
model = executeTx(t -> {
List<MODEL> m = query.where().idIn(idCollection.toArray()).findList();
return processFoundByIdsModelList(m, includeDeleted);
model = executeTx(t -> {
MODEL m = query.setId(firstId).findOne();
return processFoundByIdModel(m, includeDeleted);
代码示例来源:origin: io.github.hexagonframework.data/spring-data-ebean
<E> Page<E> findPage(Pageable pageable) {
if (queryType == QUERY) {
PagedList<E> pagedList = ((Query<E>) queryInstance)
.setFirstRow((int) pageable.getOffset())
return PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(pagedList.getList(), pageable, pagedList::getTotalCount);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("query not supported!");
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
public ExpressionList<T> where() {
return query.where();
代码示例来源:origin: io.github.hexagonframework.data/spring-data-ebean
<E> Slice<E> findSlice(Pageable pageable) {
List<E> resultList = null;
int pageSize = pageable.getPageSize();
int offset = (int) pageable.getOffset();
if (queryType == QUERY) {
resultList = ((Query<E>) queryInstance).setFirstRow(offset).setMaxRows(pageSize + 1).findList();
boolean hasNext = resultList.size() > pageSize;
return new SliceImpl<E>(hasNext ? resultList.subList(0, pageSize) : resultList, pageable, hasNext);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("query not supported!");
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
return find(type).select(idProp.getName()).setId(id).findOne();
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
public Query<T> apply(FetchPath fetchPath) {
return query.apply(fetchPath);
代码示例来源:origin: icode/ameba
* find history as of timestamp
* @param id model id
* @param asOf Timestamp
* @return history model
* @throws java.lang.Exception any error
public Response fetchHistoryAsOf(@PathParam("id") URI_ID id,
@PathParam("asof") final Timestamp asOf) throws Exception {
final MODEL_ID mId = tryConvertId(id);
matchedFetchHistoryAsOf(mId, asOf);
final Query<MODEL> query = server.find(modelType);
Object entity = executeTx(t -> {
configFetchHistoryAsOfQuery(query, mId, asOf);
applyUriQuery(query, false);
MODEL model = query.asOf(asOf).setId(mId).findOne();
return processFetchedHistoryAsOfModel(mId, model, asOf);
if (isEmptyEntity(entity)) {
return Response.noContent().build();
return Response.ok(entity).build();
代码示例来源:origin: io.github.hexagonframework.data/spring-data-ebean
public List<T> findAll(Sort sort) {
return query()
代码示例来源:origin: org.actframework/act-ebean
public MODEL_TYPE first() {
List<MODEL_TYPE> list = qReadOnly.setMaxRows(1).findList();
return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);
代码示例来源:origin: hexagonframework/spring-data-ebean
public void deletePermanentAll() {
代码示例来源:origin: icode/ameba
configFindQuery(query, includeDeleted);
List<MODEL> list = query.findList();
return processFoundModelList(list, includeDeleted);
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
public Query<T> setIncludeSoftDeletes() {
return query.setIncludeSoftDeletes();
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
public Query<T> asOf(Timestamp asOf) {
return query.asOf(asOf);
代码示例来源:origin: ebean-orm/ebean
public Query<T> setMaxRows(int maxRows) {
return rootQuery.setMaxRows(maxRows);