
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-util

public static <I, D> void answerQueries(QueryAnswerer<I, D> answerer, Collection<? extends Query<I, D>> queries) {
  for (Query<I, D> query : queries) {
    Word<I> prefix = query.getPrefix();
    Word<I> suffix = query.getSuffix();
    D answer = answerer.answerQuery(prefix, suffix);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

  public int compare(Query<I, ?> o1, Query<I, ?> o2) {
    return -CmpUtil.lexCompare(o1.getInput(), o2.getInput(), alphabet);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-util

public String toString() {
  return originalQuery.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-equivalence-oracles

 * Tests if the input word of the given {@link Query} consists entirely of symbols in {@code inputs}.
 * @param query
 *         the query to test
 * @param inputs
 *         the set of allowed inputs
 * @return {@code true} if the input word of {@code query} consists entirely of symbols in {@code inputs}, {@code
 * false} otherwise
private static <I> boolean checkInputs(Query<I, ?> query, Collection<? extends I> inputs) {
  for (I sym : query.getPrefix()) {
    if (!inputs.contains(sym)) {
      return false;
  for (I sym : query.getSuffix()) {
    if (!inputs.contains(sym)) {
      return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-counterexamples

 * Returns all suffixes of the counterexample word as distinguishing suffixes, after stripping a maximal one-letter
 * extension of an access sequence, as suggested by Shahbaz.
 * @param ceQuery
 *         the counterexample query
 * @param asTransformer
 *         the access sequence transformer
 * @return all suffixes from the counterexample after stripping a maximal one-letter extension of an access
 * sequence.
public static <I, D> List<Word<I>> findShahbaz(Query<I, D> ceQuery, AccessSequenceTransformer<I> asTransformer) {
  Word<I> queryWord = ceQuery.getInput();
  int queryLen = queryWord.length();
  Word<I> prefix = ceQuery.getPrefix();
  int i = prefix.length();
  while (i <= queryLen) {
    Word<I> nextPrefix = queryWord.prefix(i);
    if (!asTransformer.isAccessSequence(nextPrefix)) {
  return queryWord.subWord(i).suffixes(false);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

public Word<I> getPrefix() {
  return origQuery.getPrefix();

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

public void processQueries(Collection<? extends Query<I, Boolean>> queries) {
  List<ProxyQuery<I>> misses = new ArrayList<>();
  try {
    for (Query<I, Boolean> qry : queries) {
      Word<I> input = qry.getInput();
      Boolean answer = cache.get(input);
      if (answer != null) {
      } else {
        misses.add(new ProxyQuery<>(qry));
  } finally {
  try {
    for (ProxyQuery<I> miss : misses) {
      cache.put(miss.getInput(), miss.getAnswer());
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

public Word<I> getSuffix() {
  return origQuery.getSuffix();

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

public void answer(Boolean output) {
  this.answer = output;

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-util

public Word<I> getPrefix() {
  return originalQuery.getPrefix();

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

public void processQueries(Collection<? extends Query<I, Boolean>> queries) {
  List<ProxyQuery<I>> unanswered = new ArrayList<>();
  try {
    for (Query<I, Boolean> q : queries) {
      Acceptance acc = incDfa.lookup(q.getInput());
      if (acc != Acceptance.DONT_KNOW) {
      } else {
        unanswered.add(new ProxyQuery<>(q));
  } finally {
  try {
    for (ProxyQuery<I> q : unanswered) {
      incDfa.insert(q.getInput(), q.getAnswer());
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-util

public Word<I> getSuffix() {
  return originalQuery.getSuffix();

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-util

public void answer(Word<O> output) {
  if (output == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query answer words must not be null");
  originalQuery.answer(output.isEmpty() ? null : output.lastSymbol());

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-membership-oracles

private static <I, O> void processQueries(SUL<I, O> sul, Collection<? extends Query<I, Word<O>>> queries) {
  for (Query<I, Word<O>> q : queries) {
    Word<O> output = answerQuery(sul, q.getPrefix(), q.getSuffix());

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-counterexamples

 * Returns all suffixes of the counterexample word as distinguishing suffixes, as suggested by Maler &amp; Pnueli.
 * @param ceQuery
 *         the counterexample query
 * @return all suffixes of the counterexample input
public static <I, D> List<Word<I>> findMalerPnueli(Query<I, D> ceQuery) {
  return ceQuery.getInput().suffixes(false);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

public String toString() {
  return origQuery.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-util

public static <I, D> void answerQueriesParallel(QueryAnswerer<I, D> answerer,
                        Collection<? extends Query<I, D>> queries) {
  queries.parallelStream().forEach(q -> {
    Word<I> prefix = q.getPrefix();
    Word<I> suffix = q.getSuffix();
    D answer = answerer.answerQuery(prefix, suffix);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-counterexamples

 * Transforms a suffix index returned by a {@link LocalSuffixFinder} into a list of distinguishing suffixes. This
 * list always contains the corresponding local suffix. Since local suffix finders only return a single suffix,
 * suffix-closedness of the set of distinguishing suffixes might not be preserved. Note that for correctly
 * implemented local suffix finders, this does not impair correctness of the learning algorithm. However, without
 * suffix closedness, intermediate hypothesis models might be non-canonical, if no additional precautions are taken.
 * For that reasons, the <tt>allSuffixes</tt> parameter can be specified to control whether or not the list returned
 * by {@link GlobalSuffixFinder#findSuffixes(Query, AccessSequenceTransformer, SuffixOutput, MembershipOracle)} of
 * the returned global suffix finder should not only contain the single suffix, but also all of its suffixes,
 * ensuring suffix-closedness.
public static <I, D> List<Word<I>> suffixesForLocalOutput(Query<I, D> ceQuery,
                             int localSuffixIdx,
                             boolean allSuffixes) {
  if (localSuffixIdx == -1) {
    return Collections.emptyList();
  Word<I> suffix = ceQuery.getInput().subWord(localSuffixIdx);
  if (!allSuffixes) {
    return Collections.singletonList(suffix);
  return suffix.suffixes(false);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

private void answerSlave(Query<I, Word<O>> slave) {
  int start = slave.getPrefix().length();
  int end = start + slave.getSuffix().length();
  slave.answer(answer.subWord(start, end));

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-cache

Word<I> ref = q.getInput();
    Word<I> curr = q.getInput();
    if (!curr.isPrefixOf(ref)) {
      master = createMasterQuery(curr);
