
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Access the reference.


代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public String getReference() {
  return (reference != null) ? reference.getReference() : null;

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public String getReference() {
 return reference.getReference();

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.metaobj/sakai-metaobj-api

public boolean equals(Object o) {
 if (this == o) {
   return true;
 if (!(o instanceof ReferenceHolder)) {
   return false;
 final ReferenceHolder referenceHolder = (ReferenceHolder) o;
 if (base != null ? !base.getReference().equals(referenceHolder.base.getReference()) : referenceHolder.base != null) {
   return false;
 return true;

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.metaobj/sakai-metaobj-api

private void writeObject( out)
   throws IOException {

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject/sakai-citations-impl

public Collection getEntityAuthzGroups(Reference ref, String userId)
  Collection azGroups = null;
  // entities that are actually in /content use the /content authz groups 
  if(ref != null && ref.getReference() != null && ref.getReference().startsWith("/citation/content/")) {
    String altRef = ref.getReference().substring("/citation".length());
    azGroups = m_contentHostingService.getEntityAuthzGroups(m_entityManager.newReference(altRef), userId);
  return azGroups;

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public String getUrl() {
  return (reference != null) ? getAccessPoint(false) + reference.getReference() : null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject/sakai-rwiki-impl

public String createPermissionsReference(String pageSpace)
  // Page space is assumed to be a ppage space reference
  // Turn into an entity and then get a reference
  Reference ref = entityManager
      .newReference(RWikiObjectService.REFERENCE_ROOT + pageSpace
          + "."); //$NON-NLS-1$
  return ref.getReference();

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.basiclti/basiclti-impl

 * {@inheritDoc}
public String getEntityUrl(Reference ref)
  return ServerConfigurationService.getAccessUrl() + ref.getReference();

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public String getUrl() {
 return entityBrokerManager.getEntityURL(reference.getReference(), null, null);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public String getUrl(String rootProperty) {
 return entityBrokerManager.getEntityURL(reference.getReference(), null, null);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public String getEntityUrl(Reference ref) {
 return entityBrokerManager.getEntityURL(ref.getReference(), null, null);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public ResourceProperties getEntityResourceProperties(Reference ref) {
  try {
    String reference = ref.getReference();
    int lastIndex = reference.lastIndexOf(Entity.SEPARATOR);
    String postId = reference.substring(lastIndex, reference.length() - lastIndex);
    Entity entity = persistenceManager.getPost(postId, false);
    return entity.getProperties();
  } catch (Exception e) {
    log.warn("getEntity(): " + e);
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.polls/polls-impl

public Entity getEntity(Reference ref) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  Entity rv = null;
  if (REF_POLL_TYPE.equals(ref.getSubType())) {
    rv = getPoll(ref.getReference());
  return rv;

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.metaobj/sakai-metaobj-impl

public String getEntityUrl(Reference ref) {
 return ServerConfigurationService.getAccessUrl() + Validator.escapeUrl(ref.getReference());

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.metaobj/sakai-metaobj-api

protected ReferenceParser createParser(Reference ref) {
 return new ReferenceParser(ref.getReference(), ref.getEntityProducer());

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject/sakai-rwiki-impl

 * {@inheritDoc} 
public int getRevision(Reference reference)
  if (!isAvailable()) return 0;
  Decoded decode = decode(reference.getReference());
  return Integer.parseInt(decode.getVersion());

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.metaobj/sakai-metaobj-impl

protected void checkSource(Reference ref, ReferenceParser parser)
   throws EntityPermissionException, EntityNotDefinedException, EntityAccessOverloadException, EntityCopyrightException {
  logger.debug(".checkSource(): " + parser.getId());
  logger.debug(".checkSource(); ref: " + ref.getReference());

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

* ResourcesAction calls this method before starting the helper. This is intended to give
* the registrant a chance to do any preparation needed before the helper starts with respect
* to this action and the reference specified in the parameter. The method returns a String
* (possibly null) which will be provided as the "initializationId" parameter to other
* methods and in
* @param reference
* @return
public String initializeAction(Reference reference) {
 return getInitializationId(reference.getReference(), this.getTypeId(), this.getId());

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-storage-util

* ResourcesAction calls this method before starting the helper. This is intended to give
* the registrant a chance to do any preparation needed before the helper starts with respect
* to this action and the reference specified in the parameter. The method returns a String
* (possibly null) which will be provided as the "initializationId" parameter to other
* methods and in
* @param reference
* @return
public String initializeAction(Reference reference) {
 return getInitializationId(reference.getReference(), this.getTypeId(), this.getId());

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.metaobj/sakai-metaobj-impl

protected ContentEntityWrapper getContentEntityWrapper(Reference ref) {
 String wholeRef = ref.getReference();
 ReferenceParser parser = parseReference(wholeRef);
 ContentResource base =
    (ContentResource) entityManager.newReference(parser.getRef()).getEntity();
 //base could be null because we have a second level of wrapping
 if (base == null) {
   parser = parseReference(ref.getReference());
   base = (ContentResource) entityManager.newReference(parser.getRef()).getEntity();
 return new ContentEntityWrapper(base, wholeRef);
