代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
Tag tag;
Tag customTag = classTags.get(javaBean.getClass());
tag = customTag != null ? customTag : new Tag(javaBean.getClass());
MappingNode node = new MappingNode(tag, value, FlowStyle.AUTO);
representedObjects.put(javaBean, node);
DumperOptions.FlowStyle bestStyle = FlowStyle.FLOW;
if (!((ScalarNode) tuple.getKeyNode()).isPlain()) {
bestStyle = FlowStyle.BLOCK;
Node nodeValue = tuple.getValueNode();
if (!(nodeValue instanceof ScalarNode && ((ScalarNode) nodeValue).isPlain())) {
bestStyle = FlowStyle.BLOCK;
} else {
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
keyNode = (ScalarNode) tuple.getKeyNode();
} else {
throw new YAMLException(
"Keys must be scalars but found: " + tuple.getKeyNode());
String key = (String) constructObject(keyNode);
try {
TypeDescription memberDescription = typeDefinitions.get(beanType);
if (valueNode.getNodeId() == NodeId.sequence) {
Class<?> t = arguments[0];
SequenceNode snode = (SequenceNode) valueNode;
Class<?> t = arguments[0];
MappingNode mnode = (MappingNode) valueNode;
: constructObject(valueNode);
if (property.getType() == String.class && Tag.BINARY.equals(valueNode.getTag())
&& value instanceof byte[]) {
value = new String((byte[]) value);
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
} else {
switch (node.getNodeId()) {
case scalar:
ScalarNode scalarNode = (ScalarNode) node;
Tag detectedTag = this.resolver.resolve(NodeId.scalar, scalarNode.getValue(), true);
Tag defaultTag = this.resolver.resolve(NodeId.scalar, scalarNode.getValue(), false);
ImplicitTuple tuple = new ImplicitTuple(node.getTag().equals(detectedTag), node
ScalarEvent event = new ScalarEvent(tAlias, node.getTag().getValue(), tuple,
scalarNode.getValue(), null, null, scalarNode.getStyle());
case sequence:
SequenceNode seqNode = (SequenceNode) node;
boolean implicitS = node.getTag().equals(this.resolver.resolve(NodeId.sequence,
null, true));
this.emitter.emit(new SequenceStartEvent(tAlias, node.getTag().getValue(),
implicitS, null, null, seqNode.getFlowStyle()));
List<Node> list = seqNode.getValue();
default:// instance of MappingNode
Tag implicitTag = this.resolver.resolve(NodeId.mapping, null, true);
boolean implicitM = node.getTag().equals(implicitTag);
this.emitter.emit(new MappingStartEvent(tAlias, node.getTag().getValue(),
implicitM, null, null, ((CollectionNode) node).getFlowStyle()));
MappingNode mnode = (MappingNode) node;
List<NodeTuple> map = mnode.getValue();
for (NodeTuple row : map) {
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
public boolean useClassConstructor() {
if (useClassConstructor == null) {
if (!tag.isSecondary() && resolved && !Object.class.equals(type)
&& !tag.equals(Tag.NULL)) {
return true;
} else if (tag.isCompatible(getType())) {
// the tag is compatible with the runtime class
// the tag will be ignored
return true;
} else {
return false;
return useClassConstructor.booleanValue();
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
* Ensure that the stream contains a single document and construct it
* @param type the class of the instance being created
* @return constructed instance
* @throws ComposerException in case there are more documents in the stream
public Object getSingleData(Class<?> type) {
// Ensure that the stream contains a single document and construct it
Node node = composer.getSingleNode();
if (node != null && !Tag.NULL.equals(node.getTag())) {
if (Object.class != type) {
node.setTag(new Tag(type));
} else if (rootTag != null) {
return constructDocument(node);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus
protected Object constructObject(Node node) {
Class<?> target = node.getType();
if (target == Object.class && node.getTag().startsWith(Tag.PREFIX) && !noClass.contains(node.getTag())) {
try {
target = Class.forName(node.getTag().getClassName());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
for (Subtype subtype : subtypes) {
if (!subtype.tag().isEmpty()) {
if (subtype.tag().equals(node.getTag().getValue())) {
node.setTag(new Tag(subtype.type()));
defaultType = null;
break TypeSelection;
for (NodeTuple tuple : ((MappingNode) node).getValue()) {
if (tuple.getKeyNode() instanceof ScalarNode) {
String key = (String) constructObject(tuple.getKeyNode());
if (subtype.property().equals(key)) {
if (tuple.getValueNode() instanceof ScalarNode) {
if (((ScalarNode) tuple.getValueNode()).getValue().equals(subtype.value())) {
node.setTag(new Tag(subtype.type()));
defaultType = null;
break TypeSelection;
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
Iterator<NodeTuple> iter = node.getValue().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NodeTuple nodeTuple = iter.next();
final Node keyNode = nodeTuple.getKeyNode();
final Node valueNode = nodeTuple.getValueNode();
if (keyNode.getTag().equals(Tag.MERGE)) {
switch (valueNode.getNodeId()) {
case mapping:
MappingNode mn = (MappingNode) valueNode;
if (!(subnode instanceof MappingNode)) {
throw new ConstructorException("while constructing a mapping",
"expected a mapping for merging, but found "
+ subnode.getNodeId(),
throw new ConstructorException("while constructing a mapping",
"expected a mapping or list of mappings for merging, but found "
+ valueNode.getNodeId(),
代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.raml-parser/raml-parser
for (int i = 0; i < resourceNode.getValue().size(); i++)
NodeTuple resourceTuple = resourceNode.getValue().get(i);
if (resourceTuple.getKeyNode().getNodeId() != scalar)
String key = ((ScalarNode) resourceTuple.getKeyNode()).getValue();
if (key.equals(RESOURCE_TYPE_USE_KEY))
templateReferences.typeReference = cloneNode(resourceTuple.getValueNode(), new HashMap<String, String>());
Node actionNode = resourceTuple.getValueNode();
if (actionNode.getTag().equals(Tag.NULL))
else if (actionNode.getTag().equals(INCLUDE_TAG))
resourceNode.getValue().add(i, new NodeTuple(resourceTuple.getKeyNode(), actionNode));
for (NodeTuple actionTuple : ((MappingNode) actionNode).getValue())
String actionTupleKey = ((ScalarNode) actionTuple.getKeyNode()).getValue();
if (actionTupleKey.equals(TRAIT_USE_KEY) && expect(actionTuple.getValueNode(), sequence))
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
protected void processDuplicateKeys(MappingNode node) {
List<NodeTuple> nodeValue = node.getValue();
Map<Object, Integer> keys = new HashMap<Object, Integer>(nodeValue.size());
TreeSet<Integer> toRemove = new TreeSet<Integer>();
int i = 0;
for (NodeTuple tuple : nodeValue) {
Node keyNode = tuple.getKeyNode();
if (!keyNode.getTag().equals(Tag.MERGE)) {
Object key = constructObject(keyNode);
if (key != null) {
node.getStartMark(), "found unacceptable key " + key,
tuple.getKeyNode().getStartMark(), e);
if (prevIndex != null) {
if (!isAllowDuplicateKeys()) {
throw new DuplicateKeyException(node.getStartMark(), key,
代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser
private Node resolveInclude(Node node, Tag tag)
if (node.getNodeId() == scalar && node.getTag().equals(INCLUDE_TAG))
if (tag != null && tag.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG))
// for multiple levels of includes in the same template recalculate path using
// parent include applied tag path
ScalarNode scalarNode = (ScalarNode) node;
String parentPath = includeResolver.getContextPath().resolveRelativePath(tag);
String includePathRecalculated = ContextPath.getPartentPath(parentPath) + scalarNode.getValue();
node = new ScalarNode(scalarNode.getTag(), includePathRecalculated, node.getStartMark(), node.getEndMark(), scalarNode.getStyle());
return includeResolver.resolve(node, resourceLoader, nodeNandler);
return node;
代码示例来源:origin: openbaton/NFVO
if (node instanceof ScalarNode) {
ScalarNode scalarNode = (ScalarNode) node;
if (scalarNode.getTag().equals(Tag.FLOAT))
return Double.parseDouble(scalarNode.getValue());
else if (scalarNode.getTag().equals(Tag.INT))
return Integer.parseInt(scalarNode.getValue());
else if (scalarNode.getTag().equals(Tag.BOOL))
return Boolean.parseBoolean(scalarNode.getValue());
else return scalarNode.getValue();
Map<String, Object> nodeMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
MappingNode mappingNode = (MappingNode) node;
for (NodeTuple nodeTuple : mappingNode.getValue()) {
if (nodeTuple.getKeyNode() instanceof ScalarNode) {
String key = ((ScalarNode) nodeTuple.getKeyNode()).getValue();
nodeMap.put(key, yamlNodeToMap(nodeTuple.getValueNode()));
代码示例来源:origin: com.plausiblelabs.warwizard/warwizard-core
final MappingNode mappingNode = (MappingNode) yaml;
for (NodeTuple tuple : mappingNode.getValue()) {
if (tuple.getKeyNode() instanceof ScalarNode) {
json.writeFieldName(((ScalarNode) tuple.getKeyNode()).getValue());
build(tuple.getValueNode(), json);
} else if (yaml instanceof ScalarNode) {
final ScalarNode scalarNode = (ScalarNode) yaml;
final String className = scalarNode.getTag().getClassName();
if ("bool".equals(className)) {
} else if ("int".equals(className)) {
代码示例来源:origin: cereda/arara
throws AraraException {
Representer representer = new Representer();
representer.addClassTag(Rule.class, new Tag("!config"));
Yaml yaml = new Yaml(new Constructor(Rule.class), representer);
Rule rule = null;
try {
代码示例来源:origin: alien4cloud/alien4cloud
private void processTypeMappingKeys(MappingNode mappingNode, ParsingContextExecution context, INodeParser<?> parser) {
for (NodeTuple tuple : mappingNode.getValue()) {
if (Tag.MERGE.equals(tuple.getKeyNode().getTag())) {
MappingNode toMerge = (MappingNode) tuple.getValueNode();
processTypeMappingKeys(toMerge, context, parser);
} else {
// process a mapping
map(tuple, (TypeNodeParser) parser, context);
代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.raml-parser/raml-parser
private String resolveParameterValueInclude(ScalarNode valueNode)
if (valueNode.getTag().equals(INCLUDE_TAG))
Node resolved = includeResolver.resolve(valueNode, resourceLoader, nodeNandler);
if (resolved.getNodeId() != scalar)
addError("Resource type and traits parameters must be scalars", valueNode);
return "";
valueNode = (ScalarNode) resolved;
return valueNode.getValue();
代码示例来源:origin: airbnb/okreplay
private boolean isNullValue(NodeTuple tuple) {
return tuple.getValueNode().getTag().equals(Tag.NULL);
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
public Constructor(TypeDescription theRoot, Collection<TypeDescription> moreTDs) {
if (theRoot == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Root type must be provided.");
this.yamlConstructors.put(null, new ConstructYamlObject());
if (!Object.class.equals(theRoot.getType())) {
rootTag = new Tag(theRoot.getType());
yamlClassConstructors.put(NodeId.scalar, new ConstructScalar());
yamlClassConstructors.put(NodeId.mapping, new ConstructMapping());
yamlClassConstructors.put(NodeId.sequence, new ConstructSequence());
if (moreTDs != null) {
for (TypeDescription td : moreTDs) {
代码示例来源:origin: com.hotels/shunting-yard-replicator
protected NodeTuple representJavaBeanProperty(
Object javaBean,
Property property,
Object propertyValue,
Tag customTag) {
NodeTuple nodeTuple = super.representJavaBeanProperty(javaBean, property, propertyValue, customTag);
Node valueNode = nodeTuple.getValueNode();
if (Tag.NULL.equals(valueNode.getTag())) {
return null; // skip 'null' values
if (valueNode instanceof CollectionNode) {
if (Tag.SEQ.equals(valueNode.getTag())) {
SequenceNode seq = (SequenceNode) valueNode;
if (seq.getValue().isEmpty()) {
return null; // skip empty lists
if (Tag.MAP.equals(valueNode.getTag())) {
MappingNode seq = (MappingNode) valueNode;
if (seq.getValue().isEmpty()) {
return null; // skip empty maps
Object name = CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, property.getName());
return new NodeTuple(representData(name), valueNode);
代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.raml-parser/raml-parser
NodeTuple tagInclude(NodeTuple tuple)
if (Tag.NULL.equals(tuple.getValueNode().getTag()))
return tuple;
if (templateInclude != null)
return tuple;
代码示例来源:origin: info.magnolia.core/magnolia-configuration
protected void constructMapping2ndStep(MappingNode node, Map<Object, Object> mapping) {
List<NodeTuple> nodeValue = node.getValue();
for (NodeTuple tuple : nodeValue) {
if (Tag.INT.equals(tuple.getKeyNode().getTag())) {
super.constructMapping2ndStep(node, mapping);