
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the authenticating user is following.


代码示例来源:origin: loklak/loklak_server

collect: while (cursor != 0) {
  try {
    IDs ids = networkRelation == Networker.FOLLOWERS ? twitter.getFollowersIDs(screen_name, cursor) : twitter.getFriendsIDs(screen_name, cursor);
    RateLimitStatus rateStatus = ids.getRateLimitStatus();
    if (networkRelation == Networker.FOLLOWERS) {

代码示例来源:origin: net.homeip.yusuke/twitter4j

 * Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the authenticating user is following.
 * @return an array of numeric IDs for every user the authenticating user is following
 * @throws TwitterException when Twitter service or network is unavailable
 * @since Twitter4J 2.0.0
 * @see <a href="">Twitter API Wiki / Twitter REST API Method: friends ids</a>
public IDs getFriendsIDs() throws TwitterException {
  return getFriendsIDs(-1l);

代码示例来源:origin: net.homeip.yusuke/twitter4j

 * Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following.<br>
 * all IDs are attempted to be returned, but large sets of IDs will likely fail with timeout errors.
 * @param userId Specfies the ID of the user for whom to return the friends list.
 * @return an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following
 * @throws TwitterException when Twitter service or network is unavailable
 * @since Twitter4J 2.0.0
 * @see <a href="">Twitter API Wiki / Twitter REST API Method: friends ids</a>
public IDs getFriendsIDs(int userId) throws TwitterException {
  return getFriendsIDs(userId, -1l);

代码示例来源:origin: net.homeip.yusuke/twitter4j

 * Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following.
 * @param screenName Specfies the screen name of the user for whom to return the friends list.
 * @return an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following
 * @throws TwitterException when Twitter service or network is unavailable
 * @since Twitter4J 2.0.0
 * @see <a href="">Twitter API Wiki / REST API Documentation - Social Graph Methods - friends/ids</a>
public IDs getFriendsIDs(String screenName) throws TwitterException {
  return getFriendsIDs(screenName, -1l);

代码示例来源:origin: org.twitter4j/twitter4j-async

  public void invoke(List<TwitterListener> listeners) throws TwitterException {
    IDs ids = twitter.getFriendsIDs(userId, cursor);
    for (TwitterListener listener : listeners) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn("Exception at getFriendsIDs", e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.twitter4j/twitter4j-async

  public void invoke(List<TwitterListener> listeners)
      throws TwitterException {
    IDs ids = twitter.getFriendsIDs(screenName, cursor);
    for (TwitterListener listener : listeners) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn("Exception at getFriendsIDs", e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.twitter4j/twitter4j-async

  public void invoke(List<TwitterListener> listeners)
      throws TwitterException {
    IDs ids = twitter.getFriendsIDs(cursor);
    for (TwitterListener listener : listeners) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn("Exception at getFriendsIDs", e);


IDs list = twitter.getFriendsIDs(0);
for(long ID : list.getIDs()) {
 Status[] tweets = getAllTweets(twitter, ID);
 System.out.println(ID + ": " + tweets.length);
Status[] getAllTweets(Twitter twitter, long userId)
 int pageno = 1;
 List statuses = new ArrayList();
 while (true)
   int size = statuses.size();
   Paging page = new Paging(pageno++, 100);
   statuses.addAll(twitter.getUserTimeline(userId, page));
   if (statuses.size() == size)
  catch (TwitterException e)
 return (Status[]) statuses.toArray(new Status[0]);


int finish = 100;
ArrayList<Long> IDS = new ArrayList<Long>();
long[] friendsID =  t.getFriendsIDs(userID, -1).getIDs();
boolean check = true;
while (check) {
