
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]This interface represents a tag (<xxx yyy="zzz">) in the HTML document. Adds capabilities to a Node that are specific to a tag.
[中]此接口表示HTML文档中的标记(<xxx yyy=“zzz”>)。向特定于标记的节点添加功能。


代码示例来源:origin: org.opencms/opencms-core

 * @see org.htmlparser.Tag#getTagName()
public String getTagName() {
  return m_decorated.getTagName();

代码示例来源:origin: org.opencms/opencms-core

 * @see org.htmlparser.Tag#getAttributesEx()
public Vector<Attribute> getAttributesEx() {
  return m_decorated.getAttributesEx();

代码示例来源:origin: omegat-org/omegat

/** Should a contents of this tag be kept intact? */
private boolean isIntactTag(Tag tag) {
  String tagname = tag.getTagName();
  return tagname.equals("!DOCTYPE")
      || tagname.equals("STYLE")
      || tagname.equals("SCRIPT")
      || tagname.equals("OBJECT")
      || tagname.equals("EMBED")
      || (tagname.equals("META") && "content-type".equalsIgnoreCase(tag.getAttribute("http-equiv")));

代码示例来源:origin: org.htmlparser/htmlparser

   * Accept nodes that are tags and have a matching tag name.
   * This discards non-tag nodes and end tags.
   * The end tags are available on the enclosing non-end tag.
   * @param node The node to check.
   * @return <code>true</code> if the tag name matches,
   * <code>false</code> otherwise.
  public boolean accept (Node node)
    return ((node instanceof Tag)
        && !((Tag)node).isEndTag ()
        && ((Tag)node).getTagName ().equals (mName));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/ruta-ep-ide-ui

public void visitTag(Tag tag) {
 String name = tag.getTagName().toLowerCase();
 if ("div".equals(name)) {
  if (divDepth == 1) {
   elementStart = tag.getStartPosition();

代码示例来源:origin: org.everit.templating/org.everit.templating.html

  * Constructor.
  * @param tag
  *          The tag that we want to store information about.
 public TagInfo(final Tag tag) {
  Page page = tag.getPage();
  startPosition = tag.getStartPosition();
  int endPosition = tag.getEndPosition();
  chars = new char[endPosition - startPosition];
  page.getText(chars, 0, startPosition, endPosition);

代码示例来源:origin: iipc/openwayback

 * test expected behavior of htmlparser.
 * <p>htmlparser does neither unescape HTML entities found in text, nor
 * escape special characters in Node.toHtml().  We have a workaround based on this
 * behavior.  If this expectation breaks, we need to modify our code.</p>
 * @throws Exception
public void testHtmlParser_attributeValueEscaping() throws Exception {
  final String html = "<html>" +
      "<body>" +
      "<a href=\";b=2&c=3&#34;\">anchor</a>" +
      "</body>" +
  byte[] bytes = html.getBytes();
  ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
  Page page = new Page(bais, "UTF-8");
  Lexer lexer = new Lexer(page);
  Node node;
  while ((node = lexer.nextNode()) != null) {
    if (node instanceof Tag) {
      Tag tag = (Tag)node;
      if (tag.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("A") && !tag.isEndTag()) {
        assertEquals("href", ";b=2&c=3&#34;", tag.getAttribute("HREF"));
        String htmlout = tag.toHtml();
        assertEquals("toHtml output", "<a href=\";b=2&c=3&#34;\">", htmlout);

代码示例来源:origin: com.bbossgroups/bboss-htmlparser

name = tag.getTagName ();
if (tag.isEndTag ())
  ends = current.getEndTagEnders ();
  ends = current.getEnders ();
for (int i = 0; i < ends.length; i++)
  if (name.equalsIgnoreCase (ends[i]))

代码示例来源:origin: org.htmlparser/htmlparser

if (ret.isEmptyXmlTag ())
  ret.setEndTag (ret);
        name = next.getTagName ();
        if (next.isEndTag () && name.equals (ret.getTagName ()))
          ret.setEndTag (next);
          node = null;
        else if (!next.isEndTag ())
          scanner = next.getThisScanner ();
          if (null != scanner)
                if (next.isEmptyXmlTag ())
                  next.setEndTag (next);
                  finishTag (next, lexer);
                  addChild (ret, next);
            scanner = opener.getThisScanner ();
            if ((null != scanner) && (scanner == this))
                if (name.equals (boffo.getTagName ()))
                  index = i;
                else if (isTagToBeEndedFor (boffo, next)) // check DTD

代码示例来源:origin: brix-cms/brix-cms

private void processTag(List<AbstractContainer> nodes, int current, List<Item> items,
            org.htmlparser.Tag tag) {
  final Tag.Type type;
  final String rawName = tag.getRawTagName();
  if (rawName.startsWith("/")) {
    type = Tag.Type.CLOSE;
  } else if (isOpenClose(tag)) {
    type = Tag.Type.OPEN_CLOSE;
  } else {
    type = Tag.Type.OPEN;
  final String tagName = tag.getTagName().toLowerCase();
  if ("!doctype".equals(tagName)) {
    this.doctype = tag.toHtml();
  } else if (type == Tag.Type.CLOSE) {
    if (!isKnownBrixTag(tagName)) {
      Map<String, String> attributes = Collections.emptyMap();
      items.add(new SimpleTag(tagName, type, attributes));
  } else {
    Map<String, String> attributes = getAttributes(tag);
    if (isKnownBrixTag(tagName)) {
      processBrixTag(nodes, current, items, tagName, getAttributes(tag), type);
    } else {
      items.add(new SimpleTag(tagName, type, attributes));

代码示例来源:origin: CloudSlang/cs-actions

public void visitTag(Tag tag) {
  if (tag.getRawTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("img")) {
    String imageValue = tag.getAttribute("src");
    if (imageValue.contains("base64")) {
      String contentId = getContentId();
      tag.setAttribute("src", "cid:" + contentId);
          imageValue.substring(imageValue.indexOf("base64") + 7, imageValue.length()));

代码示例来源:origin: com.bbossgroups/bboss-htmlparser

mSupport.processName (tag.getTagName (), mParts, false);
  mParts[2] = tag.getTagName ();
else if (mNameSpaces)
  mParts[2] = "";
  mParts[2] = tag.getTagName ();
  mParts[2], // raw
  new Attributes (tag, mSupport, mParts));
NodeList children = tag.getChildren ();
if (null != children)
  for (int i = 0; i < children.size (); i++)
    doSAX (children.elementAt (i));
end = tag.getEndTag ();
if (null != end)
    mSupport.processName (end.getTagName (), mParts, false);
    mParts[2] = end.getTagName ();
  else if (mNameSpaces)
    mParts[2] = "";
    mParts[2] = end.getTagName ();
  mContentHandler.endElement (
    mParts[0], // uri

代码示例来源:origin: omegat-org/omegat

int n = -1;
if (tag.isEndTag()) {
  for (int i = sTags.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Tag othertag = sTags.get(i);
    if (othertag.getTagName().equals(tag.getTagName())) {
      if (othertag.isEndTag()) {
      } else {
if ("BR".equals(tag.getTagName())) {
} else {
if (tag.isEmptyXmlTag()) { // This only detects tags that already have a

代码示例来源:origin: org.opencms/opencms-core

 * @see org.htmlparser.Tag#getAttribute(java.lang.String)
public String getAttribute(String arg0) {
  return m_decorated.getAttribute(arg0);

代码示例来源:origin: com.bbossgroups/bboss-htmlparser

 * Finish off a tag.
 * Perhap add a virtual end tag.
 * Set the end tag parent as this tag.
 * Perform the semantic acton.
 * @param tag The tag to finish off.
 * @param lexer A lexer positioned at the end of the tag.
protected void finishTag (Tag tag, Lexer lexer)
  if (null == tag.getEndTag ())
    tag.setEndTag (createVirtualEndTag (tag, lexer, lexer.getPage (), lexer.getCursor ().getPosition ()));
  tag.getEndTag ().setParent (tag);
  tag.doSemanticAction ();

代码示例来源:origin: org.opencms/opencms-core

 * @see org.htmlparser.Tag#getRawTagName()
public String getRawTagName() {
  return m_decorated.getRawTagName();

代码示例来源:origin: brix-cms/brix-cms

private boolean isOpenClose(org.htmlparser.Tag tag) {
  if (tag.getRawTagName().endsWith("/")) {
    return true;
  } else {
    List<?> atts = tag.getAttributesEx();
    Attribute a = (Attribute) atts.get(atts.size() - 1);
    return a.getName() != null && a.getName().equals("/");

代码示例来源:origin: org.everit.templating/org.everit.templating.html

 * Constructor.
 * @param tag
 *          The tag that this node definition belongs to.
 * @param templateFileName
 *          the name of the template file.
public TagNode(final Tag tag, final String templateFileName) {
 emptyTag = tag.isEmptyXmlTag();
 Page page = tag.getPage();
 startPositionInTemplate = tag.getStartPosition();
 int endPosition = tag.getEndPosition();
 int length = endPosition - startPositionInTemplate;
 textRepresentation = new char[length];
 page.getText(textRepresentation, 0, startPositionInTemplate, endPosition);
 this.templateFileName = templateFileName;

代码示例来源:origin: org.htmlparser/htmlparser

mSupport.processName (tag.getTagName (), mParts, false);
  mParts[2] = tag.getTagName ();
else if (mNameSpaces)
  mParts[2] = "";
  mParts[2] = tag.getTagName ();
  for (int i = 0; i < children.size (); i++)
    doSAX (children.elementAt (i));
end = tag.getEndTag ();
if (null != end)
    mSupport.processName (end.getTagName (), mParts, false);
    mParts[2] = end.getTagName ();
  else if (mNameSpaces)
    mParts[2] = "";
    mParts[2] = end.getTagName ();
  mContentHandler.endElement (
    mParts[0], // uri

代码示例来源:origin: org.everit.templating/org.everit.templating.html

Iterator<PageAttribute> iterator = attributes.iterator();
if (!tag.isEmptyXmlTag()) {
 visitorPath.add(new VisitorPathElement().withEwtNode(tagNode).withTag(tag));
 parentNode = tagNode;
  visitMode = VisitMode.INLINE;
  int tagEndPosition = tag.getEndPosition() + 1;
  Page page = tag.getPage();
