代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
public static int parseInt(String string) {
Integer integer = parseInteger(string);
return integer != null ? integer : -1;
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
protected boolean isPosition(String line) {
Matcher matcher = LINE_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.matches())
return false;
Integer satellites = parseInteger(matcher.group(7));
return satellites != null && satellites > 0;
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
TomTomPosition parsePosition(String line) {
Matcher lineMatcher = POSITION_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (!lineMatcher.matches())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + line + "' does not match");
String longitude = lineMatcher.group(1);
String latitude = lineMatcher.group(2);
String description = lineMatcher.group(3);
return new TomTomPosition(parseInteger(longitude), parseInteger(latitude), trim(description));
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
private Integer getElevationFor(String uri, double longitude, double latitude, Integer nullValue) throws IOException {
String result = execute(uri + "?lat=" + latitude + "&lng=" + longitude, uri); // could be up to 20 points
if (result != null) {
try {
Integer elevation = parseInteger(result);
if (elevation != null && !elevation.equals(nullValue))
return elevation;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IOException("Cannot unmarshall " + result + ": " + e, e);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
private Integer parseSatellites(TiffDirectory directory) throws ImageReadException {
String satellites = (String) directory.getFieldValue(GPS_TAG_GPS_SATELLITES);
return satellites != null ? parseInteger(satellites) : null;
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
private int extractPositionInList(TourPosition position) {
Integer integer = parseInteger(position.get(POSITION_IN_LIST));
return integer != null ? integer : position.hashCode();
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
Wgs84Position parsePosition(Map<String, String> map) {
Integer latitude = parseInteger(map.get(LATITUDE));
Integer longitude = parseInteger(map.get(LONGITUDE));
String state = trim(map.get(STATE));
String zip = trim(map.get(ZIP));
String city = trim(map.get(CITY));
String county = trim(map.get(COUNTY));
String address = trim(map.get(ADDRESS));
String description = (state != null ? state + (zip != null ? "-" : " ") : "") +
(zip != null ? zip + " " : "") + (city != null ? city : "") +
(county != null ? ", " + county : "") + (address != null ? ", " + address : "");
return new Wgs84Position(longitude != null ? longitude / INTEGER_FACTOR : null,
latitude != null ? latitude / INTEGER_FACTOR : null,
null, null, null, trim(description));
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
protected Wgs84Position parsePosition(String line, ParserContext context) {
Matcher lineMatcher = LINE_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (!lineMatcher.matches())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + line + "' does not match");
String date = lineMatcher.group(3);
String time = lineMatcher.group(4);
Double latitude = parseDouble(lineMatcher.group(6));
String northOrSouth = lineMatcher.group(7);
if ("S".equals(northOrSouth) && latitude != null)
latitude = -latitude;
Double longitude = parseDouble(lineMatcher.group(8));
String westOrEasth = lineMatcher.group(9);
if ("W".equals(westOrEasth) && longitude != null)
longitude = -longitude;
String height = lineMatcher.group(10);
String speed = lineMatcher.group(11);
String hdop = lineMatcher.group(12);
String satellites = lineMatcher.group(13);
Wgs84Position position = new Wgs84Position(longitude, latitude, parseDouble(height), parseDouble(speed),
parseDateAndTime(date, time), null);
return position;
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
protected Wgs84Position parsePosition(String line, ParserContext context) {
Matcher lineMatcher = LINE_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (!lineMatcher.matches())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + line + "' does not match");
String time = lineMatcher.group(1);
String longitude = lineMatcher.group(2);
String latitude = lineMatcher.group(3);
String heading = lineMatcher.group(4);
String speed = lineMatcher.group(5);
String hdop = lineMatcher.group(6);
String satellites = lineMatcher.group(7);
String date = trim(lineMatcher.group(8));
Wgs84Position position = new Wgs84Position(parseDouble(longitude), parseDouble(latitude),
null, parseDouble(speed), parseDateAndTime(date, time), null);
if (date == null)
return position;
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
Integer zoom = parseInteger(zoomChangedMatcher.group(1));
return true;
Integer key = parseInteger(insertWaypointsMatcher.group(2));
List<String> parameters = parsePositionParameters(insertWaypointsMatcher.group(3));
insertWaypointsCallback(key, parameters);
代码示例来源:origin: cpesch/RouteConverter
NmeaPosition position = new NmeaPosition(parseDouble(longitude), westOrEast, parseDouble(latitude), northOrSouth,
parseDouble(altitude), null, null, parseTime(time), null);
return position;