[英]All compiled scripts implement this interface.
This class encapsulates script execution relative to an object scope.
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
jsscope = jscx.initStandardObjects( null, false );
try {
jscx.setOptimizationLevel( Integer.valueOf( transMeta.environmentSubstitute( optimizationLevel ) ) );
} catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ) {
error_message =
Scriptable jsR = Context.toObject( jsScripts[i].getScript(), jsscope );
jsscope.put( jsScripts[i].getScriptName(), jsscope, jsR );
jsscript.exec( jscx, jsscope );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
String optimizationLevelAsString = environmentSubstitute( meta.getOptimizationLevel() );
if ( !Utils.isEmpty( Const.trim( optimizationLevelAsString ) ) ) {
data.cx.setOptimizationLevel( Integer.parseInt( optimizationLevelAsString.trim() ) );
logBasic( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "ScriptValuesMod.Optimization.Level", environmentSubstitute( meta
.getOptimizationLevel() ) ) );
} else {
data.cx.setOptimizationLevel( Integer.parseInt( ScriptValuesMetaMod.OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL_DEFAULT ) );
logBasic( BaseMessages.getString(
PKG, "ScriptValuesMod.Optimization.UsingDefault", ScriptValuesMetaMod.OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL_DEFAULT ) );
data.scope = data.cx.initStandardObjects( null, false );
Script startScript = data.cx.compileString( strStartScript, "trans_Start", 1, null );
startScript.exec( data.cx, data.scope );
if ( log.isDetailed() ) {
logDetailed( ( "Start Script found!" ) );
data.script.exec( data.cx, data.scope );
代码示例来源:origin: PeterKnego/LeanEngine-Server
public String scriptPOST(@PathParam("scriptName") String scriptName, String code) throws LeanException {
//todo resolve Script name
Context ctx = Context.enter();
try {
ScriptableObject scope = ctx.initStandardObjects();
Script script = ctx.compileString(code, "<code>", 1, null);
Object result = script.exec(ctx, scope);
if (result == null || !result.getClass().equals(NativeObject.class)) {
throw new LeanException(LeanException.Error.ScriptOutputError, scriptName);
return toJSON((NativeObject) result).toString();
} catch (RhinoException ex) {
throw new LeanException(LeanException.Error.ScriptExecutionError, scriptName, ex);
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: tv.cntt/rhinocoffeescript
public static String compile(String coffeeScript) throws ScriptException {
Context ctx = Context.enter();
try {
Scriptable scope = ctx.initStandardObjects();
Script script = (Script) new CoffeeScript();
script.exec(ctx, scope);
NativeObject obj = (NativeObject) scope.get("CoffeeScript", scope);
Function fun = (Function) obj.get("compile", scope);
Object opts = ctx.evaluateString(scope, "({bare: true})", null, 1, null);
String javaScript = (String) fun.call(ctx, scope, obj, new Object[] {coffeeScript, opts});
return javaScript;
} catch (JavaScriptException e) {
// Extract line and column of the error location in the CoffeeScript.
// The below code is guessed from:
// - Experimenting http://coffeescript.org/ with Chrome JavaScript Console
// - https://code.google.com/p/wiquery/source/browse/trunk/src/main/java/org/mozilla/javascript/NativeError.java?spec=svn1010&r=1010
Scriptable syntaxError = (Scriptable) e.getValue();
Scriptable location = (Scriptable) ScriptableObject.getProperty(syntaxError, "location");
Double firstLine = (Double) ScriptableObject.getProperty(location, "first_line");
Double firstColumn = (Double) ScriptableObject.getProperty(location, "first_column");
throw new ScriptException("CoffeeScript syntax error", "", firstLine.intValue(), firstColumn.intValue());
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.cocoon/cocoon-expression-language-impl
public Object evaluate(ObjectModel objectModel) throws ExpressionException {
Context ctx = Context.enter();
try {
Scriptable scope = ctx.newObject(getScope(rootScope));
// Populate the scope
Iterator iter = objectModel.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
scope.put(key, scope, Context.toObject(value, scope));
Object result = this.script.exec(ctx, scope);
return unwrap(result);
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: org.seasar.mayaa/mayaa
public Object execute(Object[] args) {
Context cx = RhinoUtil.enter();
Object ret = null;
try {
compileFromSource(cx, getSource());
Object jsRet = _rhinoScript.exec(cx, RhinoUtil.getScope());
ret = RhinoUtil.convertResult(cx, getExpectedClass(), jsRet);
} catch (WrappedException e) {
} finally {
return ret;
代码示例来源:origin: RPTools/maptool
public static synchronized void init() throws IOException {
if (jsScope != null)
try {
Context jsContext = ContextFactory.getGlobal().enterContext();
jsContext.setClassShutter(new SecurityClassShutter());
jsScope = jsContext.initStandardObjects(null, true);
Object o = Context.javaToJS(new TokenApi(), jsScope);
ScriptableObject.putProperty(jsScope, "rptools_global_tokens", o);
for (String script : JAVASCRIPT_FILES) {
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(ScriptManager.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(script));
Script compiled = jsContext.compileReader(reader, script, 1, null);
compiled.exec(jsContext, jsScope);
// jsScope.sealObject();
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: datacleaner/DataCleaner
public Object[] transform(final InputRow inputRow) {
final Context context = _contextFactory.enterContext();
try {
// this scope is local to the execution of a single row
final Scriptable scope = context.newObject(_sharedScope);
JavaScriptUtils.addToScope(scope, inputRow, columns, "values");
Object result = _script.exec(context, scope);
// String stringResult = Context.toString(result);
if (result == null) {
result = null;
} else if (returnType == ReturnType.NUMBER) {
result = Context.toNumber(result);
} else if (returnType == ReturnType.BOOLEAN) {
result = Context.toBoolean(result);
} else {
result = Context.toString(result);
return new Object[] { result };
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
Script endScript = data.cx.compileString( strEndScript, "trans_End", 1, null );
endScript.exec( data.cx, data.scope );
if ( log.isDetailed() ) {
logDetailed( ( "End Script found!" ) );
代码示例来源:origin: eBay/YiDB
public Object call() throws ExpressionParseException {
Object result = null;
try {
final Script script = ((RhinoExpression) theExpression).getCompiledExpression();
final Context rhinoContext = Context.enter();
final Scriptable scope = new RhinoScriptObject(theContext);
result = script.exec(rhinoContext, scope);
} catch (ExpressionParseException e) {
throw new ExpressionParseException(MessageFormat.format("" + e.getMessage()
+ "\n Failed to parse script:{0}", theExpression.getStringExpression()), e);
} finally {
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: datacleaner/DataCleaner
public Category categorize(final InputRow inputRow) {
final Context context = _contextFactory.enterContext();
try {
// this scope is local to the execution of a single row
final Scriptable scope = context.newObject(_sharedScope);
JavaScriptUtils.addToScope(scope, inputRow, columns, "values");
final Object result = _script.exec(context, scope);
final boolean booleanResult = Context.toBoolean(result);
if (booleanResult) {
return JavaScriptFilter.Category.VALID;
return JavaScriptFilter.Category.INVALID;
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
Script script = cx.compileString(scriptText, "<command>", 1, null);
if (script != null) {
script.exec(cx, getShellScope()); // <- just an eval
代码示例来源:origin: apache/cxf
private Object[] compileScript(Context cx, String scriptStr, Scriptable scriptScope, File f) {
int opt = cx.getOptimizationLevel();
Script script = cx.compileString(scriptStr, f.getName(), 1, null);
script.exec(cx, scriptScope);
Object[] ids = scriptScope.getIds();
script = cx.compileString(scriptStr, f.getName(), 1, null);
script.exec(cx, scriptScope);
return ids;
代码示例来源:origin: rhino/js
* Evaluate a JavaScript source string.
* The provided source name and line number are used for error messages
* and for producing debug information.
* @param scope the scope to execute in
* @param source the JavaScript source
* @param sourceName a string describing the source, such as a filename
* @param lineno the starting line number
* @param securityDomain an arbitrary object that specifies security
* information about the origin or owner of the script. For
* implementations that don't care about security, this value
* may be null.
* @return the result of evaluating the string
* @see org.mozilla.javascript.SecurityController
public final Object evaluateString(Scriptable scope, String source,
String sourceName, int lineno,
Object securityDomain)
Script script = compileString(source, sourceName, lineno,
if (script != null) {
return script.exec(this, scope);
} else {
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: geogebra/geogebra
public Object run(Context cx)
ScriptableObject global = getGlobal(cx);
// get the command line arguments and define "arguments"
// array in the top-level object
Object[] argsCopy = new Object[args.length];
System.arraycopy(args, 0, argsCopy, 0, args.length);
Scriptable argsObj = cx.newArray(global, argsCopy);
global.defineProperty("arguments", argsObj,
script.exec(cx, global);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: geogebra/geogebra
private Scriptable executeModuleScript(Context cx, String id,
Scriptable exports, ModuleScript moduleScript, boolean isMain)
final ScriptableObject moduleObject = (ScriptableObject)cx.newObject(
URI uri = moduleScript.getUri();
URI base = moduleScript.getBase();
defineReadOnlyProperty(moduleObject, "id", id);
if(!sandboxed) {
defineReadOnlyProperty(moduleObject, "uri", uri.toString());
final Scriptable executionScope = new ModuleScope(nativeScope, uri, base);
// Set this so it can access the global JS environment objects.
// This means we're currently using the "MGN" approach (ModuleScript
// with Global Natives) as specified here:
// <http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Modules/ProposalForNativeExtension>
executionScope.put("exports", executionScope, exports);
executionScope.put("module", executionScope, moduleObject);
moduleObject.put("exports", moduleObject, exports);
if(isMain) {
defineReadOnlyProperty(this, "main", moduleObject);
executeOptionalScript(preExec, cx, executionScope);
moduleScript.getScript().exec(cx, executionScope);
executeOptionalScript(postExec, cx, executionScope);
return ScriptRuntime.toObject(cx, nativeScope,
ScriptableObject.getProperty(moduleObject, "exports"));
代码示例来源:origin: rhino/js
throws IOException
Script script = compileReader(scope, in, sourceName, lineno,
if (script != null) {
return script.exec(this, scope);
} else {
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: dk.eobjects.datacleaner/DataCleaner-core
protected boolean isValid(Row row) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> values = new ScriptAccessColumnMap(_columns, row,
Scriptable scope = _context.newObject(_standardObjectsScope);
Object wrappedValues = Context.javaToJS(values, scope);
ScriptableObject.putProperty(scope, "values", wrappedValues);
Object result = _script.exec(_context, scope);
if (result instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) result;
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Javascript expression did not return a boolean");
代码示例来源:origin: ro.isdc.wro4j/rhino
static void evalInlineScript(Context cx, String scriptText) {
try {
Script script = cx.compileString(scriptText, "<command>", 1, null);
if (script != null) {
script.exec(cx, getShellScope());
} catch (RhinoException rex) {
cx.getErrorReporter(), rex);
} catch (VirtualMachineError ex) {
// Treat StackOverflow and OutOfMemory as runtime errors
String msg = ToolErrorReporter.getMessage(
"msg.uncaughtJSException", ex.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: javanna/elasticshell
public Object execute(CompilableSource source) {
try {
logger.debug("Compiling source {}", source.getSource());
Script script = compile(source);
if (script != null) {
logger.debug("Executing compiled script");
Object result = script.exec(Context.getCurrentContext(), shellScope.get());
logger.debug("Returned object [{}]", result);
if(result instanceof Undefined) {
return null;
return result;
} catch(RhinoException rex) {
logger.error(rex.getMessage(), rex);
Context.reportError(rex.details(), null, rex.lineNumber(), rex.lineSource(), rex.columnNumber());
} catch(VirtualMachineError ex) {
logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
String msg = ToolErrorReporter.getMessage("msg.uncaughtJSException", ex.toString());
} catch(Throwable t) {
logger.error(t.getMessage(), t);
String msg = ToolErrorReporter.getMessage("msg.uncaughtJSException", t.toString());
return null;