
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-31 转载在 其他  



[英]Collection of various all-purpose helper functions.


代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi/okapi-core

 * Indicates if this object has at least standoff item.
 * @return true if this object has at least standoff item, false otherwise.
public boolean hasStandoff () {
  return !Util.isEmpty(standoff);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi/okapi-core

 * Expand all supported variables and canonicalize (resolve ".." and ".")
 * a path. If the input path has no variables, it is returned unchanged.
 * rootDir and inputRootDir can be null.
 * @param path The path to expand
 * @param rootDir The directory to expand ${rootDir} into
 * @param inputRootDir The directory to expand ${inputRootDir} into
 * @return The expanded path
 * @throws IOException If canonicalizing fails
public static String expandPath (String path, String rootDir, String inputRootDir)
    throws IOException {
  if (!path.contains("${")) return path;
  path = Util.fillSystemEnvars(path);
  path = Util.fillRootDirectoryVariable(path, rootDir);
  path = Util.fillInputRootDirectoryVariable(path, inputRootDir);
  path = new File(path).getCanonicalPath();
  return path;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.lib/okapi-lib-segmentation-ui

private String makeNonHtmlOutputPath (String inputPath) {
  if ( inputPath.length() == 0 ) return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
  String ext = Util.getExtension(inputPath);
  String filename = Util.getFilename(inputPath, false);
  return Util.getDirectoryName(inputPath) + File.separator +
    filename + Res.getString("testFileDlg.outputExtension") + ext; //$NON-NLS-1$

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi/okapi-core

 * Gets the directory location of a given class. The value returned can be the directory
 * where the .class file is located, or, if the class in a JAR file, the directory
 * where the .jar file is located.    
 * @param theClass the class to query.
 * @return the directory location of the given class, or null if an error occurs.
public static String getClassLocation (Class<?> theClass) {
  String res = null;
  File file = new File(theClass.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getFile());
  res = URLDecodeUTF8(file.getAbsolutePath());
  // Remove the JAR file if necessary
  if ( res.endsWith(".jar") ) {
    res = getDirectoryName(res);
  return res;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.steps/okapi-step-rainbowkit

protected void copySupportMaterial () {
  if ( Util.isEmpty(data) ) return;
  List<String> list = params.convertSupportFilesToList(data);
    origin = Util.fillRootDirectoryVariable(origin, rootDir);
    origin = Util.fillInputRootDirectoryVariable(origin, inputRootDir);
    origin = LocaleId.replaceVariables(origin, manifest.getSourceLocale(), manifest.getTargetLocale());
    String pattern = Util.getFilename(origin, true);
    String origDir = Util.getDirectoryName(origin);
    File dir = new File(Util.getDirectoryName(origin));
    File[] files = dir.listFiles(new DefaultFilenameFilter(pattern, false));
    if ( files == null ) {
      String origFn = Util.getFilename(file.getAbsolutePath(), true);
      String destFn = Util.getFilename(destination, true);
      if ( destFn.equalsIgnoreCase(Parameters.SUPPORTFILE_SAMENAME) ) {
        destFn = origFn;
      String destDir = Util.getDirectoryName(destination);
      String destPath = manifest.getTempPackageRoot() + (destDir.isEmpty() ? "" : destDir+"/") + destFn;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi/okapi-core

 * Detects if a given string matches a given pattern (not necessarily a regex), possibly containing wildcards
 * @param string the given string (no-wildcards)
 * @param pattern the pattern containing wildcards to match against
 * @param filenameMode indicates if the given string should be considered a file name
 * @return true if the given string matches the given pattern
public static boolean matchesWildcard(String string, String pattern, boolean filenameMode) {
  if (filenameMode) {
    String filename = Util.getFilename(string, true);
    String patternFilename = Util.getFilename(pattern, true);
    String filePath = Util.getDirectoryName(string);
    String patternFilePath = Util.getDirectoryName(pattern);
    boolean pathMatches;
    if (Util.isEmpty(patternFilePath)) 
      pathMatches = true; // word/settings/filename.ext matches *.ext
      pathMatches = Pattern.matches(normalizeWildcards(patternFilePath), filePath); // word/settings/filename.ext matches word/*/*.ext
    boolean filenameMatches = Pattern.matches(normalizeWildcards(patternFilename), filename);			
    return pathMatches && filenameMatches;				
  return Pattern.matches(normalizeWildcards(pattern), string);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.steps/okapi-step-leveraging

private void initialize () {
  if ( params.getMakeTMX() ) {
    String tmxOutputPath = Util.fillRootDirectoryVariable(params.getTmxPath(), rootDir);
    tmxOutputPath = Util.fillInputRootDirectoryVariable(tmxOutputPath, inputRootDir);
    tmxOutputPath = LocaleId.replaceVariables(tmxOutputPath, srcLoc, trgLoc);
    attributes.put("creationid", Util.MTFLAG);
  if ( !Util.isEmpty(params.getOrigin()) ) {
    attributes.put("Txt::Origin", params.getOrigin());
    String existingTMPath = Util.fillRootDirectoryVariable(params.getExistingTm(), rootDir);
    existingTMPath = Util.fillInputRootDirectoryVariable(existingTMPath, inputRootDir);
    existingTMPath = LocaleId.replaceVariables(existingTMPath, srcLoc, trgLoc);
    existingTm = TmSeekerFactory.createFileBasedTmSeeker(existingTMPath);
  if ( params.getSegment() ) {
    SRXDocument srxDoc = new SRXDocument();
    String srxPath = Util.fillRootDirectoryVariable(params.getSrxPath(), rootDir);
    srxPath = Util.fillInputRootDirectoryVariable(srxPath, inputRootDir);
    srxPath = LocaleId.replaceVariables(srxPath, srcLoc, trgLoc);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.lib/okapi-lib-verification-ui

private void openContainingFolder () {
  try {
    String path = cbDocument.getText();
    if ( Util.isEmpty(path) ) return;
    path = (new File(path)).getPath();
  catch ( Exception e ) {
    Dialogs.showError(shell, e.getMessage(), null);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi/okapi-core

 * Copies an {@link InputStream} to a File.
 * @param in the input stream.
 * @param outputFile the output {@link File}.
 * @throws OkapiIOException if an error occurs.
public static void copy(InputStream in, File outputFile) {
  try {
    if (!outputFile.exists()) {
    Files.copy(in, outputFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new OkapiIOException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.filters/okapi-filter-mosestext

output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(srcOutputPath));
String ext = Util.getExtension(srcOutputPath);
if ( ext.equals("."+srcLCode) ) {
  trgOutputPath = Util.getDirectoryName(srcOutputPath)
    + File.separator
    + Util.getFilename(srcOutputPath, false)
    + "."
    + trgLoc.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.steps/okapi-step-searchandreplace

private void generateReport (String text) {
  // Output the report
  PrintWriter writer = null;
  try {
    String finalPath = Util.fillRootDirectoryVariable(params.getLogPath(), rootDir);
    finalPath = Util.fillInputRootDirectoryVariable(finalPath, inputRootDir);
    writer = new PrintWriter(finalPath, "UTF-8");
  catch ( IOException e ) {
    throw new OkapiException("Error when writing output file.", e);
  finally {
    if ( writer != null ) {
      writer = null;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi/okapi-core

this.outputURI = outputURI;
if ( getInputURI() != null ) {
  String dir = Util.getDirectoryName(outputURI.getPath());
return workFile;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.lib/okapi-lib-verification-ui

private void generateReport () {
  try {
    startWaiting("Generating report...");
    String rootDir = (qcsPath==null ? null : Util.getDirectoryName(qcsPath));
    String finalPath = Util.fillRootDirectoryVariable(session.getParameters().getOutputPath(), rootDir);
    if ( session.getParameters().getAutoOpen() ) {
      Util.openURL((new File(finalPath)).getAbsolutePath());
  catch ( Throwable e ) {
    Dialogs.showError(shell, "Error while generating report.\n"+e.getMessage(), null);
  finally {

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.steps/okapi-step-leveraging

private XMLWriter startTemporaryFiles () {
  // Create the HTML source file
  XMLWriter htmlWriter = new XMLWriter(htmlSourceFile.getPath());
  // Start building the source file
  htmlWriter.writeAttributeString("http-equiv", "Content-Type");
  htmlWriter.writeAttributeString("content", "text/html; charset=UTF-8");
  // Set the output name and make sure it's deleted
  String path = htmlSourceFile.getAbsolutePath();
  path = Util.getDirectoryName(path) + File.separator + Util.getFilename(path, false) + ".trg.html";
  htmlTargetFile = new File(path);
  if ( htmlTargetFile.exists() ) {
  // Create the store for the original source
  path = htmlSourceFile.getAbsolutePath();
  path = Util.getDirectoryName(path) + File.separator + Util.getFilename(path, false) + ".ori.bin";
  originalStoreFile = new File(path);
  return htmlWriter;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.steps/okapi-step-translationcomparison

String resolvedPath = Util.fillRootDirectoryVariable(params.getTmxPath(), rootDir);
resolvedPath = Util.fillInputRootDirectoryVariable(resolvedPath, inputRootDir);
resolvedPath = LocaleId.replaceVariables(resolvedPath, sourceLocale, targetLocale);
tmx = new TMXWriter(resolvedPath);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.steps/okapi-step-repetitionanalysis

protected Event handleStartDocument(Event event) {
  // For concurrent pipelines 
  tmDir = String.format("%s~okapi-step-repetitionanalysis-%s/", 
      Util.ensureSeparator(Util.getTempDirectory(), true), 
  searchExact = params.getFuzzyThreshold() >= 100;
  tuCounter = 0;
  groupCounter = 1;
  tmWriter = (PensieveWriter) TmWriterFactory.createFileBasedTmWriter(tmDir, true);
  currentTm = new PensieveSeeker(tmWriter.getIndexWriter());
  return super.handleStartDocument(event);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.steps/okapi-step-rainbowkit

public void prepareForMerge(String dir) {
  movedFiles = new HashMap<String, String>();
  if (!dir.endsWith(File.separator)) dir = dir + File.separator;
  String tmDir = dir + "tm" + File.separator;
  String projSave = dir + "omegat" + File.separator + "project_save.tmx";
  if (new File(projSave).isFile()) {
    String moveTo = uniqueName(tmDir + "project_save.tmx", "-orig");
    StreamUtil.copy(projSave, moveTo, true);
    movedFiles.put(projSave, moveTo);
  for (String file : RENAME_FILES) {
    if (! new File(dir + file).isFile()) continue;
    String moveFrom = dir + file;
    String moveTo = uniqueName(dir + file, "-orig");
    StreamUtil.copy(moveFrom, moveTo, true);
    movedFiles.put(moveFrom, moveTo);
  File manifest = new File(dir + "manifest.rkm");
  if (manifest.isFile()) manifest.delete();
  Util.deleteDirectory(dir + "original", false);
  Util.deleteDirectory(dir + "source", false);
  Util.deleteDirectory(dir + "target", false);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi/okapi-core

try {
  os = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipPath));
  for (String name : filenames) {
    File file = new File(Util.ensureSeparator(sourceDir, true)
        + name);
    addFileToZip(file, os);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.lib/okapi-lib-segmentation-ui

protected String updateCaption_getFileName(String srxPath) {
  return Util.getFilename(srxPath, true);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.steps/okapi-step-termextraction

protected Event handleEndBatch (Event event) {
  String finalPath = Util.fillRootDirectoryVariable(params.getOutputPath(), rootDir);"Output: {}", finalPath);"Candidate terms found = {}", extractor.getTerms().size());
  if ( params.getAutoOpen() ) {
    Util.openURL((new File(finalPath)).getAbsolutePath());
  return event;
