
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-15 转载在 其他  



[英]Indicates whether the contents of the given character sequences s1 and s2 are equal, ignoring the case of any ASCII alphabetic characters between 'a' and 'z'or 'A' and 'Z' inclusive.

This method is significantly faster than String#equalsIgnoreCase and should be used in preference if at least one of the parameters is known to contain only ASCII characters.

Note however that this method does not always behave identically to expressions such as:

  • string.toUpperCase().equals("UPPER CASE ASCII")
  • string.toLowerCase().equals("lower case ascii")

due to case-folding of some non-ASCII characters (which does not occur in String#equalsIgnoreCase). However in almost all cases that ASCII strings are used, the author probably wanted the behavior provided by this method rather than the subtle and sometimes surprising behavior of toUpperCase() and toLowerCase().


代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

private static boolean containsValue(String expectedValue, List<String> actualValues) {
  final int numActualValues = actualValues.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < numActualValues; i++) {
    if (Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(expectedValue, actualValues.get(i))) {
      return true;
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

static MediaType guessFromPath(String path, @Nullable String contentEncoding) {
  if (contentEncoding == null || Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(contentEncoding, "identity")) {
    return guessFromPath(path);
  requireNonNull(path, "path");
  // If the path is for a precompressed file, it will have an additional extension indicating the
  // encoding, which we don't want to use when determining content type.
  return guessFromPath(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('.')));

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

public void testEqualsIgnoreCase() {
 assertTrue(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("", ""));
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("", "x"));
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("x", ""));
 assertTrue(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(LOWER, UPPER));
 assertTrue(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(UPPER, LOWER));
 // Create new strings here to avoid early-out logic.
 assertTrue(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(new String(IGNORED), new String(IGNORED)));
 // Compare to: "\u00c1".equalsIgnoreCase("\u00e1") == true
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("\u00c1", "\u00e1"));
 // Test chars just outside the alphabetic range ('A'-1 vs 'a'-1, 'Z'+1 vs 'z'+1)
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("@", "`"));
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("[", "{"));

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
  boolean handled = false;
  if (msg instanceof HttpResponse) {
    // The server rejected the upgrade request and sent its response in HTTP/1.
    assert upgradeEvt == UPGRADE_REJECTED;
    final String connection = ((HttpResponse) msg).headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION);
    needsToClose = connection != null && Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("close", connection);
    handled = true;
  if (msg instanceof HttpContent) {
    if (msg instanceof LastHttpContent) {
      // Received the rejecting response completely.
      onUpgradeResponse(ctx, false);
    handled = true;
  if (!handled) {
  } else {

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

public MediaType contentType() {
  final String contentTypeString = get(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE);
  if (contentTypeString == null) {
    return null;
  final MediaType contentType = this.contentType;
  if (contentType != null && Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(contentType.toString(), contentTypeString.trim())) {
    return contentType;
  try {
    this.contentType = MediaType.parse(contentTypeString);
    return this.contentType;
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) {
    // Invalid media type
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

@GwtIncompatible // String.toUpperCase() has browser semantics
 public void testEqualsIgnoreCaseUnicodeEquivalence() {
  // Note that it's possible in future that the JDK's idea to toUpperCase() or equalsIgnoreCase()
  // may change and break assumptions in this test [*]. This is not a bug in the implementation of
  // Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(), but it is a signal that its documentation may need updating as
  // regards edge cases.

  // The Unicode point {@code 00df} is the lowercase form of sharp-S (ß), whose uppercase is "SS".
  assertEquals("PASSWORD", "pa\u00dfword".toUpperCase()); // [*]
  assertFalse("pa\u00dfword".equalsIgnoreCase("PASSWORD")); // [*]
  assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("pa\u00dfword", "PASSWORD"));

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

private boolean handle100Continue(int id, HttpRequest nettyReq, HttpHeaders nettyHeaders) {
  if (nettyReq.protocolVersion().compareTo(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1) < 0) {
    // Ignore HTTP/1.0 requests.
    return true;
  final String expectValue = nettyHeaders.get(HttpHeaderNames.EXPECT);
  if (expectValue == null) {
    // No 'expect' header.
    return true;
  // '100-continue' is the only allowed expectation.
  if (!Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("100-continue", expectValue)) {
    return false;
  // Send a '100 Continue' response.
  writer.writeHeaders(id, 1, CONTINUE_RESPONSE, false);
  // Remove the 'expect' header so that it's handled in a way invisible to a Service.
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: com.blackducksoftware.magpie/magpie

 * Test to see if this content type has the specified type and subtype. Comparison is case-insensitive.
public boolean is(CharSequence type, CharSequence subtype) {
  return Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(this.type, type) && Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(this.subtype, subtype);

代码示例来源:origin: com.proofpoint.platform/http-server

public String getHeader(String name)
  if (equalsIgnoreCase(name, "content-length") || equalsIgnoreCase(name, "content-encoding")) {
    return null;
  return request.getHeader(name);

代码示例来源:origin: com.proofpoint.platform/http-server

private void lookAhead()
    do {
      if (!delegate.hasMoreElements()) {
        moreElementsState = MoreElementsState.NO;
      nextElement = delegate.nextElement();
    } while (equalsIgnoreCase(nextElement, "content-length") || equalsIgnoreCase(nextElement, "content-encoding"));
    moreElementsState = MoreElementsState.YES;

代码示例来源:origin: com.blackducksoftware.magpie/magpie

 * Test to see if this content type has the specified suffix.
public boolean hasSuffix(CharSequence suffix) {
  int pos = subtype.length() - suffix.length();
  return pos > 0 && subtype.charAt(pos - 1) == '+'
      && Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(subtype.subSequence(pos, subtype.length()), suffix);

代码示例来源:origin: com.blackducksoftware.magpie/magpie

 * Returns a UUID from a URI.
public static UUID fromUri(URI uri) {
  checkArgument(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme(), "urn"), "expected 'urn' scheme: %s", uri);
  String ssp = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
  checkArgument(ssp != null && Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(ssp.substring(0, 5), "uuid:"), "expected 'uuid' namespace: %s ", uri);
  return fromString(ssp.substring(5));

代码示例来源:origin: line/centraldogma

public AccessToken(@JsonProperty("token_type") String tokenType,
          @JsonProperty("access_token") String accessToken,
          @JsonProperty("expires_in") long expiresIn,
          @JsonProperty("refresh_token") String refreshToken) {
  requireNonNull(tokenType, "tokenType");
  checkArgument(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(tokenType, BEARER),
         "tokenType: %s (expected: %s)", tokenType, BEARER);
  this.accessToken = requireNonNull(accessToken, "accessToken");
  this.expiresIn = expiresIn;
  this.refreshToken = requireNonNull(refreshToken, "refreshToken");
  deadline =, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);

代码示例来源:origin: com.proofpoint.platform/http-server

public int getIntHeader(String name)
  if (equalsIgnoreCase(name, "content-length")) {
    return -1;
  return request.getIntHeader(name);

代码示例来源:origin: com.blackducksoftware.magpie/magpie

 * Returns a UUID from a URI string representation.
public static UUID fromUriString(CharSequence uri) {
  checkArgument(uri.length() == 45, "UUID URN should be exactly 45 characters (was %s): %s", uri.length(), uri);
  checkArgument(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("urn:uuid:", uri.subSequence(0, 9)), "expected UUID URN scheme: %s", uri);
  return fromString(uri.subSequence(9, 45));

代码示例来源:origin: google/closure-templates

 * Returns {@code true} if the attribute name is static and matches the given name (ignoring
 * case).
public boolean definitelyMatchesAttributeName(String attributeName) {
 return getChild(0) instanceof RawTextNode
   && Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(attributeName, ((RawTextNode) getChild(0)).getRawText());


 * Returns {@code true} if the attribute name is static and matches the given name (ignoring
 * case).
public boolean definitelyMatchesAttributeName(String attributeName) {
 return getChild(0) instanceof RawTextNode
   && Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(attributeName, ((RawTextNode) getChild(0)).getRawText());


@Benchmark boolean equalsIgnoreCaseStringOnly(int reps) {
 // This benchmark has no concept of "noWorkToDo".
 String lhs = testString;
 String rhs = testString.toUpperCase();
 boolean dummy = false;
 for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
  dummy ^= Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(lhs, rhs);
 return dummy;


public void testEqualsIgnoreCase() {
 assertTrue(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("", ""));
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("", "x"));
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("x", ""));
 assertTrue(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(LOWER, UPPER));
 assertTrue(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(UPPER, LOWER));
 // Create new strings here to avoid early-out logic.
 assertTrue(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(new String(IGNORED), new String(IGNORED)));
 // Compare to: "\u00c1".equalsIgnoreCase("\u00e1") == true
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("\u00c1", "\u00e1"));
 // Test chars just outside the alphabetic range ('A'-1 vs 'a'-1, 'Z'+1 vs 'z'+1)
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("@", "`"));
 assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("[", "{"));


@GwtIncompatible // String.toUpperCase() has browser semantics
 public void testEqualsIgnoreCaseUnicodeEquivalence() {
  // Note that it's possible in future that the JDK's idea to toUpperCase() or equalsIgnoreCase()
  // may change and break assumptions in this test [*]. This is not a bug in the implementation of
  // Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(), but it is a signal that its documentation may need updating as
  // regards edge cases.

  // The Unicode point {@code 00df} is the lowercase form of sharp-S (ß), whose uppercase is "SS".
  assertEquals("PASSWORD", "pa\u00dfword".toUpperCase()); // [*]
  assertFalse("pa\u00dfword".equalsIgnoreCase("PASSWORD"));  // [*]
  assertFalse(Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase("pa\u00dfword", "PASSWORD"));
