
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public boolean touchDown (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
  if (button == 0) {
    updateEdge(x, y);
    dragging = edge != 0;
    startX = x;
    startY = y;
    lastX = x - getWidth();
    lastY = y - getHeight();
  return edge != 0 || isModal;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public boolean touchDown (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
  if (button == 0) {
    updateEdge(x, y);
    dragging = edge != 0;
    startX = x;
    startY = y;
    lastX = x - getWidth();
    lastY = y - getHeight();
  return edge != 0 || isModal;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

private void updateEdge (float x, float y) {
  float border = resizeBorder / 2f;
  float width = getWidth(), height = getHeight();
  float padTop = getPadTop(), padLeft = getPadLeft(), padBottom = getPadBottom(), padRight = getPadRight();
  float left = padLeft, right = width - padRight, bottom = padBottom;
  edge = 0;
  if (isResizable && x >= left - border && x <= right + border && y >= bottom - border) {
    if (x < left + border) edge |= Align.left;
    if (x > right - border) edge |= Align.right;
    if (y < bottom + border) edge |= Align.bottom;
    if (edge != 0) border += 25;
    if (x < left + border) edge |= Align.left;
    if (x > right - border) edge |= Align.right;
    if (y < bottom + border) edge |= Align.bottom;
  if (isMovable && edge == 0 && y <= height && y >= height - padTop && x >= left && x <= right) edge = MOVE;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

private void updateEdge (float x, float y) {
  float border = resizeBorder / 2f;
  float width = getWidth(), height = getHeight();
  float padTop = getPadTop(), padLeft = getPadLeft(), padBottom = getPadBottom(), padRight = getPadRight();
  float left = padLeft, right = width - padRight, bottom = padBottom;
  edge = 0;
  if (isResizable && x >= left - border && x <= right + border && y >= bottom - border) {
    if (x < left + border) edge |= Align.left;
    if (x > right - border) edge |= Align.right;
    if (y < bottom + border) edge |= Align.bottom;
    if (edge != 0) border += 25;
    if (x < left + border) edge |= Align.left;
    if (x > right - border) edge |= Align.right;
    if (y < bottom + border) edge |= Align.bottom;
  if (isMovable && edge == 0 && y <= height && y >= height - padTop && x >= left && x <= right) edge = MOVE;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

protected void drawBackground (Batch batch, float parentAlpha, float x, float y) {
  super.drawBackground(batch, parentAlpha, x, y);
  // Manually draw the title table before clipping is done.
  titleTable.getColor().a = getColor().a;
  float padTop = getPadTop(), padLeft = getPadLeft();
  titleTable.setSize(getWidth() - padLeft - getPadRight(), padTop);
  titleTable.setPosition(padLeft, getHeight() - padTop);
  drawTitleTable = true;
  titleTable.draw(batch, parentAlpha);
  drawTitleTable = false; // Avoid drawing the title table again in drawChildren.

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public Actor hit (float x, float y, boolean touchable) {
  if (!isVisible()) return null;
  Actor hit = super.hit(x, y, touchable);
  if (hit == null && isModal && (!touchable || getTouchable() == Touchable.enabled)) return this;
  float height = getHeight();
  if (hit == null || hit == this) return hit;
  if (y <= height && y >= height - getPadTop() && x >= 0 && x <= getWidth()) {
    // Hit the title bar, don't use the hit child if it is in the Window's table.
    Actor current = hit;
    while (current.getParent() != this)
      current = current.getParent();
    if (getCell(current) != null) return this;
  return hit;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public Actor hit (float x, float y, boolean touchable) {
  if (!isVisible()) return null;
  Actor hit = super.hit(x, y, touchable);
  if (hit == null && isModal && (!touchable || getTouchable() == Touchable.enabled)) return this;
  float height = getHeight();
  if (hit == null || hit == this) return hit;
  if (y <= height && y >= height - getPadTop() && x >= 0 && x <= getWidth()) {
    // Hit the title bar, don't use the hit child if it is in the Window's table.
    Actor current = hit;
    while (current.getParent() != this)
      current = current.getParent();
    if (getCell(current) != null) return this;
  return hit;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public void touchDragged (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer) {
  if (!dragging) return;
  float width = getWidth(), height = getHeight();
  float windowX = getX(), windowY = getY();

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public void touchDragged (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer) {
  if (!dragging) return;
  float width = getWidth(), height = getHeight();
  float windowX = getX(), windowY = getY();

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

protected void drawBackground (Batch batch, float parentAlpha, float x, float y) {
  super.drawBackground(batch, parentAlpha, x, y);
  // Manually draw the title table before clipping is done.
  titleTable.getColor().a = getColor().a;
  float padTop = getPadTop(), padLeft = getPadLeft();
  titleTable.setSize(getWidth() - padLeft - getPadRight(), padTop);
  titleTable.setPosition(padLeft, getHeight() - padTop);
  drawTitleTable = true;
  titleTable.draw(batch, parentAlpha);
  drawTitleTable = false; // Avoid drawing the title table again in drawChildren.

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public void keepWithinStage () {
  if (!keepWithinStage) return;
  Stage stage = getStage();
  if (stage == null) return;
  Camera camera = stage.getCamera();
  if (camera instanceof OrthographicCamera) {
    OrthographicCamera orthographicCamera = (OrthographicCamera)camera;
    float parentWidth = stage.getWidth();
    float parentHeight = stage.getHeight();
    if (getX(Align.right) - camera.position.x > parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(camera.position.x + parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom, getY(Align.right), Align.right);
    if (getX(Align.left) - camera.position.x < -parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(camera.position.x - parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom, getY(Align.left), Align.left);
    if (getY( - camera.position.y > parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(getX(, camera.position.y + parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom,;
    if (getY(Align.bottom) - camera.position.y < -parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(getX(Align.bottom), camera.position.y - parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom, Align.bottom);
  } else if (getParent() == stage.getRoot()) {
    float parentWidth = stage.getWidth();
    float parentHeight = stage.getHeight();
    if (getX() < 0) setX(0);
    if (getRight() > parentWidth) setX(parentWidth - getWidth());
    if (getY() < 0) setY(0);
    if (getTop() > parentHeight) setY(parentHeight - getHeight());

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

public void keepWithinStage () {
  if (!keepWithinStage) return;
  Stage stage = getStage();
  if (stage == null) return;
  Camera camera = stage.getCamera();
  if (camera instanceof OrthographicCamera) {
    OrthographicCamera orthographicCamera = (OrthographicCamera)camera;
    float parentWidth = stage.getWidth();
    float parentHeight = stage.getHeight();
    if (getX(Align.right) - camera.position.x > parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(camera.position.x + parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom, getY(Align.right), Align.right);
    if (getX(Align.left) - camera.position.x < -parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(camera.position.x - parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom, getY(Align.left), Align.left);
    if (getY( - camera.position.y > parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(getX(, camera.position.y + parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom,;
    if (getY(Align.bottom) - camera.position.y < -parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(getX(Align.bottom), camera.position.y - parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom, Align.bottom);
  } else if (getParent() == stage.getRoot()) {
    float parentWidth = stage.getWidth();
    float parentHeight = stage.getHeight();
    if (getX() < 0) setX(0);
    if (getRight() > parentWidth) setX(parentWidth - getWidth());
    if (getY() < 0) setY(0);
    if (getTop() > parentHeight) setY(parentHeight - getHeight());

代码示例来源:origin: com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx

public boolean touchDown (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
  if (button == 0) {
    updateEdge(x, y);
    dragging = edge != 0;
    startX = x;
    startY = y;
    lastX = x - getWidth();
    lastY = y - getHeight();
  return edge != 0 || isModal;

代码示例来源:origin: com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx

private void updateEdge (float x, float y) {
  float border = resizeBorder / 2f;
  float width = getWidth(), height = getHeight();
  float padTop = getPadTop(), padLeft = getPadLeft(), padBottom = getPadBottom(), padRight = getPadRight();
  float left = padLeft, right = width - padRight, bottom = padBottom;
  edge = 0;
  if (isResizable && x >= left - border && x <= right + border && y >= bottom - border) {
    if (x < left + border) edge |= Align.left;
    if (x > right - border) edge |= Align.right;
    if (y < bottom + border) edge |= Align.bottom;
    if (edge != 0) border += 25;
    if (x < left + border) edge |= Align.left;
    if (x > right - border) edge |= Align.right;
    if (y < bottom + border) edge |= Align.bottom;
  if (isMovable && edge == 0 && y <= height && y >= height - padTop && x >= left && x <= right) edge = MOVE;

代码示例来源:origin: com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx

public Actor hit (float x, float y, boolean touchable) {
  if (!isVisible()) return null;
  Actor hit = super.hit(x, y, touchable);
  if (hit == null && isModal && (!touchable || getTouchable() == Touchable.enabled)) return this;
  float height = getHeight();
  if (hit == null || hit == this) return hit;
  if (y <= height && y >= height - getPadTop() && x >= 0 && x <= getWidth()) {
    // Hit the title bar, don't use the hit child if it is in the Window's table.
    Actor current = hit;
    while (current.getParent() != this)
      current = current.getParent();
    if (getCell(current) != null) return this;
  return hit;

代码示例来源:origin: com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx

public void touchDragged (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer) {
  if (!dragging) return;
  float width = getWidth(), height = getHeight();
  float windowX = getX(), windowY = getY();

代码示例来源:origin: com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx

protected void drawBackground (Batch batch, float parentAlpha, float x, float y) {
  super.drawBackground(batch, parentAlpha, x, y);
  // Manually draw the title table before clipping is done.
  titleTable.getColor().a = getColor().a;
  float padTop = getPadTop(), padLeft = getPadLeft();
  titleTable.setSize(getWidth() - padLeft - getPadRight(), padTop);
  titleTable.setPosition(padLeft, getHeight() - padTop);
  drawTitleTable = true;
  titleTable.draw(batch, parentAlpha);
  drawTitleTable = false; // Avoid drawing the title table again in drawChildren.

代码示例来源:origin: narfman0/GDXWorld

window.setX( - window.getWidth()/2);
window.setY( - window.getHeight()/2);

代码示例来源:origin: narfman0/GDXWorld

window.setX( - window.getWidth()/2);
window.setY( - window.getHeight()/2);

代码示例来源:origin: com.badlogicgames.gdx/gdx

public void keepWithinStage () {
  if (!keepWithinStage) return;
  Stage stage = getStage();
  if (stage == null) return;
  Camera camera = stage.getCamera();
  if (camera instanceof OrthographicCamera) {
    OrthographicCamera orthographicCamera = (OrthographicCamera)camera;
    float parentWidth = stage.getWidth();
    float parentHeight = stage.getHeight();
    if (getX(Align.right) - camera.position.x > parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(camera.position.x + parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom, getY(Align.right), Align.right);
    if (getX(Align.left) - camera.position.x < -parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(camera.position.x - parentWidth / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom, getY(Align.left), Align.left);
    if (getY( - camera.position.y > parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(getX(, camera.position.y + parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom,;
    if (getY(Align.bottom) - camera.position.y < -parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom)
      setPosition(getX(Align.bottom), camera.position.y - parentHeight / 2 / orthographicCamera.zoom, Align.bottom);
  } else if (getParent() == stage.getRoot()) {
    float parentWidth = stage.getWidth();
    float parentHeight = stage.getHeight();
    if (getX() < 0) setX(0);
    if (getRight() > parentWidth) setX(parentWidth - getWidth());
    if (getY() < 0) setY(0);
    if (getTop() > parentHeight) setY(parentHeight - getHeight());
