[英]Color Control cluster implementation (Cluster ID 0x0300).
This cluster provides an interface for changing the color of a light. Color is specified according to the Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE) specification CIE 1931 Color Space, [B4]. Color control is carried out in terms of x,y values, as defined by this specification.
Code is auto-generated. Modifications may be overwritten!
[中]颜色控制群集实现(群集ID 0x0300)。
该集群提供了一个用于更改灯光颜色的界面。颜色是根据国际埃克莱拉委员会(CIE)规范CIE 1931颜色空间[B4]规定的。颜色控制根据本规范定义的x、y值进行。
代码示例来源:origin: zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
* Set reporting for the <i>EnhancedCurrentHue</i> attribute [attribute ID <b>16384</b>].
* <p>
* The EnhancedCurrentHueattribute represents non-equidistant steps along the CIE 1931 color
* triangle, and it provides 16-bits precision. The upper 8 bits of this attribute SHALL be
* used as an index in the implementation specific XY lookup table to provide the non-equidistance
* steps (see the ZLL test specification for an example). The lower 8 bits SHALL be used to
* interpolate between these steps in a linear way in order to provide color zoom for the user.
* <p>
* The attribute is of type {@link Integer}.
* <p>
* The implementation of this attribute by a device is OPTIONAL
* @param minInterval {@link int} minimum reporting period
* @param maxInterval {@link int} maximum reporting period
* @param reportableChange {@link Object} delta required to trigger report
* @return the {@link Future<CommandResult>} command result future
public Future<CommandResult> setEnhancedCurrentHueReporting(final int minInterval, final int maxInterval, final Object reportableChange) {
return setReporting(attributes.get(ATTR_ENHANCEDCURRENTHUE), minInterval, maxInterval, reportableChange);
代码示例来源:origin: openhab/org.openhab.binding.zigbee
public void handleRefresh() {
代码示例来源:origin: openhab/org.openhab.binding.zigbee
public void handleRefresh() {
if (clusterOnOff != null) {
if (supportsHue) {
} else {
if (clusterLevelControl != null) {
代码示例来源:origin: openhab/org.openhab.binding.zigbee
if (!clusterColorControl.discoverAttributes(false).get()) {
logger.warn("{}: Cannot determine whether device supports RGB color. Assuming it supports HUE/SAT",
supportsHue = true;
} else if (clusterColorControl.getSupportedAttributes().contains(ZclColorControlCluster.ATTR_CURRENTHUE)) {
logger.debug("{}: Device supports Hue/Saturation color set of commands", endpoint.getIeeeAddress());
supportsHue = true;
} else if (clusterColorControl.getSupportedAttributes().contains(ZclColorControlCluster.ATTR_CURRENTX)) {
logger.debug("{}: Device supports XY color set of commands", endpoint.getIeeeAddress());
supportsHue = false;
.setCurrentHueReporting(1, REPORTING_PERIOD_DEFAULT_MAX, 1).get();
if (!reportResponse.isSuccess()) {
pollingPeriod = POLLING_PERIOD_HIGH;
reportResponse = clusterColorControl.setCurrentSaturationReporting(1, REPORTING_PERIOD_DEFAULT_MAX, 1)
if (!reportResponse.isSuccess()) {
clusterColorControl.setCurrentXReporting(1, REPORTING_PERIOD_DEFAULT_MAX, 1).get();
clusterColorControl.setCurrentYReporting(1, REPORTING_PERIOD_DEFAULT_MAX, 1).get();
ZclAttribute colorModeAttribute = clusterColorControl.getAttribute(ZclColorControlCluster.ATTR_COLORMODE);
clusterColorControl.setReporting(colorModeAttribute, 1, REPORTING_PERIOD_DEFAULT_MAX, 1);
代码示例来源:origin: openhab/org.openhab.binding.zigbee
Integer minTemperatureInMired = clusterColorControl.getColorTemperatureMin(Long.MAX_VALUE);
Integer maxTemperatureInMired = clusterColorControl.getColorTemperatureMax(Long.MAX_VALUE);
clusterColorControl.setColorTemperatureReporting(1, REPORTING_PERIOD_DEFAULT_MAX, 1);
clusterColorControl.setReporting(colorModeAttribute, 1, REPORTING_PERIOD_DEFAULT_MAX, 1);
代码示例来源:origin: openhab/org.openhab.binding.zigbee
if (!clusterColorControl.discoverAttributes(false).get()) {
Integer capabilities = clusterColorControl.getColorCapabilities(Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (capabilities == null && clusterColorControl.getCurrentX(Long.MAX_VALUE) == null
&& clusterColorControl.getCurrentHue(Long.MAX_VALUE) == null) {
logger.trace("{}: Color control XY and Hue returned null", endpoint.getIeeeAddress());
return null;
return null;
} else if (clusterColorControl.isAttributeSupported(ZclColorControlCluster.ATTR_COLORCAPABILITIES)) {
Integer capabilities = clusterColorControl.getColorCapabilities(Long.MAX_VALUE);
if ((capabilities != null) && (capabilities & (ColorCapabilitiesEnum.HUE_AND_SATURATION.getKey()
| ColorCapabilitiesEnum.XY_ATTRIBUTE.getKey())) == 0) {
return null;
} else if (!clusterColorControl.isAttributeSupported(ZclColorControlCluster.ATTR_CURRENTHUE)
&& !clusterColorControl.isAttributeSupported(ZclColorControlCluster.ATTR_CURRENTX)) {
logger.trace("{}: Color control XY and Hue attributes not supported", endpoint.getIeeeAddress());
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: openhab/org.openhab.binding.zigbee
if (!clusterColorControl.discoverAttributes(false).get()) {
Integer capabilities = clusterColorControl.getColorCapabilities(Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (capabilities == null && clusterColorControl.getColorTemperature(Long.MAX_VALUE) == null) {
logger.trace("{}: Color control color temperature attribute returned null on endpoint {}",
endpoint.getIeeeAddress(), endpoint.getEndpointId());
return null;
} else if (clusterColorControl.isAttributeSupported(ZclColorControlCluster.ATTR_COLORCAPABILITIES)) {
Integer capabilities = clusterColorControl.getColorCapabilities(Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (capabilities != null && (capabilities & ColorCapabilitiesEnum.COLOR_TEMPERATURE.getKey()) == 0) {
return null;
} else if (!clusterColorControl.isAttributeSupported(ZclColorControlCluster.ATTR_COLORTEMPERATURE)) {
logger.trace("{}: Color control color temperature attribute not supported on endpoint {}",
endpoint.getIeeeAddress(), endpoint.getEndpointId());
代码示例来源:origin: zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
* Set reporting for the <i>CurrentSaturation</i> attribute [attribute ID <b>1</b>].
* <p>
* The CurrentSaturation attribute holds the current saturation value of the light. It is
* updated as fast as practical during commands that change the saturation.
* The saturation shall be related to the CurrentSaturation attribute by the
* relationship
* Saturation = CurrentSaturation/254 (CurrentSaturation in the range 0 - 254 inclusive)
* If this attribute is implemented then the CurrentHue and ColorMode attributes
* shall also be implemented.
* <p>
* The attribute is of type {@link Integer}.
* <p>
* The implementation of this attribute by a device is OPTIONAL
* @param minInterval {@link int} minimum reporting period
* @param maxInterval {@link int} maximum reporting period
* @param reportableChange {@link Object} delta required to trigger report
* @return the {@link Future<CommandResult>} command result future
public Future<CommandResult> setCurrentSaturationReporting(final int minInterval, final int maxInterval, final Object reportableChange) {
return setReporting(attributes.get(ATTR_CURRENTSATURATION), minInterval, maxInterval, reportableChange);
代码示例来源:origin: zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
* Set reporting for the <i>CurrentX</i> attribute [attribute ID <b>3</b>].
* <p>
* The CurrentX attribute contains the current value of the normalized chromaticity
* value x, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space. It is updated as fast as practical
* during commands that change the color.
* <p>
* The value of x shall be related to the CurrentX attribute by the relationship
* <p>
* x = CurrentX / 65535 (CurrentX in the range 0 to 65279 inclusive)
* <p>
* The attribute is of type {@link Integer}.
* <p>
* The implementation of this attribute by a device is MANDATORY
* @param minInterval {@link int} minimum reporting period
* @param maxInterval {@link int} maximum reporting period
* @param reportableChange {@link Object} delta required to trigger report
* @return the {@link Future<CommandResult>} command result future
public Future<CommandResult> setCurrentXReporting(final int minInterval, final int maxInterval, final Object reportableChange) {
return setReporting(attributes.get(ATTR_CURRENTX), minInterval, maxInterval, reportableChange);
代码示例来源:origin: zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
* Set reporting for the <i>CurrentY</i> attribute [attribute ID <b>4</b>].
* <p>
* The CurrentY attribute contains the current value of the normalized chromaticity
* value y, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space. It is updated as fast as practical
* during commands that change the color.
* <p>
* The value of y shall be related to the CurrentY attribute by the relationship
* <p>
* y = CurrentY / 65535 (CurrentY in the range 0 to 65279 inclusive)
* <p>
* The attribute is of type {@link Integer}.
* <p>
* The implementation of this attribute by a device is MANDATORY
* @param minInterval {@link int} minimum reporting period
* @param maxInterval {@link int} maximum reporting period
* @param reportableChange {@link Object} delta required to trigger report
* @return the {@link Future<CommandResult>} command result future
public Future<CommandResult> setCurrentYReporting(final int minInterval, final int maxInterval, final Object reportableChange) {
return setReporting(attributes.get(ATTR_CURRENTY), minInterval, maxInterval, reportableChange);
代码示例来源:origin: zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
* Set reporting for the <i>CurrentHue</i> attribute [attribute ID <b>0</b>].
* <p>
* The CurrentHue attribute contains the current hue value of the light. It is updated
* as fast as practical during commands that change the hue.
* <p>
* The hue in degrees shall be related to the CurrentHue attribute by the relationship
* Hue = CurrentHue x 360 / 254 (CurrentHue in the range 0 - 254 inclusive)
* <p>
* If this attribute is implemented then the CurrentSaturation and ColorMode
* attributes shall also be implemented.
* <p>
* The attribute is of type {@link Integer}.
* <p>
* The implementation of this attribute by a device is OPTIONAL
* @param minInterval {@link int} minimum reporting period
* @param maxInterval {@link int} maximum reporting period
* @param reportableChange {@link Object} delta required to trigger report
* @return the {@link Future<CommandResult>} command result future
public Future<CommandResult> setCurrentHueReporting(final int minInterval, final int maxInterval, final Object reportableChange) {
return setReporting(attributes.get(ATTR_CURRENTHUE), minInterval, maxInterval, reportableChange);
代码示例来源:origin: zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
* Set reporting for the <i>ColorTemperature</i> attribute [attribute ID <b>7</b>].
* <p>
* The ColorTemperature attribute contains a scaled inverse of the current value of
* the color temperature. It is updated as fast as practical during commands that
* change the color.
* <p>
* The color temperature value in Kelvins shall be related to the ColorTemperature
* attribute by the relationship
* <p>
* Color temperature = 1,000,000 / ColorTemperature (ColorTemperature in the
* range 1 to 65279 inclusive, giving a color temperature range from 1,000,000
* Kelvins to 15.32 Kelvins).
* <p>
* The value ColorTemperature = 0 indicates an undefined value. The value
* ColorTemperature = 65535 indicates an invalid value.
* <p>
* The attribute is of type {@link Integer}.
* <p>
* The implementation of this attribute by a device is OPTIONAL
* @param minInterval {@link int} minimum reporting period
* @param maxInterval {@link int} maximum reporting period
* @param reportableChange {@link Object} delta required to trigger report
* @return the {@link Future<CommandResult>} command result future
public Future<CommandResult> setColorTemperatureReporting(final int minInterval, final int maxInterval, final Object reportableChange) {
return setReporting(attributes.get(ATTR_COLORTEMPERATURE), minInterval, maxInterval, reportableChange);