[英]TimeGrain with a time zone and a Zoneless Time Grain. A key difference from com.yahoo.bard.webservice.data.time.ZonelessTimeGrain is that alignment testing and rounding on a ZonedTimeGrain will be considered with respect to the ZonedTimeGrain's buckets rather than using the time zone on the date time supplied.
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
* Create a ZonedTimeGrain with the same base grain and a different time zone.
* @param dateTimeZone The time zone to associate with the resulting zone time grain
* @return The modified copy ZonedTimeGrain
public ZonedTimeGrain withZone(DateTimeZone dateTimeZone) {
return new ZonedTimeGrain(this.getBaseTimeGrain(), dateTimeZone);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
public boolean satisfiedBy(TimeGrain grain) {
if (grain instanceof ZonedTimeGrain) {
DateTime myBoundary = roundFloor(new DateTime());
ZonedTimeGrain zonedTimeGrain = (ZonedTimeGrain) grain;
return baseTimeGrain.satisfiedBy(zonedTimeGrain.baseTimeGrain) && zonedTimeGrain.aligns(myBoundary);
return baseTimeGrain.satisfiedBy(grain);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if (!(that instanceof ZonedTimeGrain)) {
return false;
ZonedTimeGrain thatGrain = (ZonedTimeGrain) that;
return (this.getBaseTimeGrain().equals((thatGrain.getBaseTimeGrain()))) && Objects.equals(
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
* Given a granularity, produce a time zone.
* @param granularity The granularity's time zone, or if there isn't one, the default time zone
* @return A time zone
public static DateTimeZone getTimeZone(Granularity granularity) {
return (granularity instanceof ZonedTimeGrain) ?
((ZonedTimeGrain) granularity).getTimeZone() :
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
generated.put("timeGrain", table.getSchema().getTimeGrain().getName());
generated.put("timeZone", table.getSchema().getTimeGrain().getTimeZoneName());
generated.put("dimensions", dimensionsResult);
generated.put("metrics", metricsResult);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
public boolean aligns(DateTime dateTime) {
return dateTime.withZone(timeZone).equals(roundFloor(dateTime));
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
* Apply a timezone to a time grain.
* @param dateTimeZone The time zone to associate with the resulting zone time grain
* @return A time grain with the selected zone
default ZonedTimeGrain buildZonedTimeGrain(DateTimeZone dateTimeZone) {
return new ZonedTimeGrain(this, dateTimeZone);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
Predicate<PhysicalTable> tableDoesNotSatisfy = physicalTable -> !physicalTable.getSchema()
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
* Compare two physical tables identifying which one has fewer time buckets.
* @param table1 The first table
* @param table2 The second table
* @return negative if table1 has coarser grain (i.e. fewer rows per time) than table2
public int compare(final PhysicalTable table1, final PhysicalTable table2) {
// compare to returns -1 if the timeGrain for table1 is finer (expressed in more milliseconds) than table2
int compare = table1.getSchema().getTimeGrain()
LOG.trace("{} {} {}", table1, compare < 0 ? "<" : ">", table2);
// shorter duration means more rows per time, so negate to order by fewer rows rather than shorter duration
return -1 * compare;
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
res.put("uri", SlicesServlet.getSliceDetailUrl(e.getKey(), uriInfo));
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
* Gets a list of {@link SqlDatePartFunction} to be performed on a timestamp
* which can be used to group by the given {@link Granularity}.
* @param granularity The granularity to map to a list of {@link SqlDatePartFunction}.
* @return the list of sql functions.
public List<SqlDatePartFunction> timeGrainToDatePartFunctions(Granularity granularity) {
if (granularity instanceof ZonedTimeGrain) {
ZonedTimeGrain defaultTimeGrain = (ZonedTimeGrain) granularity;
return granularityToDateFunctionMap.get(defaultTimeGrain.getBaseTimeGrain());
return granularityToDateFunctionMap.get(granularity);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
* Gets the timezone of the backing table for the given druid query.
* @param druidQuery The druid query to find the timezone for
* @return the {@link DateTimeZone} of the physical table for this query.
private DateTimeZone getTimeZone(DruidAggregationQuery<?> druidQuery) {
return druidQuery.getDataSource()
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/fili
public DateTime getTableAlignment() {
return getSchema().getTimeGrain().roundFloor(
IntervalUtils.firstMoment(getAllAvailableIntervals().values()).orElse(new DateTime())