
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]The Class ZestExpressionLength.


代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testDeepCopy() {
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength("var", 100, 5, true);
  ZestExpressionLength copy = length.deepCopy();
  assertEquals(copy.getVariableName(), length.getVariableName());
  assertEquals(copy.getLength(), length.getLength());
  assertEquals(copy.getApprox(), length.getApprox());
  assertEquals(copy.isInverse(), length.isInverse());

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testEvaluateInverse() {
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength("response.body", 100, 100);
  TestRuntime runtime = new TestRuntime(response);
  assertTrue(length.isTrue(runtime) && !length.evaluate(runtime));

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testSetApprox() {
  int approx = 10;
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength();
  assertTrue(approx == length.getApprox());

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public ZestExpressionLength deepCopy() {
  return new ZestExpressionLength(this.variableName, this.length, this.approx, isInverse());

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testDeepCopySameParams() {
  int len = 10;
  int approx = 20;
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength("response.body", len, approx);
  ZestExpressionLength copy = length.deepCopy();
  assertTrue(copy.getLength() == len && copy.getApprox() == approx);

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testSetChildrenCondition() {
  List<ZestExpressionElement> children = new LinkedList<>();
  children.add(new ZestExpressionAnd());
  children.add(new ZestExpressionLength("response.body", 1, 2));
  children.add(new ZestExpressionStatusCode(200));
  ZestExpressionAnd root = new ZestExpressionAnd();
  for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
    String expected = children.get(i).getClass().getName();
    String obtained = root.getChild(i).getClass().getName();
    String msg = "[" + i + "] - Obtained " + obtained + " instead of " + expected;
    assertTrue(msg, children.get(i).getClass().equals(root.getChild(i).getClass()));

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

      "Length: "
          + lengthExpr.getVariableName()
          + " "
          + lengthExpr.getLength()
          + " approx: "
          + lengthExpr.getApprox());
} else if (element instanceof ZestExpressionEquals) {
  ZestExpressionEquals eqExpr = (ZestExpressionEquals) element;

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testZestExpressionLengthWithParamsTrue() {
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength("response.body", 100, 100);
  assertTrue(length.isTrue(new TestRuntime(response)));

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testSetLength() {
  int len = 10;
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength();
  assertTrue(length.getLength() == len);

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testGetLength() {
  int len = 10;
  int approx = 20;
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength("response.body", len, approx);
  assertTrue(len == length.getLength());

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testGetApprox() {
  int len = 10;
  int approx = 20;
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength("response.body", len, approx);
  assertTrue(approx == length.getApprox());

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testDeepCopyComplexCondition() {
  ZestExpressionAnd and1 = new ZestExpressionAnd();
  ZestExpressionAnd and2 = new ZestExpressionAnd();
  ZestExpressionAnd and3 = new ZestExpressionAnd();
  ZestExpressionLength leaf = new ZestExpressionLength();
  ZestExpressionAnd copy1 = and1.deepCopy();
  ZestExpressionAnd copy2 = (ZestExpressionAnd) copy1.getChild(0);
  ZestExpressionAnd copy3 = (ZestExpressionAnd) copy2.getChild(0);
  ZestExpressionLength copyLeaf = (ZestExpressionLength) copy3.getChild(0);
      and1.getClass() == copy1.getClass() // TODO to many booleans
          && and2.getClass() == copy2.getClass()
          && copy3.getClass() == and3.getClass()
          && copyLeaf instanceof ZestExpressionLength
          && copyLeaf.isLeaf());

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

ZestExpressionLength length =
    new ZestExpressionLength(ZestVariables.RESPONSE_BODY, 0, 1);
ZestExpressionStatusCode code = new ZestExpressionStatusCode(200);
ZestExpressionRegex regex =

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

  public String toString() {
    String expression =
        (isInverse() ? "NOT " : "")
            + "Length: "
            + length
            + " +/- "
            + (((double) (length * approx)) / 100);
    return expression;

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testDeepCopySingleAndSameChildrenClasses() {
  List<ZestExpressionElement> children = new LinkedList<>();
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    children.add(new ZestExpressionLength());
  ZestExpressionAnd and = new ZestExpressionAnd(children);
  ZestExpressionAnd copy = and.deepCopy();
  for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
    assertTrue(and.getChild(i).getClass() == copy.getChild(i).getClass());

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testZestExpressionLengthWithParamsFalse() {
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength("response.body", 100, -1);
  assertFalse(length.isTrue(new TestRuntime(response)));

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testOrDeepCopySingleAndSameChildrenClasses() {
  List<ZestExpressionElement> children = new LinkedList<>();
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    children.add(new ZestExpressionLength());
  ZestExpressionOr or = new ZestExpressionOr(children);
  ZestExpressionOr copy = or.deepCopy();
  for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
    assertTrue(or.getChild(i).getClass() == copy.getChild(i).getClass());

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testZestExpressionLength() {
  ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength();
  assertFalse(length.isTrue(new TestRuntime(response)));

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

public void testRemoveChildConditionReturnValue() {
  ZestExpressionAnd and = new ZestExpressionAnd();
  ZestExpressionLength lengthExpr = new ZestExpressionLength("response.body", 10, 20);

代码示例来源:origin: mozilla/zest

  public void testIsTrueNullBody() {
    ZestResponse resp = new ZestResponse(null, null, null, 0, 0);
    ZestExpressionLength length = new ZestExpressionLength("response.body", 100, 100);
    assertFalse(length.isTrue(new TestRuntime(resp)));
