Worker-Thread 的设计模式有如下几个角色。
Worker-Thread 模式关键角色的关系图。
左侧的线程,也就是传送带上游的线程,不断地往传送带(Queue)中生产数据,而当 Channel 被启动,就会同时创建并启动若干数量的 Worker 线程,因此,可以看出,Worker 于 Channel 来说并不是单纯的依赖关系,而是聚合关系,Channel 必须知道 Worker 的存在。
package concurrent.workrtthread;
* @className: InstructionBook
* @description: 产品及组装说明书,在流水线上需要加工的产品,create 作为一个模板方法,提供了用工产品的说明书
* @date: 2022/5/3
* @author: cakin
public abstract class InstructionBook {
* 功能描述:加工产品的第1个步骤
* @author cakin
* @date 2022/5/3
protected abstract void firstProcess();
* 功能描述:加工产品的第2个步骤
* @author cakin
* @date 2022/5/3
protected abstract void secondProcess();
* 功能描述:经过流水线传送带的产品通过该方法进行加工
* @author cakin
* @date 2022/5/3
public final void create() {
package concurrent.workrtthread;
* @className: Production
* @description: 产品
* @date: 2022/5/3
* @author: cakin
public class Production extends InstructionBook {
// 产品编号
private final int prodID;
public Production(int prodID) {
this.prodID = prodID;
protected void firstProcess() {
System.out.println("execute the " + prodID + " first process");
protected void secondProcess() {
System.out.println("execute the " + prodID + " second process");
package concurrent.workrtthread;
* @className: ProductionChannel
* @description: 产品传送带,在传送带上除了负责产品加工的工人之外,还有在传送带上等待加工的产品
* @date: 2022/5/3
* @author: cakin
public class ProductionChannel {
// 传送带上最多可以有多少个待加工的产品
private final static int MAX_PROD = 100;
// 用于存放待加工的产品,也就是传送带
private final Production[] productionQueue;
// 队列尾
private int tail;
// 队列头
private int head;
// 当前在流水线上有多少个待加工的产品
private int total;
// 流水线工人
private final Worker[] workers;
public ProductionChannel(int workerSize) {
this.workers = new Worker[workerSize];
this.productionQueue = new Production[MAX_PROD];
// 实例化每一个工人并且启动
for (int i = 0; i < workerSize; i++) {
workers[i] = new Worker("Worker-" + i, this);
* 功能描述:接受来自上游的半成品
* @author cakin
* @date 2022/5/3
public void offerProduction(Production production) {
synchronized (this) {
// 当传送带上加工的产品超过了最大值时需要阻塞上游再次传送产品
while (total > productionQueue.length) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// 将产品放到传送带,并且通知工人线程工作
productionQueue[tail] = production;
tail = (tail + 1) % productionQueue.length;
* 功能描述:工人线程从传送带上获取产品,并且进行加工
* @author 贝医
* @date 2022/5/3
public Production takeProduction() {
synchronized (this) {
// 当传送带上没有产品,工人等待着从上游输送代传送带上
while (total <= 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// 获取产品
Production prod = productionQueue[head];
head = (head + 1) % productionQueue.length;
return prod;
package concurrent.workrtthread;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* @className: Worker
* @description: 流水线工人
* @date: 2022/5/3
* @author: cakin24
public class Worker extends Thread {
private final ProductionChannel channel;
private final static Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
public Worker(String workerName, ProductionChannel channel) {
super(workerName); = channel;
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
// 从传送带上获取产品
Production production = channel.takeProduction();
System.out.println(getName() + " process the " + production);
// 对产品进行加工
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
package concurrent.workrtthread;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 流水线上有 5 个工人
final ProductionChannel channel = new ProductionChannel(5);
AtomicInteger prouctionNo = new AtomicInteger();
// 流水线上有8个工作人员往传送带上不断地放置等待加工的半成品
IntStream.range(1, 8).forEach(i ->
new Thread(() -> {
while (true) {
channel.offerProduction(new Production(prouctionNo.getAndIncrement()));
try {
TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(new Random().nextInt(10));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Worker-4 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@57a380d2
Worker-1 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@3d33b971
execute the 0 first process
execute the 0 second process
execute the 1 first process
execute the 1 second process
Worker-3 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@71f66139
execute the 2 first process
execute the 2 second process
Worker-0 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@414fec4b
execute the 3 first process
execute the 3 second process
Worker-2 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@3a237724
execute the 4 first process
execute the 4 second process
Worker-4 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@59647456
execute the 5 first process
execute the 5 second process
Worker-1 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@33f440a7
Worker-2 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@34e49e10
execute the 6 first process
execute the 6 second process
execute the 7 first process
Worker-2 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@30db1c54
execute the 7 second process
execute the 8 first process
execute the 8 second process
Worker-1 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@37cbd201
Worker-0 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@4f881a12
execute the 10 first process
execute the 9 first process
execute the 9 second process
execute the 10 second process
Worker-0 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@4bb7873b
Worker-3 process the concurrent.workrtthread.Production@7f319177
execute the 11 first process
execute the 11 second process
execute the 15 first process
execute the 15 second process
在测试中,假设上游的流水线上有8个工人将产品放到传送带上,我们的传送带上定义了5个工人,运行上面的程序,Worker 将根据产品的使用说明书对产品进行再次加工。
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