我们将使用groovy spaceship operator。对于按值反向排序的map,我们只需切换我们要比较的内容。
void sort_map_by_value() {
def myMap = [1:"More", 2:"Mark as read", 3: "Mark as important", 4:"Add to tasks"]
assert [
"Add to tasks",
"Mark as important",
"Mark as read",
"More"] == myMap.sort({a, b -> a.value <=> b.value})*.value
void sort_map_by_value_reverse() {
def myMap = [1:"More", 2:"Mark as read", 3: "Mark as important", 4:"Add to tasks"]
assert [
"Mark as read",
"Mark as important",
"Add to tasks"] == myMap.sort({a, b -> b.value <=> a.value})*.value
void sort_map_by_value_case_insensitive() {
def myMap = [1:"More", 2:"Mark as read", 3: "Mark as important", 4:"Add to tasks"]
assert [
"Add to tasks",
"Mark as important",
"Mark as read",
"More"] == myMap.sort({a, b -> a.value.toLowerCase() <=> b.value.toLowerCase()})*.value
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原文链接 : http://www.leveluplunch.com/groovy/examples/sort-map-dictionary-by-values/