
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]A build of a Project. Steps of a build

Roughly speaking, a Build goes through the following stages: SCM checkout Hudson decides which directory to use for a build, then the source code is checked out Pre-build steps Everyone gets their BuildStep#prebuild(AbstractBuild,BuildListener) invoked to indicate that the build is starting Build wrapper set up BuildWrapper#setUp(AbstractBuild,Launcher,BuildListener) is invoked. This is normally to prepare an environment for the build. Builder runs Builder#perform(AbstractBuild,Launcher,BuildListener) is invoked. This is where things that are useful to users happen, like calling Ant, Make, etc. Recorder runs Recorder#perform(AbstractBuild,Launcher,BuildListener) is invoked. This is normally to record the output from the build, such as test results. Notifier runs Notifier#perform(AbstractBuild,Launcher,BuildListener) is invoked. This is normally to send out notifications, based on the results determined so far.

And beyond that, the build is considered complete, and from then on Build object is there to keep the record of what happened in this build.


代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

public void run() {

代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x

public void run() {

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/matrix-project

public String getUpUrl() {
  StaplerRequest req = Stapler.getCurrentRequest();
  if(req!=null) {
    List<Ancestor> ancs = req.getAncestors();
    for( int i=1; i<ancs.size(); i++) {
      if(ancs.get(i).getObject()==this) {
        Object parentObj = ancs.get(i-1).getObject();
        if(parentObj instanceof MatrixBuild || parentObj instanceof MatrixConfiguration) {
          return ancs.get(i-1).getUrl()+'/';
  return super.getDisplayName();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core

 * If the parent {@link MatrixBuild} is kept, keep this record too.
public String getWhyKeepLog() {
  MatrixBuild pb = getParentBuild();
  if(pb!=null && pb.getWhyKeepLog()!=null)
    return Messages.MatrixRun_KeptBecauseOfParent(pb);
  return super.getWhyKeepLog();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core

public MatrixConfiguration getParent() {// don't know why, but javac wants this
  return super.getParent();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/cloverphp

 * Returns the last Result that was successful.
 * WARNING: this method is invoked dynamically from CloverProjectAction/floatingBox.jelly
 * @return the last successful build result
public CloverBuildAction getLastSuccessfulResult() {
  for (Build<?, ?> b = project.getLastBuild(); b != null; b = b.getPreviousBuild()) {
    if (b.getResult() == Result.FAILURE) {
    CloverBuildAction r = b.getAction(CloverBuildAction.class);
    if (r != null) {
      return r;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: nemccarthy/stash-pullrequest-builder-plugin

private void abortRunningJobsThatMatch(@Nonnull StashCause stashCause) {
  logger.fine("Looking for running jobs that match PR ID: " + stashCause.getPullRequestId());
  for (Object o : job.getBuilds()) {
    if (o instanceof Build) {
      Build build = (Build) o;
      if (build.isBuilding() && hasCauseFromTheSamePullRequest(build.getCauses(), stashCause)) {"Aborting build: " + build + " since PR is outdated");

代码示例来源:origin: groupon/DotCi

public String getNearestRunUrl() {
  Build r = getRun();
  if (r == null) {
    return null;
  if (this.dynamicBuild.getNumber() == r.getNumber()) {
    return getShortUrl() + "/console";
  return Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getContextPath() + '/' + r.getUrl();

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/rebuild-plugin

 * Tests with no extensions.
 * @throws IOException
 *             IOException
 * @throws InterruptedException
 *             InterruptedException
 * @throws ExecutionException
 *             ExecutionException
public void testNoRebuildValidatorExtension() throws IOException,
    InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
  Project projectA = createFreeStyleProject("testFreeStyleA");
  Build buildA = (Build) projectA.scheduleBuild2(
      new Cause.UserIdCause(),
      new ParametersAction(new StringParameterValue("party",

代码示例来源:origin: i-m-c/jenkins-inheritance-plugin

 * {@inheritDoc}
public File getRootDir() {
  return super.getRootDir();

代码示例来源:origin: i-m-c/jenkins-inheritance-plugin

public void onRun() {
  super.execute(new InheritanceBuildExecution());

代码示例来源:origin: etsy/jenkins-master-project

public boolean isBuilding() {
 if (super.isBuilding()) {
  // If this build's executor is running, defer to that.
  return true;
 return this.masterResult.isBuilding();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/cloverphp

public DirectoryBrowserSupport doDynamic(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp)
    throws IOException, ServletException,
    InterruptedException {
  if (publisher.isPublishHtmlReport()) {
    FilePath r = getWorkspaceReportDir();
    if (exists(r, "index.html")) {
      return new DirectoryBrowserSupport(
          this, r, "Clover Html Report", "/cloverphp/clover.gif", false);
  File reportDir = getLastBuildReportDir();
  if (reportDir == null || getDisplayName() == null) {
    throw new Failure(Messages.CloverProjectAction_InvalidConfiguration());
  if (new File(reportDir, "clover.xml").exists()) {
    if (project.getLastBuild() != null) {
      int buildNumber = project.getLastBuild().getNumber();
      rsp.sendRedirect2("../" + buildNumber + "/cloverphp-report");
  throw new Failure(Messages.CloverProjectAction_HTML_NoCloverReportFound());

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core

public void run() {

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core

public String getUpUrl() {
  StaplerRequest req = Stapler.getCurrentRequest();
  if (req != null) {
    List<Ancestor> ancs = req.getAncestors();
    for (int i = 1; i < ancs.size(); i++) {
      if (ancs.get(i).getObject() == this) {
        Object parentObj = ancs.get(i - 1).getObject();
        if (parentObj instanceof MatrixBuild || parentObj instanceof MatrixConfiguration) {
          return ancs.get(i - 1).getUrl() + '/';
  return super.getDisplayName();

代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x

 * If the parent {@link MatrixBuild} is kept, keep this record too.
public String getWhyKeepLog() {
  MatrixBuild pb = getParentBuild();
  if(pb!=null && pb.getWhyKeepLog()!=null)
    return Messages.MatrixRun_KeptBecauseOfParent(pb);
  return super.getWhyKeepLog();

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core

public MatrixConfiguration getParent() {// don't know why, but javac wants this
  return super.getParent();

代码示例来源:origin: groupon/DotCi

public Object getDynamic(final String token, final StaplerRequest req, final StaplerResponse rsp) {
  try {
    final Build item = getRun(Combination.fromString(token));
    if (item != null) {
      if (item.getNumber() == this.getNumber()) {
        return item;
      } else {
        // redirect the user to the correct URL
        String url = Functions.joinPath(item.getUrl(), req.getRestOfPath());
        final String qs = req.getQueryString();
        if (qs != null) {
          url += '?' + qs;
        throw HttpResponses.redirectViaContextPath(url);
  } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
    // failed to parse the token as Combination. Must be something else
  return super.getDynamic(token, req, rsp);

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/rebuild-plugin

 * Tests with an extension returning isApplicable false.
 * @throws IOException
 *             IOException
 * @throws InterruptedException
 *             InterruptedException
 * @throws ExecutionException
 *             ExecutionException
public void testRebuildValidatorExtensionIsApplicableFalse()
    throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
      new ValidatorNeverApplicable());
  Project projectA = createFreeStyleProject("testFreeStyleC");
  Build buildA = (Build) projectA.scheduleBuild2(
      new Cause.UserIdCause(),
      new ParametersAction(new StringParameterValue("party",

代码示例来源:origin: hudson.plugins/project-inheritance

 * {@inheritDoc}
public File getRootDir() {
  return super.getRootDir();
