我在hive sql得到这个错误。
SELECT ce.mes AS year_month,
ce.sigladosite AS loc,
MAX(ce.consumoacumuladodomes) AS energy_est,
SUM(ce.consumo_mes) AS energy_real,
SUM(CASE WHEN MAX(ce.consumoacumuladodomes) < SUM(ce.consumo_mes) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recorrencia
FROM my_db.my_table AS ce
GROUP BY ce.sigladosite, ce.mes
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10128]: Line 5:14 Not yet supported place for UDAF 'MAX' (state=42000,code=10128)
我试着用别名来使用它,但没有成功。我怎样才能在聚合列的结果中使用 "CASE WHEN"?
|year_month| loc | energy_est | energy_real |
| 202001 | ABC | 50 | 223470.0 |
| 202002 | ABC | 50 | 8595.0 |
| 202003 | ABC | 50 | 8595.0 |
| 202004 | ABC | 50 | 8595.0 |
| 202005 | ABC | 50 | 8595.0 |
| 202006 | ABC | 50 | 8595.0 |
| 202007 | ABC | 50 | 8595.0 |
| 202008 | ABC | 50 | 8595.0 |
| 202005 | XZY | 30 | 2993.0 |
| 202006 | XZY | 30 | 2993.0 |
| 202005 | 123 | 66 | 908.0 |
| 202009 | 123 | 91 | 908.0 |
| 202001 | GHI | 50 | 4072.0 |
| 202002 | GHI | 50 | 4072.0 |
| 202003 | GHI | 50 | 4072.0 |
| 202004 | GHI | 50 | 4072.0 |
| 202005 | GHI | 50 | 4072.0 |
| 202006 | GHI | 50 | 4072.0 |
loc - recurrencies
ABC - 8 (8 followed months, starting from the higher, that energy_real was higher than energy_est`. Count goes until condition doesn't match.)
XZY - 2
123 - 2
GHI - 6
你不能嵌套聚合函数 , 你可能想要两层聚合: