
ar7v8xwq  于 2021-06-04  发布在  Hadoop



# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:


# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f204dd6fb27, pid=19570, tid=139776470402816


# JRE version: 6.0_38-b05

# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.13-b02 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)

# Problematic frame:

# # [ timer expired, abort... ]

google似乎显示字符串“timer expired,abort”只出现在这些jvm错误消息中,因此它不太可能来自操作系统。
编辑:看来我可能走运了。从 ./hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/thread.cpp 在jvm源代码的openjdk版本中:

if (is_error_reported()) {
   // A fatal error has happened, the error handler(VMError::report_and_die)
   // should abort JVM after creating an error log file. However in some
   // rare cases, the error handler itself might deadlock. Here we try to
   // kill JVM if the fatal error handler fails to abort in 2 minutes.
   // This code is in WatcherThread because WatcherThread wakes up
   // periodically so the fatal error handler doesn't need to do anything;
   // also because the WatcherThread is less likely to crash than other
   // threads.

   for (;;) {
     if (!ShowMessageBoxOnError
      && (OnError == NULL || OnError[0] == '\0')
      && Arguments::abort_hook() == NULL) {
          os::sleep(this, 2 * 60 * 1000, false);
          fdStream err(defaultStream::output_fd());
          err.print_raw_cr("# [ timer expired, abort... ]");
          // skip atexit/vm_exit/vm_abort hooks

     // Wake up 5 seconds later, the fatal handler may reset OnError or
     // ShowMessageBoxOnError when it is ready to abort.
     os::sleep(this, 5 * 1000, false);




解决这个问题的方法是 -XX:ShowMessageBoxOnError 并使用另一术语中的调试器附加到进程。




if (is_error_reported()) {
   // A fatal error has happened, the error handler(VMError::report_and_die)
   // should abort JVM after creating an error log file. However in some
   // rare cases, the error handler itself might deadlock. Here we try to
   // kill JVM if the fatal error handler fails to abort in 2 minutes.
   // This code is in WatcherThread because WatcherThread wakes up
   // periodically so the fatal error handler doesn't need to do anything;
   // also because the WatcherThread is less likely to crash than other
   // threads.

   for (;;) {
     if (!ShowMessageBoxOnError
      && (OnError == NULL || OnError[0] == '\0')
      && Arguments::abort_hook() == NULL) {
          os::sleep(this, 2 * 60 * 1000, false);
          fdStream err(defaultStream::output_fd());
          err.print_raw_cr("# [ timer expired, abort... ]");
          // skip atexit/vm_exit/vm_abort hooks

     // Wake up 5 seconds later, the fatal handler may reset OnError or
     // ShowMessageBoxOnError when it is ready to abort.
     os::sleep(this, 5 * 1000, false);

