module.exports.datastores = {
* *
* Your app's default datastore. *
* *
* Sails apps read and write to local disk by default, using a built-in *
* database adapter called `sails-disk`. This feature is purely for *
* convenience during development; since `sails-disk` is not designed for *
* use in a production environment. *
* *
* To use a different db _in development_, follow the directions below. *
* Otherwise, just leave the default datastore as-is, with no `adapter`. *
* *
* (For production configuration, see `config/env/production.js`.) *
* *
default: {
* *
* Want to use a different database during development? *
* *
* 1. Choose an adapter: *
* https://sailsjs.com/plugins/databases *
* *
* 2. Install it as a dependency of your Sails app. *
* (For example: npm install sails-mysql --save) *
* *
* 3. Then pass it in, along with a connection URL. *
* (See https://sailsjs.com/config/datastores for help.) *
* *
// adapter: 'sails-mysql',
// url: 'mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/panzura',
// charset: 'utf8mb4',
// collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'
adapter: 'sails-postgresql',
url: 'postgresql://panzura:panzura695!@localhost:5432/panzura'
//url: 'postgresql://mannawar:hello@localhost:5432/mannawar'
cache: {
adapter: 'sails-redis',
url: 'redis://localhost:6379',
scanStore: {
adapter: 'sails-redis',
url: 'redis://localhost:6379/1',
"appName": "Global",
"origin": "",
"socketOrigin": "ws://",
"appUrl": "http://localhost",
"apiKey": "3y6gp1hz9de7cgvkn7xqjb3285hyudf1",
"vapidKey": "dbffklfsdfsdmfksadaskdlasfdfjewjle32kj32j23k2j425jdljfkr24ljrasda"
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1107:14)
0|worker-s | errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
0|worker-s | code: 'ECONNREFUSED',
0|worker-s | syscall: 'connect',
0|worker-s | address: '',
0|worker-s | port: 6379 }
2|app | code: '42703',
2|app | detail: undefined,
2|app | hint: undefined,
2|app | position: '347',
2|app | internalPosition: undefined,
2|app | internalQuery: undefined,
2|app | where: undefined,
2|app | schema: undefined,
2|app | table: undefined,
2|app | column: undefined,
2|app | dataType: undefined,
2|app | constraint: undefined,
2|app | file: 'parse_relation.c',
2|app | line: '3349',
2|app | routine: 'errorMissingColumn' } }