
jtoj6r0c  于 2021-06-07  发布在  Kafka

场景:一个microservices mspub1接收来自客户的请求。该请求在kafka上的topic transaction\u topic1上发布消息,但该微服务可以并行接收多个请求。微服务监听主题transaction\u result1以检查事务是否完成。
在流媒体平台的另一端,另一个微服务mssub1正在监听主题transaction\u topic1,处理所有消息并将结果发布到:transaction\u result1
从mspub1知道主题transaction\u result1上的消息是否与其原始请求匹配的最佳方法是什么?microservice mspub1可以拥有在初始主题transaction\u topic1上发布的任何消息的id,并可以移动到transaction\u result1
问题:当您读取分区时,您移动了指针,但是在具有多个请求的并发环境中,如何检查主题transaction\u result1上的消息是否是预期的?



一种方法是使用spring集成 BarrierMessageHandler .

public class So48349993Application {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(So48349993Application.class);

    private static final String TRANSACTION_TOPIC1 = "TRANSACTION_TOPIC1";

    private static final String TRANSACTION_RESULT1 = "TRANSACTION_RESULT1";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(So48349993Application.class, args);

    private final Exchanger exchanger;

    private final KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;

    public So48349993Application(Exchanger exchanger,
            KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate) {
        this.exchanger = exchanger;
        this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate;

    @RequestMapping(path = "/foo/{id}/{other}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String foo(@PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String other) {
        logger.info("Controller received: " + other);
        String reply = this.exchanger.exchange(id, other);
        // if reply is null, we timed out
        logger.info("Controller replying: " + reply);
        return reply;

    // Client side

    @MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = "outbound", defaultReplyTimeout = "10000")
    public interface Exchanger {

        String exchange(@Header(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.CORRELATION_ID) String id,
                @Payload String out);


    public IntegrationFlow router() {
        return IntegrationFlows.from("outbound")
                .routeToRecipients(r -> r

    public IntegrationFlow outFlow(KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate) {
        return IntegrationFlows.from("toKafka")

    public IntegrationFlow barrierFlow(BarrierMessageHandler barrier) {
        return IntegrationFlows.from("barrierChannel")
                .transform("payload.get(1)") // payload is list with input/reply

    public BarrierMessageHandler barrier() {
        return new BarrierMessageHandler(10_000L);

    @KafkaListener(id = "clientReply", topics = TRANSACTION_RESULT1)
    public void result(Message<?> reply) {
        logger.info("Received reply: " + reply.getPayload() + " for id "
                + reply.getHeaders().get(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.CORRELATION_ID));

    // Server side

    @KafkaListener(id = "server", topics = TRANSACTION_TOPIC1)
    public void service(String in,
            @Header(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.CORRELATION_ID) String id) throws InterruptedException {
        logger.info("Service Received " + in);
        logger.info("Service Replying to " + in);
        // with spring-kafka 2.0 (and Boot 2), you can return a String and use @SendTo instead of this.
        this.kafkaTemplate.send(new GenericMessage<>("reply for " + in,
                Collections.singletonMap(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.CORRELATION_ID, id)));

    // Provision topics if needed

    // provided by Boot in 2.0
    public KafkaAdmin admin() {
        Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
        config.put(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
        return new KafkaAdmin(config);

    public NewTopic topic1() {
        return new NewTopic(TRANSACTION_TOPIC1, 10, (short) 1);

    public NewTopic result1() {
        return new NewTopic(TRANSACTION_RESULT1, 10, (short) 1);



2018-01-20 17:27:54.668  INFO 98522 --- [   server-1-C-1] com.example.So48349993Application        : Service Received foo
2018-01-20 17:27:55.782  INFO 98522 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.example.So48349993Application        : Controller received: bar
2018-01-20 17:27:55.788  INFO 98522 --- [   server-0-C-1] com.example.So48349993Application        : Service Received bar
2018-01-20 17:27:59.673  INFO 98522 --- [   server-1-C-1] com.example.So48349993Application        : Service Replying to foo
2018-01-20 17:27:59.702  INFO 98522 --- [ientReply-1-C-1] com.example.So48349993Application        : Received reply: reply for foo for id 1
2018-01-20 17:27:59.705  INFO 98522 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.example.So48349993Application        : Controller replying: reply for foo
2018-01-20 17:28:00.792  INFO 98522 --- [   server-0-C-1] com.example.So48349993Application        : Service Replying to bar
2018-01-20 17:28:00.798  INFO 98522 --- [ientReply-0-C-1] com.example.So48349993Application        : Received reply: reply for bar for id 2
2018-01-20 17:28:00.800  INFO 98522 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] com.example.So48349993Application        : Controller replying: reply for bar


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">


    <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>

        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->











这是一个在服务器端使用spring集成的版本,而不是 @KafkaListener ...

public class So483499931Application {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(So483499931Application.class);

    private static final String TRANSACTION_TOPIC1 = "TRANSACTION_TOPIC3";

    private static final String TRANSACTION_RESULT1 = "TRANSACTION_RESULT3";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(So483499931Application.class, args);

    private final Exchanger exchanger;

    private final KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;

    public So483499931Application(Exchanger exchanger,
            KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate) {
        this.exchanger = exchanger;
        this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate;

    @RequestMapping(path = "/foo/{id}/{other}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String foo(@PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String other) {
        logger.info("Controller received: " + other);
        String reply = this.exchanger.exchange(id, other);
        logger.info("Controller replying: " + reply);
        return reply;

    // Client side

    @MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = "outbound", defaultReplyTimeout = "10000")
    public interface Exchanger {

        String exchange(@Header(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.CORRELATION_ID) String id,
                @Payload String out);


    public IntegrationFlow router() {
        return IntegrationFlows.from("outbound")
                .routeToRecipients(r -> r

    public IntegrationFlow outFlow(KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate) {
        return IntegrationFlows.from("toKafka")

    public IntegrationFlow barrierFlow(BarrierMessageHandler barrier) {
        return IntegrationFlows.from("barrierChannel")
                .transform("payload.get(1)") // payload is list with input/reply

    public BarrierMessageHandler barrier() {
        return new BarrierMessageHandler(10_000L);

    @KafkaListener(id = "clientReply", topics = TRANSACTION_RESULT1)
    public void result(Message<?> reply) {
        logger.info("Received reply: " + reply.getPayload() + " for id "
                + reply.getHeaders().get(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.CORRELATION_ID));

    // Server side

    public IntegrationFlow server(ConsumerFactory<String, String> consumerFactory,
            KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate) {
        return IntegrationFlows.from(Kafka.messageDrivenChannelAdapter(consumerFactory, TRANSACTION_TOPIC1))
            .handle("so483499931Application", "service")

    public String service(String in) throws InterruptedException {
        logger.info("Service Received " + in);
        logger.info("Service Replying to " + in);
        return "reply for " + in;

    // Provision topics if needed

    // provided by Boot in 2.0
    public KafkaAdmin admin() {
        Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
        config.put(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
        return new KafkaAdmin(config);

    public NewTopic topic1() {
        return new NewTopic(TRANSACTION_TOPIC1, 10, (short) 1);

    public NewTopic result1() {
        return new NewTopic(TRANSACTION_RESULT1, 10, (short) 1);


