
6tqwzwtp  于 2021-06-08  发布在  Kafka

我已经为这个问题争论了几天了。我能够在一个ec2ubuntu示例上设置一个简单的单节点kafka示例,并创建主题和发布/使用它们。但这是可能的,因为一切都绑定到localhost。然而,当我尝试将advised.listeners分配给ec2示例的公共ip地址时(例如。 advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://ec2_public_ip:9092 )并将侦听器设置为本地主机(例如。 listeners=PLAINTEXT://ec2_internal_ip:9092 ),本地或远程消费者和生产者都无法连接。
编辑#1以下是 server.properties 文件:



bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties 
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,909] INFO KafkaConfig values: 
    advertised.host.name = null
    advertised.listeners = PLAINTEXT://<external_ip>:9092
    advertised.port = null
    authorizer.class.name = 
    auto.create.topics.enable = true
    auto.leader.rebalance.enable = true
    background.threads = 10
    broker.id = 0
    broker.id.generation.enable = true
    broker.rack = null
    compression.type = producer
    connections.max.idle.ms = 600000
    controlled.shutdown.enable = true
    controlled.shutdown.max.retries = 3
    controlled.shutdown.retry.backoff.ms = 5000
    controller.socket.timeout.ms = 30000
    create.topic.policy.class.name = null
    default.replication.factor = 1
    delete.topic.enable = false
    fetch.purgatory.purge.interval.requests = 1000
    group.max.session.timeout.ms = 300000
    group.min.session.timeout.ms = 6000
    host.name = 
    inter.broker.listener.name = null
    inter.broker.protocol.version = 0.10.2-IV0
    leader.imbalance.check.interval.seconds = 300
    leader.imbalance.per.broker.percentage = 10
    listeners = PLAINTEXT://<internal_ip>:9092
    log.cleaner.backoff.ms = 15000
    log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.size = 134217728
    log.cleaner.delete.retention.ms = 86400000
    log.cleaner.enable = true
    log.cleaner.io.buffer.load.factor = 0.9
    log.cleaner.io.buffer.size = 524288
    log.cleaner.io.max.bytes.per.second = 1.7976931348623157E308
    log.cleaner.min.cleanable.ratio = 0.5
    log.cleaner.min.compaction.lag.ms = 0
    log.cleaner.threads = 1
    log.cleanup.policy = [delete]
    log.dir = /tmp/kafka-logs
    log.dirs = /tmp/kafka-logs
    log.flush.interval.messages = 9223372036854775807
    log.flush.interval.ms = null
    log.flush.offset.checkpoint.interval.ms = 60000
    log.flush.scheduler.interval.ms = 9223372036854775807
    log.index.interval.bytes = 4096
    log.index.size.max.bytes = 10485760
    log.message.format.version = 0.10.2-IV0
    log.message.timestamp.difference.max.ms = 9223372036854775807
    log.message.timestamp.type = CreateTime
    log.preallocate = false
    log.retention.bytes = -1
    log.retention.check.interval.ms = 300000
    log.retention.hours = 168
    log.retention.minutes = null
    log.retention.ms = null
    log.roll.hours = 168
    log.roll.jitter.hours = 0
    log.roll.jitter.ms = null
    log.roll.ms = null
    log.segment.bytes = 1073741824
    log.segment.delete.delay.ms = 60000
    max.connections.per.ip = 2147483647
    max.connections.per.ip.overrides = 
    message.max.bytes = 1000012
    metric.reporters = []
    metrics.num.samples = 2
    metrics.recording.level = INFO
    metrics.sample.window.ms = 30000
    min.insync.replicas = 1
    num.io.threads = 8
    num.network.threads = 3
    num.partitions = 1
    num.recovery.threads.per.data.dir = 1
    num.replica.fetchers = 1
    offset.metadata.max.bytes = 4096
    offsets.commit.required.acks = -1
    offsets.commit.timeout.ms = 5000
    offsets.load.buffer.size = 5242880
    offsets.retention.check.interval.ms = 600000
    offsets.retention.minutes = 1440
    offsets.topic.compression.codec = 0
    offsets.topic.num.partitions = 50
    offsets.topic.replication.factor = 3
    offsets.topic.segment.bytes = 104857600
    port = 9092
    principal.builder.class = class org.apache.kafka.common.security.auth.DefaultPrincipalBuilder
    producer.purgatory.purge.interval.requests = 1000
    queued.max.requests = 500
    quota.consumer.default = 9223372036854775807
    quota.producer.default = 9223372036854775807
    quota.window.num = 11
    quota.window.size.seconds = 1
    replica.fetch.backoff.ms = 1000
    replica.fetch.max.bytes = 1048576
    replica.fetch.min.bytes = 1
    replica.fetch.response.max.bytes = 10485760
    replica.fetch.wait.max.ms = 500
    replica.high.watermark.checkpoint.interval.ms = 5000
    replica.lag.time.max.ms = 10000
    replica.socket.receive.buffer.bytes = 65536
    replica.socket.timeout.ms = 30000
    replication.quota.window.num = 11
    replication.quota.window.size.seconds = 1
    request.timeout.ms = 30000
    reserved.broker.max.id = 1000
    sasl.enabled.mechanisms = [GSSAPI]
    sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd = /usr/bin/kinit
    sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin = 60000
    sasl.kerberos.principal.to.local.rules = [DEFAULT]
    sasl.kerberos.service.name = null
    sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitter = 0.05
    sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor = 0.8
    sasl.mechanism.inter.broker.protocol = GSSAPI
    security.inter.broker.protocol = PLAINTEXT
    socket.receive.buffer.bytes = 102400
    socket.request.max.bytes = 104857600
    socket.send.buffer.bytes = 102400
    ssl.cipher.suites = null
    ssl.client.auth = none
    ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
    ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = null
    ssl.key.password = null
    ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509
    ssl.keystore.location = null
    ssl.keystore.password = null
    ssl.keystore.type = JKS
    ssl.protocol = TLS
    ssl.provider = null
    ssl.secure.random.implementation = null
    ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX
    ssl.truststore.location = null
    ssl.truststore.password = null
    ssl.truststore.type = JKS
    unclean.leader.election.enable = true
    zookeeper.connect = localhost:2181
    zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms = 6000
    zookeeper.session.timeout.ms = 6000
    zookeeper.set.acl = false
    zookeeper.sync.time.ms = 2000
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,951] INFO starting (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,952] INFO Connecting to zookeeper on localhost:2181 (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,965] INFO Starting ZkClient event thread. (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkEventThread)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.9-1757313, built on 08/23/2016 06:50 GMT (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:host.name=<internal_ip>.ec2.internal (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:java.version=1.8.0_121 (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:java.vendor=Oracle Corporation (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:java.class.path=:/home/ubuntu/kafka_2.11- (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:java.library.path=/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:java.io.tmpdir=/tmp (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:java.compiler=<NA> (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:os.name=Linux (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:os.arch=amd64 (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:os.version=4.4.0-36-generic (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:user.name=ubuntu (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:user.home=/home/ubuntu (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:user.dir=/home/ubuntu/kafka_2.11- (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,972] INFO Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=6000 watcher=org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient@333291e3 (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,983] INFO Waiting for keeper state SyncConnected (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,986] INFO Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
[2017-05-22 15:41:58,990] INFO Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,010] INFO Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x15c30cd33890000, negotiated timeout = 6000 (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,011] INFO zookeeper state changed (SyncConnected) (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,114] INFO Cluster ID = l-wScqxkQ9OIoKkySSuuLQ (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,145] INFO [ThrottledRequestReaper-Fetch], Starting  (kafka.server.ClientQuotaManager$ThrottledRequestReaper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,146] INFO [ThrottledRequestReaper-Produce], Starting  (kafka.server.ClientQuotaManager$ThrottledRequestReaper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,205] INFO Loading logs. (kafka.log.LogManager)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,240] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-39 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 17 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,245] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-1 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,248] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-40 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 0 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,251] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-34 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 2 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,253] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-35 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 0 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,261] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-15 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,266] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-20 with 1 log segments and log end offset 91 in 3 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,269] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-48 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,271] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-32 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,274] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-46 with 1 log segments and log end offset 144 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,279] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-22 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,281] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-8 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,283] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-12 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,285] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-19 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,287] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-21 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,290] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-4 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 0 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,292] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-5 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 0 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,295] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-41 with 1 log segments and log end offset 852 in 2 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,298] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-23 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,301] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-25 with 1 log segments and log end offset 49 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,304] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-2 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,307] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-26 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,310] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-24 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 0 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,312] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-49 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,316] INFO Completed load of log matt-0 with 1 log segments and log end offset 13 in 2 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,319] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-14 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,322] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-16 with 1 log segments and log end offset 6 in 2 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,324] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-31 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,327] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-29 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,329] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-10 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,333] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-7 with 1 log segments and log end offset 19 in 2 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,337] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-47 with 1 log segments and log end offset 288 in 3 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,340] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-36 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,343] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-28 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 0 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,345] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-27 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,348] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-9 with 1 log segments and log end offset 268 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,350] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-37 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,353] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-6 with 1 log segments and log end offset 3 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,357] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-0 with 1 log segments and log end offset 129 in 3 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,359] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-42 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,362] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-33 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 0 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,364] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-13 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,366] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-3 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,369] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-11 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,371] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-45 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,374] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-44 with 1 log segments and log end offset 38 in 2 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,376] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-43 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,379] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-18 with 1 log segments and log end offset 24 in 2 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,382] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-38 with 1 log segments and log end offset 11 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,384] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-17 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,387] INFO Completed load of log test-0 with 1 log segments and log end offset 6 in 2 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,388] INFO Completed load of log __consumer_offsets-30 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 0 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,390] INFO Completed load of log remote_matt-0 with 1 log segments and log end offset 0 in 1 ms (kafka.log.Log)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,392] INFO Logs loading complete in 186 ms. (kafka.log.LogManager)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,442] INFO Starting log cleanup with a period of 300000 ms. (kafka.log.LogManager)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,443] INFO Starting log flusher with a default period of 9223372036854775807 ms. (kafka.log.LogManager)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,477] FATAL [Kafka Server 0], Fatal error during KafkaServer startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
kafka.common.KafkaException: Socket server failed to bind to <internal_ip>:9092: Cannot assign requested address.
    at kafka.network.Acceptor.openServerSocket(SocketServer.scala:330)
    at kafka.network.Acceptor.<init>(SocketServer.scala:255)
    at kafka.network.SocketServer$$anonfun$startup$1.apply(SocketServer.scala:98)
    at kafka.network.SocketServer$$anonfun$startup$1.apply(SocketServer.scala:90)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:59)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:48)
    at kafka.network.SocketServer.startup(SocketServer.scala:90)
    at kafka.server.KafkaServer.startup(KafkaServer.scala:215)
    at kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable.startup(KafkaServerStartable.scala:39)
    at kafka.Kafka$.main(Kafka.scala:67)
    at kafka.Kafka.main(Kafka.scala)
Caused by: java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address
    at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0(Native Method)
    at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:433)
    at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:425)
    at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.bind(ServerSocketChannelImpl.java:223)
    at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(ServerSocketAdaptor.java:74)
    at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(ServerSocketAdaptor.java:67)
    at kafka.network.Acceptor.openServerSocket(SocketServer.scala:326)
    ... 10 more
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,480] INFO [Kafka Server 0], shutting down (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,482] INFO [Socket Server on Broker 0], Shutting down (kafka.network.SocketServer)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,486] INFO [Socket Server on Broker 0], Shutdown completed (kafka.network.SocketServer)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,489] INFO Shutting down. (kafka.log.LogManager)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,520] INFO Shutdown complete. (kafka.log.LogManager)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,521] INFO Terminate ZkClient event thread. (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkEventThread)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,525] INFO Session: 0x15c30cd33890000 closed (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,526] INFO EventThread shut down for session: 0x15c30cd33890000 (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,527] INFO [Kafka Server 0], shut down completed (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,528] FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServerStartable startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable)
kafka.common.KafkaException: Socket server failed to bind to <internal_ip>:9092: Cannot assign requested address.
    at kafka.network.Acceptor.openServerSocket(SocketServer.scala:330)
    at kafka.network.Acceptor.<init>(SocketServer.scala:255)
    at kafka.network.SocketServer$$anonfun$startup$1.apply(SocketServer.scala:98)
    at kafka.network.SocketServer$$anonfun$startup$1.apply(SocketServer.scala:90)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray$class.foreach(ResizableArray.scala:59)
    at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:48)
    at kafka.network.SocketServer.startup(SocketServer.scala:90)
    at kafka.server.KafkaServer.startup(KafkaServer.scala:215)
    at kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable.startup(KafkaServerStartable.scala:39)
    at kafka.Kafka$.main(Kafka.scala:67)
    at kafka.Kafka.main(Kafka.scala)
Caused by: java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address
    at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0(Native Method)
    at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:433)
    at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:425)
    at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.bind(ServerSocketChannelImpl.java:223)
    at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(ServerSocketAdaptor.java:74)
    at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(ServerSocketAdaptor.java:67)
    at kafka.network.Acceptor.openServerSocket(SocketServer.scala:326)
    ... 10 more
[2017-05-22 15:41:59,528] INFO [Kafka Server 0], shutting down (kafka.server.KafkaServer)




这个 listeners 以及 advertised.listeners 设置似乎正确。你也暴露了端口9092(为你的Kafka经纪人)?



我也遇到了同样的问题,通过设置zookeeper.connect=[public ip]:2181解决了这个问题




advertised.host.name = null

host.name = 

[2017-05-22 15:41:58,971] INFO Client environment:host.name=<internal_ip>.ec2.internal (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)

