private static void printNodeList(NodeList nodeList)
for (int count = 0; count < nodeList.getLength(); count++) //getLength of nodeList that is passed inside of function printNodeList
Node elemNode = nodeList.item(count); //assign name of element we are currently looking at to a Node "elemNode"
if (elemNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) //if node we are currently looking at has type ELEMENT_NODE do next block of a code
// get node name and value
System.out.println("\nNode Name =" + elemNode.getNodeName()+ " [OPEN]");
System.out.println("Node Content =" + elemNode.getTextContent());
if (elemNode.hasAttributes()) //if node we are currently looking at has attributes then do this block of a code
NamedNodeMap nodeMap = elemNode.getAttributes(); //create nodeMap and pass it attributes of a node we are currently looking at
for (int i = 0; i < nodeMap.getLength(); i++) //getLength of nodeMap or look how many attributes there is for node that we are currently watching
Node node = nodeMap.item(i); //every attribute that is stored in nodeMap will be saved in node and his name and value will be printed out
System.out.println("attr name : " + node.getNodeName());
System.out.println("attr value : " + node.getNodeValue());
if (elemNode.hasChildNodes()) //if our element (element that we are currently watching at) still has child nodes left -> recursively call "printNodeList" function
//recursive call if the node has child nodes
//output in console the name of node that we are done with
System.out.println("Node Name =" + elemNode.getNodeName()+ " [CLOSE]");
代码中使用的xml文件,这是我得到的输出。我不确定我怎么会丢失第一个“node content=…”,因为没有它,它会更干净,可能更容易处理数据?