无法将属性从maven概要文件传递到maven failsafe插件

njthzxwz  于 2021-07-09  发布在  Java

我正在尝试基于概要文件执行集成测试。但是,我无法将属性传递给maven failsafe插件。请在我的pom下面找到
http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd“>4.0.0 com.comcast.iot账户服务0.0.1-snapshot jar 2017账户服务

                <!-- lookup parent from repository -->


                <!-- The Configuration of the development profile -->
                      Only unit tests are run when the development profile is active
                <!-- The Configuration of the integration-test profile -->
                      Only integration tests are run when the integration-test profile is active

                  <name>Comcast Public Repository</name>






                <!-- Redis -->
                <!-- Eureka -->

                      <!-- Skips unit tests if the value of skip.unit.tests property is true -->
                      <!-- Excludes integration tests when unit tests are run -->
                            <!-- <exclude>com.comcast.digitalhome.das.molecule.dao.MoleculeClientDaoImpl</exclude> -->
                          <!-- <goal>check</goal> -->
                    <!-- Add a new resource directory to our build -->
                           Skips integration tests if the value of skip.integration.tests
                           property is true

使用这个命令mvnverify-p integration test,我将获得system.getproperty的空值(“build.profile.url”)。但是,命令mvn verify-dbuild.profile.url=http://localhost:8080-p集成测试工作正常。请帮我解决这个问题。谢谢



如果您希望failsafe插件与系统属性一起运行(例如 -Dbuild.profile.url=... )然后必须提供如下配置:


这样maven的财产- ${build.profile.url} -您已经在配置文件中填充的内容将被传播到failsafe插件启动的任何jvm。
注意:你已经做了一些非常接近这一点,但你正在设置 environmentVariables 而不是 systemPropertyVariables .
