The start point is assumed the left top corner
The finishing point the right bottom corner.
Only grids with 0 can be moved into.
No diagonal moves are allowed.
public class PathFinder {
public static ArrayList<Pair> dfs(int[][] arr, int row, int col, Pair sp, Pair fp){
int[][] check = new int[row][col];
ArrayList<Pair> path = new ArrayList<>();
dfs(arr, row, col, path, check, sp, fp);
return path;
private static void dfs(int[][] arr, int row, int col, ArrayList<Pair> path, int[][] check, Pair sp, Pair fp){
if(sp.getRow() == fp.getRow() && sp.getCol() == fp.getCol()) return;
if((sp.getRow() +1 < row) &&(arr[sp.getRow() +1][sp.getCol()] == 0) && (check[sp.getRow()+1][sp.getCol()] == 0)){
check[sp.getRow()+1][sp.getCol()] = 1;
path.add(new Pair(sp.getRow()+1, sp.getCol()));
dfs(arr, row, col, path, check, new Pair(sp.getRow()+1, sp.getCol()), fp);
}else if((sp.getRow() -1 >= 0) &&(arr[sp.getRow() -1][sp.getCol()] == 0) && (check[sp.getRow()-1][sp.getCol()] == 0)){
check[sp.getRow()-1][sp.getCol()] = 1;
path.add(new Pair(sp.getRow()-1, sp.getCol()));
dfs(arr, row, col, path, check, new Pair(sp.getRow()-1, sp.getCol()), fp);
}else if((sp.getCol() +1 < col) &&(arr[sp.getRow()][sp.getCol() +1] == 0) && (check[sp.getRow()][sp.getCol()+1] == 0)){
check[sp.getRow()][sp.getCol()+1] = 1;
path.add(new Pair(sp.getRow(), sp.getCol()+1));
dfs(arr, row, col, path, check, new Pair(sp.getRow(), sp.getCol()+1), fp);
}else if((sp.getCol() -1 >= 0) &&(arr[sp.getRow()][sp.getCol() -1] == 0) && (check[sp.getRow()][sp.getCol()-1] == 0)) {
check[sp.getRow()][sp.getCol() - 1] = 1;
path.add(new Pair(sp.getRow(), sp.getCol() - 1));
dfs(arr, row, col, path, check, new Pair(sp.getRow(), sp.getCol() - 1), fp);
public static void printPath(ArrayList<Pair> list){
for(Iterator itr = list.iterator(); itr.hasNext();){
Pair p = (Pair) itr.next();
public class Pair {
private int row;
private int col;
public Pair(int row, int col){
this.row = row;
this.col = col;
public int getRow(){
return row;
public int getCol(){
return col;
public class Main {
public static void printArray(int[][] arr, int row, int col){
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <col ; j++) {
System.out.print(arr[i][j] + " ");
public static void main(String[] args) {
// write your code here
int row = 5;
int col = 7;
int[][] matrix = new int[row][col];
matrix[0][1] = 1;
matrix[0][3] = 1;
matrix[0][5] = 1;
matrix[1][1] = 1;
matrix[1][3] = 1;
matrix[1][6] = 1;
matrix[2][1] = 1;
matrix[2][2] = 1;
matrix[2][6] = 1;
matrix[3][3] = 1;
matrix[3][5] = 1;
matrix[3][6] = 1;
matrix[4][0] = 1;
printArray(matrix, row, col);
ArrayList<Pair> list = PathFinder.dfs(matrix, row, col, new Pair(0,0), new Pair(row-1, col-1));
. 已访问的字段保存在矩阵中。最后再次打印矩阵,其中结果字段(找到的路径)具有值3