SQL> with
2 tab1 (col) as
3 (select 'mg/kl' from dual union all
4 select 'k/mg' from dual union all
5 select 'l/g/kg' from dual union all
6 select 'umol_Ulp' from dual union all
7 select '10*12_/KG' from dual union all
8 select 'a/L/G' from dual
9 ),
10 tab2 (col) as
11 (select '10*12_/kg' from dual union all
12 select '1/L/G' from dual union all
13 select 'PG/7@R' from dual union all
14 select 'KG/CM/L' from dual union all
15 select 'l/g/kg' from dual
16 )
17 select a.col, b.col,
18 case when lower(a.col) = lower(b.col) then
19 'exists in both tables ' ||
20 case when a.col = b.col then 'and exact match'
21 else 'but different'
22 end
23 when a.col is null then 'missing in table 1'
24 when b.col is null then 'missing in table 2'
25 end differences
26 from tab1 a full outer join tab2 b on lower(a.col) = lower(b.col);
--------- --------- -------------------------------------
mg/kl missing in table 2
k/mg missing in table 2
l/g/kg l/g/kg exists in both tables and exact match
umol_Ulp missing in table 2
10*12_/KG 10*12_/kg exists in both tables but different
a/L/G missing in table 2
KG/CM/L missing in table 1
PG/7@R missing in table 1
1/L/G missing in table 1
9 rows selected.
你可以用 full outer join 与 upper 以及 replace 连接条件中的函数如下:
Select t1.str, t2.str,
Case when t1.str is not null and t2.str is not null then 'exist in both table'
when t1.str is not null then 'missing in table2'
Else 'missing in table1'
End as differences
From table1 t1 full join table2 t2
On upper(replace(t1.str,' ','') = upper(replace(t2.str,' ','')
Select t1.str, t2.str,
Case when nvl(t1.str,'X') != 'X' and nvl(t2.str,'X') != 'X' then 'exist in both table'
when nvl(t1.str,'X') != 'X' then 'missing in table2'
Else 'missing in table1'
End as differences
From table1 t1 full join table2 t2
On upper(trim(t1.str)) = upper(trim(t2.str))
full outer join