
yduiuuwa  于 2021-09-13  发布在  Java


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">
  <meta   charset="UTF-8">
  <meta   name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    /* ================================
     * Styles for responsive web design
     * ================================
     * Adapted from W3Schools Responsive Web Design,
     * at  In
     * particular the 12-column grid layout and all the
     * width percentages are copied from there.

                 *  {
                      box-sizing : border-box;

     | Extra-small devices (phones, 600px and down) |
      [class*="col-"]  { width: 100%; }

     | Small devices (portrait tablets and large phones, 600px and up) |
    @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {
      .col-s-1    { width:   8.33%; }
      .col-s-2    { width:  16.66%; }
      .col-s-3    { width:  25%;    }
      .col-s-4    { width:  33.33%; }
      .col-s-5    { width:  41.66%; }
      .col-s-6    { width:  50%;    }
      .col-s-7    { width:  58.33%; }
      .col-s-8    { width:  66.66%; }
      .col-s-9    { width:  75%;    }
      .col-s-10   { width:  83.33%; }
      .col-s-11   { width:  91.66%; }
      .col-s-12   { width: 100%;    }

     | Medium devices                (landscape tablets, 768px and up) |
    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
      .col-m-1    { width:   8.33%; }
      .col-m-2    { width:  16.66%; }
      .col-m-3    { width:  25%;    }
      .col-m-4    { width:  33.33%; }
      .col-m-5    { width:  41.66%; }
      .col-m-6    { width:  50%;    }
      .col-m-7    { width:  58.33%; }
      .col-m-8    { width:  66.66%; }
      .col-m-9    { width:  75%;    }
      .col-m-10   { width:  83.33%; }
      .col-m-11   { width:  91.66%; }
      .col-m-12   { width: 100%;    }

     | Large devices                  (laptops/desktops, 992px and up) |
    @media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {
      .col-l-1    { width:   8.33%; }
      .col-l-2    { width:  16.66%; }
      .col-l-3    { width:  25%;    }
      .col-l-4    { width:  33.33%; }
      .col-l-5    { width:  41.66%; }
      .col-l-6    { width:  50%;    }
      .col-l-7    { width:  58.33%; }
      .col-l-8    { width:  66.66%; }
      .col-l-9    { width:  75%;    }
      .col-l-10   { width:  83.33%; }
      .col-l-11   { width:  91.66%; }
      .col-l-12   { width: 100%;    }

     | Extra large devices (large laptops and desktops, 1200px and up) |
    @media only screen and (min-width:1200px) {
      .col-xl-1   { width:   8.33%; }
      .col-xl-2   { width:  16.66%; }
      .col-xl-3   { width:  25%;    }
      .col-xl-4   { width:  33.33%; }
      .col-xl-5   { width:  41.66%; }
      .col-xl-6   { width:  50%;    }
      .col-xl-7   { width:  58.33%; }
      .col-xl-8   { width:  66.66%; }
      .col-xl-9   { width:  75%;    }
      .col-xl-10  { width:  83.33%; }
      .col-xl-11  { width:  91.66%; }
      .col-xl-12  { width: 100%;    }

    /* The syntax inside the square brackets is a CSS selector for any HTML element
       whose class begins with (that's what the *= operator means) "col-". */
    [class*="col-"] {
                      float       : left;
                      padding     : 1px    1px    0px   0px;
                        /*          top  right bottom  left */

    .row::after     {
                      clear       : both;
                      display     : table;

    /* ================================
     * Styles specific to this web page
     * ================================

    /* Just as a reminder,
       #foo selects the single HTML element with id="foo",
       .foo selects any HTML element with class="foo",
       foo  selects any HTML element with tag <foo>

       fee fie foo (with the above decorations) selects any foo inside a fie inside a fee

    /* If you see the #Main background-color it is either because
       nothing was placed there, or what is there allows #Main to bleed through. */
    #Main                   {
                              background-color : Orange;
                              margin     : 0;

    /* If you see the .item background-color it could be padding (if .item padding is not 0px),
       or it could be that the .item content is text.  Note that if .item margin is not 0px,
       the margin is transparent and displays whatever is in the parent of the .item in that
       region, and this behavior can not be overridden. */
    .item                   {
                              background-color : Cyan;
                              margin      : 0;
                              border      : 1px Solid Black;
                              padding     : 0px !important;

    /* A figure inside .item is intended in this script to be just a container for its content,
       desired to contribute nothing extra to the layout. */ 
    .item figure            {
                              margin      : 0;
                              border      : none;
                              padding     : 0;
    /* But figcaption inside figure is white text on a darker background. FWIW on my system
       the rendered text font is the first one in the list below, Open Sans. */
    .item figure figcaption {
                              font-family : "Open Sans","Lucida Sans Unicode",Verdana,Tahoma,"DejaVu Sans",sans-serif;
                              font-size   : 12pt;
                              font-weight : normal;
                              text-align  : center;
                              background-color : SaddleBrown;
                              color       : White;

    /* Finally, img inside figure has a gray ridged border, but with no margin outside the border
       and no padding inside the border.  If the image native size is less than the width of the
       responsive web column, it is enlarged to 100% of that, but if exceeds the width of the
       responsive web column it is shrunk to 100% of that.  The height of the image is auto adjusted
       up or down to preserve the image native proportions. */
    .item figure img        {
                              margin      : 0;
                              border      : 5px Ridge Gray;
                              padding     : 0;
                              width       : 100%;
                              max-width   : 100%;
                              height      : auto;

  <div id="Main" class="col-12 col-s-12 col-m-12 col-l-12 col-xl-12">

           <!--     xs       s       m       l       xl -->
           <!--   1/row   2/row   3/row   4/row   4/row -->
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <figcaption>#4 &mdash; Tall</figcaption>
          <img src="">
          <!-- Actually, the #4 img native size isn't tall, it's narrow.
               So, when the renderer increases its width, it also auto
               increases its height, to preserve the native proportions. -->
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">
      <div class="item col-12 col-s-6 col-m-4 col-l-3 col-xl-3">
          <img src="">


