incubator-doris [Bug] partition's storage medium change from HDD back to SSD after FE restart

sq1bmfud  于 2022-04-22  发布在  Java

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  • I had searched in the issues and found no similar issues.



What's Wrong?

Before FE restart, the storage medium of partitions are HDD, but after restart, all storage medium are change to SSD,
and the cooldown time is 9999-12-31 12:59:59.

This bug will result in all data migration to the SSD disk.

What You Expected?

Not changed

How to Reproduce?

  1. Set FE config: default_storage_medium="SSD".
  2. create a table with multi partition, and set storage medium and cooldown time.
  3. wait for some partition to change from SSD to HDD
  4. restart FE, and you may see that the storage medium change from HDD back to SSD.

Anything Else?

  • No response*

Are you willing to submit PR?

  • Yes I am willing to submit a PR!

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