incubator-doris [Bug] Can not hit rollup when using subquery.

j2cgzkjk  于 2022-04-22  发布在  Java

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  • I had searched in the issues and found no similar issues.


Palo 0.14.13

What's Wrong?

select equipment_number,package_date, max(package_time) package_time from c_original_data_t group by equi

can hit rollup, but the following sql can't:

explain select count(package_date) from (select equipment_number,package_date, max(package_time) package_time from c_original_data_t group by equi
pment_number,package_date) a group by package_date;

What You Expected?

the 2 sql can both hit rollup.

How to Reproduce?

  • No response*

Anything Else?

CREATE TABLE c_original_data_t
    `package_time` bigint ,
    `package_date` int ,
    `equipment_number` VARCHAR(64) ,
    `receive_time` bigint ,
    `ip` VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '',
    `data` VARCHAR(10000) DEFAULT ''
DUPLICATE KEY(package_time, package_date,equipment_number,receive_time)
DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`equipment_number`) BUCKETS 32
    "replication_num" = "2"

create materialized view mv_c_original_data_t1 as select equipment_number,package_date, max(package_time) from c_original_data_t group by equipment_number,package_date;

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