chameleon cml -v 命令不生效

mnemlml8  于 2022-10-20  发布在  其他

window10 安装chameleon后命令不生效
C:\Users\caoxc>npm -v

C:\Users\caoxc>npm i -g chameleon-tool
C:\FCD\caoxc\devApplication\android\node\nodejs\node_global\cml -> C:\FCD\caoxc\devApplication\android\node\nodejs\node_global\node_modules\chameleon-tool\chameleon.js
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\chameleon-tool\node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

  • chameleon-tool@1.0.6

updated 1 package in 15.211s

C:\Users\caoxc>cml -v
'cml' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序

C:\Users\caoxc>node -v




node 版本试下 8.10.0 ~11 之间的 , 14 版本的node太高了



window10 安装chameleon后命令不生效
C:\Users\caoxc>npm -v

C:\Users\caoxc>npm i -g chameleon-tool
C:\FCD\caoxc\devApplication\android\node\nodejs\node_global\cml -> C:\FCD\caoxc\devApplication\android\node\nodejs\node_global\node_modules\chameleon-tool\chameleon.js
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\chameleon-tool\node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

  • chameleon-tool@1.0.6

updated 1 package in 15.211s

C:\Users\caoxc>cml -v
'cml' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序

C:\Users\caoxc>node -v




node 版本试下 8.10.0 ~11 之间的 , 14 版本的node太高了

C:\Users\caoxc>node -v

C:\Users\caoxc>npm -v

C:\Users\caoxc>npm config get cache

C:\Users\caoxc>npm i -g chameleon-tool
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] webpack-bundle-analyzer has the following vulnerability: 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] yargs-parser has the following vulnerability: 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] yargs-parser has the following vulnerability: 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] acorn has the following vulnerability: 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] acorn has the following vulnerability: 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] set-value has the following vulnerability: 1 high. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] tunnel-agent has the following vulnerability: 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] js-yaml has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] js-yaml has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] js-yaml has the following vulnerabilities: 1 high, 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] set-value has the following vulnerability: 1 high. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] serialize-javascript has the following vulnerability: 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] minimist has the following vulnerability: 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] yargs-parser has the following vulnerability: 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] mem has the following vulnerability: 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] minimist has the following vulnerability: 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] handlebars has the following vulnerabilities: 1 critical, 4 high, 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] mixin-deep has the following vulnerability: 1 high. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] minimist has the following vulnerability: 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] elliptic has the following vulnerability: 1 high. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash.merge has the following vulnerability: 1 high. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash has the following vulnerabilities: 2 high, 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] kind-of has the following vulnerability: 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] cryptiles has the following vulnerability: 1 high. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] hoek has the following vulnerability: 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] tar has the following vulnerability: 1 high. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] acorn has the following vulnerability: 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] eslint-utils has the following vulnerability: 1 critical. Go here for more details: - Run npm i npm@latest -g to upgrade your npm version, and then npm audit to get more info.
C:\FCD\caoxc\devApplication\android\node\nodejs\node_global\cml -> C:\FCD\caoxc\devApplication\android\node\nodejs\node_global\node_modules\chameleon-tool\chameleon.js
uglifyjs-webpack-plugin@0.4.6 postinstall C:\FCD\caoxc\devApplication\android\node\nodejs\node_global\node_modules\chameleon-tool\node_modules\uglifyjs-webpack-plugin
node lib/post_install.js

npm WARN rollback Rolling back node-pre-gyp@0.10.0 failed (this is probably harmless): EPERM: operation not permitted, rmdir 'C:\FCD\caoxc\devApplication\android\node\nodejs\node_global\node_modules\chameleon-tool\node_modules\fsevents\node_modules'
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\chameleon-tool\node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

  • chameleon-tool@1.0.6

added 1869 packages in 109.458s

C:\Users\caoxc>cml -v
'cml' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序




先 npm uninstall chameleon-tool -g
然后在 npm install chameleon-tool -g 试试吧

